It’s the International Health Regulations (IHR) Amendments – Not the Treaty- That Pose the Danger

Hagmann P.I.
March 7, 2023
It’s the International Health Regulations (IHR) Amendments – Not the Treaty- That Pose the Danger

Many people are discussing the dangers that the World Health Organization (WHO) treaty poses to America’s national sovereignty. As detailed by Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D., author of International Health Regulations Amendments Will Give WHO Unprecedented Power to Override National Sovereignty, Expert Warns, it’s not necessarily the treaty that poses the greatest risk. As detailed by Dr. Nevradakis in the above article:

“[S]ome experts warn the public should be more concerned about the proposed IHR amendments — which are more likely to be adopted — as they would give the WHO unprecedented power over national governments and override national sovereignty.”

Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D.

We are getting it wrong. The WHO Pandemic Treaty is the shiny trinket. The proposed amendments, which create a global digital health certificate (an initiative of the European Union), represent the threat to our freedom. As noted by the AP “fact-checked” claims that the pandemic treaty endangers national sovereignty, the treaty itself “does not overrule any nation’s ability to pass individual pandemic-related policies” and “does not overrule any nations’ individual health or domestic policies.” Okay, fine, let’s stipulate to that assertion. What about the IHR that has was first enacted in 1969, and exists in its current form since 2005? Those are conveniently ignored by AP factcheckers. As explained by Dr. Nevradakis:

IHR amendments a ‘clear and present danger’

According to author and researcher James Roguski, “It seems nearly everyone is having difficulty maintaining clarity between the proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations and the proposed ‘Pandemic Treaty.’”

Roguski, who has extensively researched both proposals, recently wrote on his blog that the “Zero Draft” of the Pandemic Treaty “is a real thing” but is also “a skillfully crafted decoy” designed to draw attention away from the proposed IHR amendments.

He called these amendments — which the WHO’s Working Group on Amendments to the International Health Regulations (2005) discussed on Feb. 20-24 — “a clear and present danger.”

According to Reclaim the Net, the WHO, through the proposed IHR amendments, is “pushing to greatly expand its surveillance powers,” including requiring states “to build “collaborative surveillance networks.”

“The unelected health agency also wants increased influence over the targeting of ‘misinformation’ and ‘disinformation’” via the proposed amendments.

International Health Regulations Amendments Will Give WHO Unprecedented Power to Override National Sovereignty, Expert Warns

Taking place today is the greatest coup – the most significant transfer of power to a group of unelected bureaucrats in the history of the world.

We must fight back. WE MUST NOT COMPLY. We must become ungovernable.

HAGMANN P.I. (Doug Hagmann)
Private Investigator for over 35 years. TV Host, Radio Host and Author.

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