Hearing voices in your head? It might not be your imagination after all

Hagmann P.I.
September 13, 2013
Hearing voices in your head? It might not be your imagination after all

By Douglas J. Hagmann

I stubbornly refused to believe it at first, although I’ve seen it firsthand on a couple of occasions during my career as a professional investigator spanning nearly three decades. “Someone’s trying to make me look and sound like a nut, or actually drive me crazy,” was the common thread of the complaints I heard on those rare occasions.

Well, they doing a great job of it, I would think to myself, as I patiently listened to their plight but ultimately declined to become involved with their cases. “We work only for corporations, not individuals.” That was the standard and truthful explanation my partner at the time or I would give to the complainants, and often contact one of their family members of close friends out of concern for their mental health. Had I known then what I know now, I suspect my response would have been quite different.

World of the bizarre

The allegations I heard were bizarre to say the very least, from people allegedly entering the victims’ homes where they rearranged some of the furniture, leaving the milk out on the counter, and even making it appear that someone had been sleeping in their beds. In retrospect, there was an eerie similarity between their stories. Nothing was ever stolen or damaged, and there were no signs of forced entry. But someone, or some people, were trying to make them believe they were crazy, and make them sound crazy to others. Knowing what I know today, I’m somewhat ashamed to say that it worked well on me.

A memorable case

I recall one woman sitting across from me in our offices. It was the spring of 1988, well before the technological explosion where everyone had ‘smart’ phones or even computers as we know them today. She was referred to us by a well-respected corporate client who asked us to see her as a favor to him. Knowing her situation but not believing her claims, he thought we’d be able to ‘reason’ with her, and possibly nudge her into seeking mental health treatment. I lost the coin flip with Jim, my partner, and cleared my schedule to meet her.

She arrived at our office promptly at the appointed time. I was immediately struck by her appearance, recalling that she could have been a body double for actress Theresa Saldana at that time. She was in her late thirties, well-educated, articulate, and employed as a medical transcriptionist at a local hospital. Aside from being divorced for over five years, she had no obvious problems in her life, and seemed content with her lifestyle. She was childless and lived alone, and had no known enemies or anything in her life that I could identify as a cause for what she was about to tell me. She was not seeking medical or mental treatment for any known maladies, and did not drink outside of the occasional office parties. She denied using medication or street drugs and certainly gave no indication of such.

She began by stating that several months prior to our meeting, she noticed people following her by car and on foot. She would see the same people at various locations, well beyond anything coincidental. While she did her best to get the license plate numbers of those alleged ‘stalkers,’ she was either unable to, or the plates were deliberately obscured by various means. Once, she called 9-1-1 while being followed, although her ‘stalkers’ had successfully evaded the patrol cars dispatched to her location. She provided me with the police incident number and a basic description of the vehicles, but little else.

After that encounter, her ‘stalkers’ reportedly became more aggressive, occasionally stopping on her driveway and briefly shining the high beam headlights into the lower first-floor windows, leaving as suddenly as they arrived. I suggested that it could be a person simply lost and looking for an address, but she explained that these activities took place several times during the course of a week, at random times of the evening and night. She insisted that the actions were deliberate, but I was far from convinced.

What finally brought her into my office left me wondering whether this woman was indeed crazy. She claimed that within the last month, odd things began to happen inside of her house, things that she was at a loss to explain.

Upon returning home from work one late afternoon, she noticed that some of her furniture was moved in her living room. A couch and chair, a table and floor lamp had been moved a few feet from their normal positions, yet nothing was taken. She thought about calling the police, but what was she going to tell them?

On yet another occasion, she returned to her immaculately maintained home after work to find a pint of ice cream she recently purchased was left on the kitchen counter, almost – but not quite – completely melted. Additionally, a head of lettuce was placed in her freezer.

For a period of several days, similar anomalies continued. The bedspread was turned down, despite her routine of making her bed every morning. Lamps that she rarely used were turned on throughout the house, her stereo and television were tuned on as well, and an unopened bag of cat litter appeared on her counter. The list of oddities, each well-documented, seemed as endless as they were bizarre. Why? What could possibly be the motive?

By the end of our meeting, I was nearly as confused as she was, wondering myself whether she was doing these things to herself as a cry for attention or whether these things could actually be happening. As a favor to our client, I decided to investigate a bit, although refused to take any money for our efforts to avoid any accusation of taking advantage of someone who might need a psychiatrist more than and investigator. Losing the coin toss gave me that right, I reasoned, anticipating the objections of my partner.

I started my investigation in the low-tech arena, using old-school techniques at first to determine whether there were indeed unauthorized entries being made to her home. I conducted surveillance of the residence, seeing nothing out of the ordinary. I made it a point not to tell her the days or times of my surveillance and used different assets and locations for greater chances of success. On those days, however, she reported being followed during her lunch hour. When I instead opted to conduct surveillance of her without her knowledge, she reported oddities at her home rather than being harassed or stalked. I verified those ‘oddities,’ but because I did not inform her of my activities, I could not verify if she was the cause of the issues at her residence.

There were many more odd events that seemed to victimize this woman. I could list them, but by now, I believe you get the idea and certainly don’t want to put ideas in the heads of others. These events seemed designed to push this woman into the abyss of insanity, or at least convince others that she was deeply disturbed.

Troubled, and without the woman’s knowledge, I asked for assistance from my partner to cover all of our bases. Shortly afterward, all abnormal activity seemed to stop as quickly as it began. My partner and I were quite perplexed to say the least.

Gone with the wind

Just as my partner and I were about to ramp up our investigation, the woman appeared unannounced in our office with the news that she quit her job earlier that day and was moving to a different city. This once strong-willed professional woman appeared ‘broken,’ and stated that she could not take it anymore. In just a few short weeks, she had lost a noticeable amount of weight, and appeared frail and psychologically beaten. Despite our efforts to get her to reconsider her plans and our reassurances to get to the bottom of what was happening to her, she left our office and two days later, our city.

During the weeks that followed, the woman and her case was a ‘hot topic’ of conversation between my partner Jim and myself. Ultimately, we decided that she was someone who needed psychiatric care, counseling, or some type of professional treatment we were unable to offer. We moved on to other cases, gradually forgetting about this Theresa Saldana look-alike. It was not until the fall of 1989, when we read her obituary in the newspaper, did the subject arise again. She passed away from “natural causes” at the age of 42, at least according to the newspaper. We were stunned, but continued to believe that she was severely troubled.

A ‘test subject?”

My investigative partner Jim has since passed away, and I had given this case little thought – until this past Wednesday. We interviewed Dr. John Hall, a medical doctor in San Antonio, Texas, and the author of A New Breed: Satellite Terrorism in America. He is a board certified diplomat of the American Board of Anesthesiology and a member of the American Academy of Pain Medicine. He is also an active member of the Mind Science Foundation dedicated to the study of human consciousness. He sits on the medical committee of the human rights organization, Freedom from Covert Harassment and Surveillance. He is highly credentialed and certainly not someone to dismiss.

Dr. Hall discussed his work (and documented findings) with victims of electronic harassment, stalking, and mind control and how CIA/NSA technology is being used to track and intimidate random people for testing purposes. Typical cases involve intentional stalking and break-ins to a home, and have evolved with technology to include the use of electromagnetic technologies that can even cause a victim to hear voices inside their head. Additionally, female victims are often drugged and sexually assaulted.

But why? Who is behind this alleged insanity?

Dr. Hall concluded that some type of rogue CIA/NSA program exists and is being used as an experiment on random subjects to test how the population can be controlled in various ways. He recently attended the Bioethics Commission, and presented evidence that electromagnetic weapons experimentation was taking place non-consensually.

Looking back at the case of the young woman who had pleaded with us for help, could she have been a victim of this very program? Fact, it seems, is much more bizarre than fiction.

The voices you hear in your head? Maybe they are real.

To listen to this information-packed interview, click here.

HAGMANN P.I. (Doug Hagmann)
Private Investigator for over 35 years. TV Host, Radio Host and Author.

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