Witness intimidation is against the law unless it’s the US government that is doing the intimidation. At exactly the same time journalist Matt Taibbi was testifying before the House Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government on Thursday, March 9, 2023, an agent with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) showed up at his residence. A coincidence? There ARE NO such coincidences.
The IRS agent reportedly left a note instructing Mr. Taibbi to call the IRS four days later. According to an OP-ED in The Wall Street Journal published today, “Mr. Taibbi was told in a call with the agent that both his 2018 and 2021 tax returns had been rejected owing to concerns over identity theft.” It is apparent that the playbook used by Lois Lerner is again operational, and the government is “big mad” that Mr. Taibbi is providing information about the weaponization of the government. A Twitter thread by Dr. Michael Shellenberger, who also provided testimony at that hearing, provides insight:
Why this is not front-page news in every print publication and only merited a page in the opinion section of The Wall Street Journal is obvious: the media is closely collaborating with the Communist cabal embedded in every department of the federal government. From the WSJ piece:
Mr. Taibbi has provoked the ire of Democrats and other journalists for his role in researching Twitter records and then releasing internal communications from the social-media giant that expose its censorship and its contacts with government officials. This effort has already inspired government bullying, with Chair Lina Khan’s Federal Trade Commission targeting new Twitter owner Elon Musk and demanding the company “identify all journalists” granted access to the Twitter files.
The above video from the March 9th hearing is two-and-a-half hours long, but it is well worth watching. The war being waged by those in power against individuals – real journalists – who are exposing their Communist tactics is very clear.