Diamond & Silk Righteously Rain Fire & Brimstone on Congress

Hagmann P.I.
April 30, 2018
Diamond & Silk Righteously Rain Fire & Brimstone on Congress

By Douglas J. Hagmann | Published at Canada Free Press

Every single thinking American owes Diamond & Silk an enormous debt of gratitude for providing their testimony before the House Judiciary Committee last Thursday. Internet sensations Lynnette Hardaway and Rochelle Richardson, known respectively by their Internet personas as “Diamond & Silk,” provided clear, concise and indisputable testimony, under oath, that substantiates widespread claims that the social network platforms Facebook and YouTube are actively engaged in censoring anyone who is promoting President Donald Trump and his “Make America Great Again” agenda.

In a hearing titled “Filtering Practices of Social Media Platforms,” Diamond & Silk testified about their experience with the social media monopoly Facebook as being labeled “unsafe to the community” to deliberately obtuse congressional members such as Shelia Jackson-Lee (D-TX) and Hank Johnson (D-GA).

The visceral hatred of President Donald Trump and by extension, his supporters was on full and undeniable display during this hearing. The blatant contempt for Diamond & Silk was overtly illustrated by the dismissiveness and condescension exhibited by some members of Congress to these invited guests.

Instead of being shown even the most basic level of appreciation for their voluntary testimony about a critically important issue that impacts every American, ranking Democrats were demeaning and disrespectful. Representative Hank Johnson even shamefully suggested that their appearance before Congress was a tactic to raise their public profiles to increase their income.

Meanwhile, Representative Sheila Jackson-Lee spent her allotted time trying (unsuccessfully) to prove that Diamond & Silk were being untruthful in their testimony; first, pertaining to a timeline of events regarding notifications by Facebook, then regarding a legitimate travel reimbursement by the Trump campaign. When both accusations failed miserably against the well documented, factual and very precise testimony provided by Diamond & Silk, the exasperated Sheila Jackson-Lee resorted to “lecturing” the witnesses about their decorum before Congress. Viewing the exchange, it is obvious that Sheila Jackson-Lee should have been the recipient of any such admonishment.

To add further insult, Representative Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) audaciously asserted that Diamond & Silk could be subjected to perjury charges.

Amid all of the absurd accusations and attacks levied against them, Diamond & Silk served all Americans, regardless of political affiliation, most adeptly as witnesses and ambassadors for the truth regarding political censorship and the First Amendment rights of all citizens.

We can and should take pride in the proficiency of Diamond & Silk proving before Congress and all of America, through their testimony under oath, that pro-Trump, pro-Constitutional Conservatives and Christian Conservatives individuals and groups are being actively targeted for censorship across the largest of social networks – including and especially Facebook and YouTube. However, the issue of censoring the pro-Trump Conservatives and agenda continues unabated. In fact, it is getting worse.

Silencing Pro-Trump Political Candidates

Just as Diamond & Silk previously appeared on The Hagmann Report, so too did Republican Conservative and pro-Trump candidate for the U.S. Senate Erin Cruz. Ms. Cruz is running against longtime Democratic Senator Diane Feinstein in California.


Last week, Ms. Cruz announced on her Twitter feed that she was informed by Facebook that she was being temporarily suspended for allegedly violating community guidelines in a post she reportedly wrote two-years ago. This ban reportedly impacted her Senate Facebook page as well as her personal pages just weeks before the June 5th primary.


Media Reaction & Bias

Following the testimony of Diamond & Silk before the House Judiciary Committee last week, the mainstream media reported their appearance in less-than-flattering terms. A search of news sites indexed by Google showed a prominent bias against the prominent social media political commentators and unsurprisingly, against President Donald Trump.

It is here that we again see the absolute visceral hatred of President Donald Trump, as the corporate mass media reported in lock-step that Diamond & Silk were indeed paid by his Presidential campaign and therefore, guilty of lying to Congress. At issue in this instance is the alleged reimbursement of $1,274.94 (for airfare) previously referenced by Sheila Jackson-Lee. Now consider this uber-aggressive approach against Diamond & Silk against the backdrop of testimony provided to Congress by various FBI and DoJ officials involved in the Russian “collusion” investigation by some of the very same “journalists.”

The news coverage is also in stark contrast with that of Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, who had the appearance of a lost schoolboy during much of his Congressional testimony.  Zuckerberg, who was not under oath during his testimony, asserted that designating Diamond & Silk as “unsafe for the community” was merely a “technical error.”

Obviously, the media has no interest in questioning the technical errors that appear to plague only those individuals or groups who promote or favor President Donald Trump and conservative ideology. In fact, one “news” outlet that did address this issue managed to “discredit and debunk” the censorship of pro-Trump conservatives on Facebook by using data furnished by… (wait for it)… Facebook. 

Free Speech is Under Attack

The fact that our God-given rights as detailed in the First Amendment are under attack by the Liberal Left and the anti-Trump crowd can no longer be denied. It strains credulity to accept the asinine explanation that labelling Diamond & Silk “unsafe for the community” was a technical error. We are seeing too many instances of the deliberate censorship of pro-Trump conservatives across the social networks.

As I’ve previously noted, shadow banning, target algorithms, manipulation of search results, de-listing and demonetization are just some of the tactics being used by those who want to censor conservative opinion. Soon, it will be the outright prohibition and criminalization of all speech that fails to conform with the ideology of the political Left.

Our freedom of speech is unquestionably under attack. We must not remain silent. We must fight against the tyranny of the political Left to protect our liberties. If we don’t do it now, it is unlikely that we’ll have another chance.

We can win on the numbers alone. Together, we must stand up and speak out, stronger and louder than ever before. We must refuse to be silenced, stand in solidarity with Diamond & Silk while supporting each other as we fight against the Liberal Left’s constant assaults on our God-given rights. We must not be constrained by their rules, for they certainly aren’t.

We must win for the sake of our nation, the free world, and if not for our sake, for our children and future generations.

We will not be silenced.

Diamond & Silk are scheduled to appear on The Hagmann Report on Monday, April 30, 2018 to discuss their Congressional testimony and how they plan to move forward in these hostile times. The Hagmann Report is broadcast live Monday-Friday from 7:00-10:00 PM ET on The Globalstar Satellite Radio Network, BlogTalk Radio and YouTube.

HAGMANN P.I. (Doug Hagmann)
Private Investigator for over 35 years. TV Host, Radio Host and Author.

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