As if anyone needed another example of the tyranny behind the Biden-Obama-WEF-Xi regime, this is indeed a big one. The Communist Biden regime sent armed US Marshals to raid and shut down an Amish farm in the small community of Bird in the Hand, PA, where Amos Miller, an Amish farmer, and owner of Miller’s Organic Farm – refuses to use pesticides, fertilizer, or even gasoline to operate his farm. The Miller farm produces and sells organic meat, dairy, and eggs to consumers on a membership basis.
The members are happy and healthy, eating fresh and unprocessed beef, cheese, and drinking unprocessed milk, which, of course, has raised the ire of the globalist scumbags who want us to eat bugs and “embrace the suck” of their insane nanny-state, fake meat, and bug eating agenda.
WATCH: Here is Tucker Carlson interviewinig Jeremy Loffredo, a reporter for Rebel News, about the issue:
Tucker Carlson makes a great point here. Apparently, none of the federal agents declined to raid the dangerous farm based on principle…
You can pry the unprocessed meat, cheese and milk from my cold, dead hands.
READ: RELATED (MUST READ): Drink Your Vaccines: China Successfully “Immunizes” Mice With mRNA-Loaded Cow’s Milk
READ: This report from The Epoch Times:
“Not only does he not use pesticides, herbicides, and GMO seeds, but he also doesn’t rely on gasoline or fertilizer. In other words, as Rebel News points out, his bottom line is not affected by the war between Ukraine and Russia, which has not been the experience of others who don’t farm like Miller.“
The Epoch Times