A Warning About The 2020 Election – A Color Revolution is Underway

Hagmann P.I.
October 2, 2020
A Warning About The 2020 Election – A Color Revolution is Underway

“Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.” — Barack Hussein Obama

By Douglas J. Hagmann 

I type this knowing that it will appear in the last issue going to print before the November general election, and many situations are changing daily, if not hourly. If you thought things were uncertain on Monday, Friday has brought even more uncertainty. We can expect this process to repeat even beyond the election, especially if the Leftist insurgents who have infested our government agencies have their way.

Marine One just transported President Trump to Walter Reed Military Medical Center after he reportedly tested positive for COVID late yesterday, a fact he confirmed in an early morning message on Twitter. His wife also tested positive as did White House Communications Director and travel companion to the President, Hope Hicks. Although it is uncertain how this will impact the scheduled debates and the campaign in general, one can be sure that the Socialists and Communists of the Left will do everything they can to exploit this situation to advance their coup.

About three hours after the 1:00 am Friday tweet, I spoke with a federal officer employed by an alphabet agency and presently based inside the beltway. His position gives him a unique front-row view of certain events taking place around him. I met him on September 12, 2001, and know him well enough to appreciate that he does not alarm easily or often, which is why I was troubled by his early morning phone call.

This source told me what I already knew, or at least suspected: The Left intends to take control of the United States regardless of the election outcome. A “color revolution” is underway against the Republic, a premise recently discussed by Glen Beck in a series of videos he did under various titles, including “The Left’s Election Night War Game.” Consistent with Mr. Beck’s analysis, my source stated that the Deep State members are planning for two scenarios. The first scenario is that they regain power on election night using any means necessary, including not conceding defeat. The second is simply having their army “burn it all down,” meaning America and our way of life.

Before you dismiss either scenario as hyperbole, doom, or conspiracy nonsense, consider that members of the Deep State Left have already met and “war-gamed” election-night scenarios to accomplish their objectives. Members of the Obama administration and the US State Department wrote the playbook for what we’ve already seen over the last four years and are directing the election night chaos that is being currently planned.

Specifically, the tactics that resulted from these table-top exercises are outlined in a document titled Preventing a Disrupted Presidential Election and Transition, dated August 3, 2020, and produced by the Transition Integrity Project. This supposedly non-partisan (or bipartisan) organization was founded by Rosa Brooks, a Pentagon employee from 2009 to 2011, and an employee of George Soros. The list of participants includes journalists, social media and tech leaders, and members of numerous government agencies. The list of participants reads like a “whos-who” of Deep State denizens.

The tactics of the Left are also outlined in a 26-page document titled Indivisible: A Practical Guide For Resisting the Trump Agenda. This document was published on March 9, 2017, or just two months after President Trump assumed office and was produced by a similar list of Deep State operatives led by Barack Hussein Obama. The conclusion highlights the following quote: “Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.” — President Barack Obama.

The purpose of the early morning telephone call I received was to tell me to pay very close attention to the information contained in the two documents identified above, as many of the tactics outlined are being conducted by the Left right now. Also, expect chaos and confusion on election night, with the Left, led by Nancy Pelosi and others in the background, will attempt to nullify the electoral process. He asked me to warn everyone of the plots, plans, and schemes that are playing out behind the scenes to advance this “Constitutional usurpation” as detailed in those two documents and correctly identified by Glen Beck.

Lastly, he asked me to pray for him and others like him, who are doing everything they can to stop this “color revolution.”

The confines of space prohibit further analysis of the impact of the plans by the Socialists, Communists and other radical Leftists embedded within our government. Therefore, I urge you to read the documents identified above, watch Mr. Becks’ videos while you still can, and prepare for the chaos on and after election night 2020.

Prepare. Pray.

HAGMANN P.I. (Doug Hagmann)
Private Investigator for over 35 years. TV Host, Radio Host and Author.

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