Many Bad Things Are About To Happen

Hagmann P.I.
April 10, 2017
Many Bad Things Are About To Happen

By Douglas J. Hagmann

On October 8, 2012, I wrote a column titled Lemmings.. At the precipice of WWIII that connected the dots between the Arab Spring, Benghazi, Syria and Russia. My report was published ten months before the August 21, 2013 chemical weapons attack in Ghouta that caused the excruciating deaths of an estimated 1500 men, women and children in this eastern suburb of Damascus and four-and-a-half years before the events of last week.

My 2012 report originated from information provided to me by one of two sources within the intelligence community who outlined the “big picture,” from the Arab Spring to Benghazi through the present. The information provided to me then was validated and expanded by a 2016 article titled Death Race Damascus Update and proved correct by the events of last week.

Accordingly, when I am contacted by this or other sources operating at the same level as I was on Saturday, I tend to pay attention. Based on information provided to me during that contact, it was made clear that the Globalist agenda is being ramped up and that their objectives have not changed. Furthermore, unless and until the big picture is understood, it will be difficult to properly contextualize and understand current events.

Excerpted from the 2012 article: “All that is needed now is for a dutiful media to present one image, a video, or some other ‘proof’ that Assad or someone else is using, or has their hands on, unconventional weapons. This will provide the necessary pretext for the U.S. and NATO, to intervene and ramp up the war against Assad.”

Exactly as scripted, that chemical weapons attack took place less than a year after my column was published. Internal pushback within our government, however, caused the reins to be pulled back on any military response in 2013. That pushback originated from the same growing sentiment that ultimately gave rise to a Donald J. Trump Presidential victory.

An “About Face”

On June 15, 2013, Donald Trump tweeted that intervention in Syria would be a serious mistake. Shortly after the 2013 chemical weapons attack in Ghouta, Donald Trump tweeted, on September 5, 2013 “many very bad things will happen” should the U.S. respond militarily.

Today, speculation within the media and by talking heads is rampant about this “about face” of President Trump. Based on the information I received from my intelligence source on Saturday, April 8, 2017, “many bad things” are indeed about to happen. Additionally, very few of the pundits who are either siding with Donald Trump or castigating him about his military response have a clue about what lies ahead.

The reason behind the “about face” of President Trump are beyond the scope and purpose of this report, but will be addressed in future columns.

I would be remiss, however, not to point out that our current world position is the result of a quarter of a century of war and U.S. intervention in the Middle East, beginning in modernity with the “New World Order” dictates of former President George H.W. Bush as we entered “Desert Storm” in 1991.

More recently, eight years of advancing the Islamic agenda by Barack Hussein Obama II, as well as Hillary Rodham Clinton serving as a Muslim Brotherhood operative during her tenure as Secretary of State, the infiltration of our government by Muslim-Globalist-Communists over the last decade, and the growing incursion of Islamists, Socialists and admitted Communists in Congress has softened the backbone of the United States as intended.

Lastly, the parting actions of Barack Hussein Obama II and his assets within the intelligence community and military paved the way for his anticipated successor, Hillary Rodham Clinton, to continue the reshaping the power structure of the Middle East for an Islamic Caliphate at the behest of Saudi Arabia. When the Clinton coronation failed to materialize, Obama instead exacerbated the situation by employing “scorched-earth” tactics within the intelligence agencies and the military hierarchy.

It is also critical for everyone to understand that John McCain, Lindsey Graham and many other high-ranking Republicans have acted in concert with Obama and are continuing their Globalist agenda unmolested.

Asymmetrical Response

The focus of this report is to understand that the response to U.S. intervention and the condemnation at the UN by US Ambassador Nikki Haley by Russia will be asymmetrical at first, patterned after the US actions against the former Soviet Union. The first blow will be to our economy and the US Petrodollar.

Putin remembers well the tactics and fatal blows that brought down the former Soviet Union, and will respond in kind against the United States. This makes sense when it is understood that the US Dollar exists as the world’s reserve currency because of our ability to assure the free flow of oil to the world.

The first target, then, will be the US Dollar and our economy. How this will play out is speculative, but a proxy attack against one of our naval assets to disrupt the flow of oil might be considered.

Further attacks against the US will be by proxy as well, including potential cyber-attacks that also target our financial base and our critical infrastructure.

Blame Game

It was not coincidental that the legitimacy of US President Donald Trump was—and continues to be—attacked by the Progressives and Globalists as he is depicted as an asset of Russia. Obama, working as an obedient operative of the Globalists, and the embedded Globalists themselves have hedged their bets to make certain that the fall of the United States is laid squarely on his lap, rather than at the hands of the enemies within.

Some might call it “misdirected attribution,” a phrase that depicts the tactics of the Deep State that has been exposed by Wikileaks. I prefer to call it what it is: Treason.

To paraphrase Donald Trump from 2013, one thing is certain: Many very bad things are about to happen.

HAGMANN P.I. (Doug Hagmann)
Private Investigator for over 35 years. TV Host, Radio Host and Author.

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