2014 FLASHBACK: The Importance of Ukraine from an Intelligence Contact

Hagmann P.I.
December 23, 2019
2014 FLASHBACK: The Importance of Ukraine from an Intelligence Contact

By Douglas J. Hagmann

The ongoing coup against President Donald Trump has pivoted from Russia to Ukraine, as information about events taking place inside and surrounding Ukraine, former Vice-President Joseph Biden, Hunter Biden, and pay-to-play operations are gradually being made known to the American public. This “open secret,” however, has an even darker history that’s related to the “Arab Spring,” the attacks in Benghazi, and the “President Hillary Clinton War Plan” that was interrupted with the election of President Trump. 

I first published this report on July 24, 2014 – five-and-a-half years ago – based, in part, on information I received from a source with contacts inside the intelligence community. The “blowback” I received for publishing this article was more intense than I expected. In consideration of the headlines today, and the limited understanding by most people in the West about Ukraine, the larger plan for global conflict, and the relevance of Ukraine today, I decided to revisit and update my report. The following is the report published on July 24, 2014, with a few important updates. It proves that the information provided by my source with IC contacts was dead-on accurate. Additionally, I believe that it proves that a Hillary Clinton Presidency would have led the US – and the world – into their desired outcome of global conflict.   

Readers who followed my many reports exposing the truth about the September 11, 2012 attack of the CIA compound in Benghazi that killed four Americans have witnessed the painfully slow process of that truth gradually evolving into the mainstream, validating my information and source. I noted then and note now that we have witnessed the painfully slow process of various truths that gradually evolved into the mainstream, validating my information and source.

From beginning to end, the West, and particularly Americans, were lied to about nearly every aspect of the United States involvement, specifically under Barack Hussein Obama and the Hillary Clinton Department of State, in Libya, Syria and the entirety of the “Arab Spring” in the Middle East. These lies were deliberately advanced by a captured corporate media adherent to the same ideological bias as the Renegade-in-Chief – Barack Hussein Obama – and his staff of co-conspirators, combined with colluding pseudo-Conservative Republicans in Congress and their sycophants in the media to keep the truth from the American public.

The plain and simple truth that few are willing to address publicly is that we were being led into World War III by globalists who are busily setting fires to the geopolitical dry tinder spread across the Middle East, North Africa and now Ukraine to create a global conflagration. World War III needs to happen at any cost, and the environment is such that the slightest misstep, mistake or event by design could ignite a global conflict that will change the world forever. It’s just that simple.

Myopia of World Affairs

Those who dutifully watch the network news channels, listen to political talk radio or read the analysis of political and news pundits in print will fall perilously short of understanding the bigger picture of world events. We are watching a target-rich environment of increasingly dire headlines, each seemingly fundamentally different and unrelated. A more extensive investigation into each event, however, suggests otherwise. World events, despite their geographical distance and categorical differences, do not happen in a vacuum. The world superpowers are actively engaged in asymmetrical warfare by proxy. War by proxy, however, could change in an instant. We’re already seeing countries choosing sides in the coming global conflict.

It is admittedly difficult to understand how an invasion of illegal aliens is related to events taking place in North and West Africa and Ukraine, for example. Nonetheless, it is symptomatic of our myopic affliction that is exacerbated by the constant barrage of lies coming from our leaders and parroted by analysts, intellectuals, pundits and “experts” who ultimately work for the globalists. Others, perhaps, merely cannot see beyond the fictitious political paradigm or choose not to stray beyond their comfort zone of normalcy. Regardless of the affliction or reason, it’s time that we all address what is taking place as adults, as things are about to become deadly serious for each of us.

U.S., Russia, Syria, and Ukraine

Veiled by the dust cloud of the Arab Spring that has been shown to be planned, orchestrated and carried out in large part by Western intelligence interests spearheaded by a rogue criminal cabal of globalists led by the Renegade-in-Chief and his co-conspirators, the world watched as Hillary Rodham Clinton could not contain her glee that Libyan leader Gadaffi has been toppled and murdered.

That set in motion the creation of the largest international arms running operation in the Middle East in violation of U.S. and international law. Working in tandem with the British, French, Qataris and other countries advancing a Saudi agenda, hundreds of tons of arms shipments were being ferried from Libya to strategic staging areas near the Syrian border, including sites in Turkey.

The target was then and now (by the globalists) continues to be Syria. Warnings from Russia failed to slow or stop this agenda of taking out Assad and infusing Syria into the growing transnational Islamic Caliphate. Turkey, a vital member of NATO seemed to be caught “between Iraq and a hard place,” as the Saudi-backed West plans for reshaping the Middle East used that nation as a staging area to arm the otherwise impotent anti-Assad rebels with better equipment and manpower.

Perhaps that was the reason for the meeting between U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and the Turkish representative at the villa in Benghazi. Perhaps it was to convey the message that Putin would no longer tolerate the deliberate destabilization inside Syria, which holds both economic and militarily strategic advantages for Russia. Yet, the process of Western-backed destabilization continues, although not in the manner that was initially intended.

As I previously noted based on information from my intelligence source, the rebels were to be eventually aided by NATO under a convoluted pretext of protecting the refugees and victims of this “spontaneous” civil war in Syria. Attempts to overtly intervene in Syria by Saudi-backed Western interests were attempted at least four separate times, yet each time the plans were thwarted and exposed. Alternate plans had to be implemented.

Today (in 2014), we see U.S. equipped and Western-backed ISIS, the most insanely ruthless Islamic war machine opening a new front against Syria. This was not by accident but by design, as the U.S. military virtually handed over the keys to the arms depots and vehicles left in Iraq. In addition to the retaking of Iraq city by city, Syria is next on their march in the larger scheme to build a Caliphate across the region. All of this is taking place with the imprimatur of Barack Hussein Obama, who by all appearances, seems to be a foreign asset of the Saudi royals. (2019 Note: This policy would have been further advanced by a Hillary Clinton Presidency, but was stopped by President Trump). Perhaps now those who had the audacity to vilify patriotic Americans who dared question his undocumented origins, bona fides and ultimately, his allegiance should consider the last six years.

With the Middle East in flames (in 2014) and as we stand at the precipice of global conflict, it is beyond the time that we should know to whom the Renegade-in-Chief answers, for it is certainly not the American people. Nor is it the Syrian people, where the Western-backed support of the rebels has caused over a quarter of a million deaths millions of refugees.

Against that backdrop, is it not clear that we are fully engaged in an all-out proxy war against Russia, from Syria and now to Ukraine? For it is a similar template used in Syria that we see in Ukraine.

As we are being fed a steady diet of misinformation about Ukraine and Russia, specifically about [the 2014] downing of two Ukrainian fighter jets, perhaps now would be a good time to ask a simple, but critically important question:

Is it possible, since Russia has one of the most extensive satellite and radar systems covering every inch of Ukraine and surrounding areas, that the fighter jets might very well be NATO assets, piloted by NATO pilots, and taking off from NATO airfields, maybe from places like Azerbaijan? How might such a revelation change the perception of world events, should it become known that NATO and other Western interests area behind the recent escalation?

Do not make the mistake of considering Libya, Syria and Ukraine as different crime scenes with different motives and suspects. At most, they can be considered as primary and secondary crime scenes, but the motives and bloody fingerprints of the usual globalist suspects are common to them all.

Like misanthropic serial killers, they will not stop until they’ve accomplished their objectives of the wholesale slaughter of a misled and myopic and population.

As stated by my intelligence source, this entire situation contains all of the elements that could result in things getting out of control very, very quickly. It’s time to lose the blinders, stop accepting the official narratives and abbreviated sound bites, and understand that our very existence is at stake.

HAGMANN P.I. (Doug Hagmann)
Private Investigator for over 35 years. TV Host, Radio Host and Author.

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