By Douglas J. Hagmann
It is one of the most, if not the most underreported, misreported and mischaracterized story in recent history.
An official investigation conducted by law enforcement officials have concluded that the document known as the Certificate of Live Birth of U.S. President Barack Hussein Obama II, uploaded to and published on the White House website on April 27, 2011 is a fraudulently created document. It is a digitally manufactured forgery.
That is the official and final conclusion of a five-year long investigation performed by the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office, using the expert analysis of a certified document examiner based in Hawaii and a digital forensics laboratory located in Europe. The findings of this investigation were detailed by lead investigator Mike Zullo under the direction of Sheriff Joe Arpaio in a press conference held on December 15, 2016. Additional details were provided in a subsequent two-hour interview with lead investigator Mike Zullo and Carl Gallups on The Hagmann Report the following day.
Due to the swirl of confusion and often mind-numbing mischaracterizations of the facts of this issue and the nature of the investigation, it is critically important to understand with precision exactly what has been addressed and ultimately determined by this investigation. Only then will the profound and disturbing implications be fully understood, and the magnitude of this issue be realized.
In August of 2011, approximately 250 members of the Surprise, Arizona TEA Party petitioned the Maricopa County Office of the Sheriff to investigate the document uploaded to the White House website that was represented to be the official long form birth certificate of U.S. President Barack Hussein Obama II. Sheriff Joe Arpaio accepted their petition and assigned this matter to Mike Zullo to head the investigation.
The investigation was limited in nature and scope to simply verify the legitimacy and authenticity of the federal identification document that resides on the “White House-dot-gov” website– nothing more and nothing less.
The investigation was never about where Barack Hussein Obama II was born, his parental lineage, or other extraneous issues relating to his Constitutional eligibility to hold office. Again, the investigation was deliberately narrow and focused on the document itself.
Unfortunately, many within and outside of the media created unnecessary confusion about this investigative task from the outset. The confusion soon turned to controversy to such an extent that the true intent and purpose was obfuscated and publicly misrepresented, which frequently resulted in obstructing the investigation itself.
According to lead investigator Mike Zullo, he initially expected the investigation to be relatively quick and easily accomplished. After all, the White House uploaded the document and presented it as an authentic representation of the original document on file at the Hawaii Department of Health, so what could possibly go wrong?
All that was required was verification that the document presented by the White House and published on the White House website was a true and accurate copy of the original on file in Hawaii. It seemed simple enough. What he encountered, however, was anything but simple.
At the direction of Sheriff Joe Arpaio, lead investigator Mike Zullo opened the investigation like any other assignment, and began making official inquiries as a commissioned law enforcement officer with the authority to act in that capacity. Despite the musings of many people who believed, from the beginning, that the document was a forgery, he made no such assumptions. Consistent with standard and accepted investigative practices, Mike Zullo let the evidence developed set the direction of the investigation.
The events that took place from the first investigative steps taken by Mike Zullo and the Cold Case Posse through the present, the obfuscation and obstruction encountered by government officials, the multiple misrepresentations made by the media, the harassment he and others endured, and many other incidents that took place in his investigative journey could fill a book – a long book.
In relatively short order, Mike Zullo determined that the document published by the White House contained significant inconsistencies that could not be explained away by the innocuous handling of the document. Despite the many assertions of numerous self-proclaimed experts that the troubling artifacts contained in the long form birth certificate of a U.S. President could be explained by various nuances of PDF layering, copier quirks or other innocent means, Mike Zullo possessed evidence to the contrary. However, he was limited with respect to what he could publicly divulge or risk compromising the integrity of his investigation.
As preserving the integrity of the evidence was paramount, Mike Zullo could not reveal many of his findings that needed additional substantiation in order to have an air-tight, “courtroom-ready” case. This, of course led many uninformed, misinformed and even misguided people to doubt the existence of any such evidence, and fed the media frenzy in their attacks against Zullo and his investigation. The attacks even began coming from those who were supposedly on the side of truth.
As the investigation progressed, Mike Zullo and those working the case with him knew what they had discovered and possessed: Evidence that the Obama long form birth certificate was a forged document. He has prima facie evidence to support such findings.
Mike Zullo also knew what they needed: The incontrovertible, bullet-proof process by which the document was created. Not a method that could closely resemble the process or end result, but the exact method used that could be replicated in court and convince a jury. The “how.”
Mike Zullo admitted that the investigation had taken quite a toll during this five-year period. He confided to Carl Gallups, his friend and a former law enforcement officer himself (and one who publicly covered this investigation), that he was ready to throw in the towel on more than one occasion. The ad hominem attacks by the media, politicians, and even more troubling, by his supposed friends and allies due to the rampant mischaracterizations of his investigation was becoming oppressive.
Meanwhile, Mike Zullo continued his tenacious investigation and research, searching for the key to unlock the methods employed to create the forged document. He had already made the case for forgery, but still needed to identify the exact means used. As the 2016 election saw the defeat of incumbent Sheriff Joe Arpaio by his Soros-backed opponent, he was also running out of time to do so.
It was only within the last several weeks that the needed breakthrough was realized. The process by which the forged document was created was identified and precisely replicated. The findings were the result of the individual and combined efforts of Reed Hayes, a certified questioned document examiner from Hawaii, a digital forensic examiner from Italy-based Forlab, a multimedia forensics laboratory, and Mike Zullo’s videographer who had been assisting him on the video compilations for presentation.
With little time to spare, the needed information was finally identified. It can now be officially stated with absolute certainty that the document that resides on the White House website purported to be Obama’s true “Certificate of Live Birth” is a manufactured forgery.
Of course, there is more.
This preliminary report merely provides the necessary context for the evidence found and addresses the misinformation that has plagued this investigation from the start.
In my forthcoming reports, I will provide the information that can be publicly shared, courtesy of lead investigator Mike Zullo and Carl Gallups, the latter who has been involved in the proper public disclosure of the facts of this case, as well as others.
Undoubtedly, there will be many people who will ask, why now? The answer is simple and has already been addressed, but it bears repeating. This investigation was not driven by any political agenda, but by the timing of the evidence developed. Mike Zullo held true to the investigative concept of letting the evidence direct the investigation, however long it might take.
Notably, though, this investigation was impeded by individuals in positions of power and further obfuscated by the corporate media. To be clear, this investigation was never about the birthplace or parental lineage of Barack Hussein Obama II. It was always about the authenticity of the federal identifying document of Obama. And that document has been identified as a manufactured forgery.
As stated by both Sheriff Joe Arpaio and Mike Zullo, the information is new, the implications are profound and equally disturbing. Stay tuned.
By Douglas J. Hagmann
“No one cares about the birther issue.” That’s what I am being told by nearly everyone I know, regardless of their political preference. What I hear, however, is no one cares about the U.S. Constitution, or about the rule of law. Seemingly, even fewer understand it. Fewer still are those who truly understand what’s at stake.
Eligibility requirements to hold the office of President of the United States are defined by the Constitution. The “natural born citizen” requirement was written in to the U.S. Constitution to protect our nation from foreign influence. It was written to protect our nation from being hijacked from within.
That seems like a pretty important legal requirement to me, considering that today, we’ve found ourselves in an epic battle between national and global (or arguably foreign) interests.
Isn’t this precisely what the 2016 election represents?
The “birther” issue is not just about where a person was born, although that’s what nearly everyone with an opinion and a microphone or a keyboard want you to believe. It’s much bigger. It’s about adhering to the Constitution and about allegiance to our nation and its citizens. It’s about making sure that the person holding the most powerful office in our nation has our best interests at heart.
Hardly anyone cares about the birther issue because they don’t understand it. They’ve been deceived by the intellectually dishonest or the intellectually deficient. The former consists of those whose agenda is to fold our nation into a system of global governance. The latter includes those who have fallen victim to the lies and deception of the former. Both have reduced a critically important issue to ridiculously misleading sound bites eagerly embraced by a tired public.
The “birtherism” battle is unwinnable as it currently exists, for the enemy within has been allowed to redefine the terms of the issue, much like a very deceitful Bill Clinton attempted to redefine the word “is” when asked a very simple and direct question. This painfully illustrated the epitome of hubris and lawlessness, yet most people seemed to laugh it off. Why? Because the main issue was redefined and the issue became about sex when it was really about perjury and contempt.
Words have not only been redefined, but equally important, they’ve been weaponized. They’ve been added to an arsenal of accusations for expedient use against anyone who truly cares about our nation and our Constitution. This is clearly evident by the pejorative terms that have been manufactured and made part of our current lexicon to describe the legal issue, such as “birther,” and “birtherism,” as well as the baseless accusations of racism that follow.
Many will argue that the entire issue is moot, for it only relates to the candidacy and tenure of Barack Hussein Obama II, and his days in the Oval Office are now in the double digits. I contend that it remains not only relevant, but is still critically important.
The matter of Constitutional eligibility might be focused on one man, but he did not ascend to power alone. There are layers of criminality here. Those who have perpetuated this criminal conspiracy will remain in power long after Obama has taken his leave. Perhaps their representative or a co-conspirator will be the next person to assume control of the Oval Office.
It’s not just about the man. We need to think bigger, to look at the larger picture. We must not allow the conversation to be hijacked any further. We must regain control of the conversation, and eliminate the use of manufactured pejoratives. Only then will we be able to regain control of our country.
I ask again: Isn’t this precisely what the 2016 election represents?
By Douglas J. Hagmann
An article written by Coach Dave Daubenmire, titled ‘Is the Man in the White House Mentally Ill?’ appeared on the News with Views website last week. Coach Daubenmire said it best, plainly and directly just within the title alone. With all due respect to the coach, however, I’d bet most “average” Americans looked at the title of the column and proceeded elsewhere, believing the article to be the ravings of just some hyper-lunatic Christian conservative with latent hatred toward the man occupying the Oval Office.
I’d even bet that some conservatives and even conservative-Christians felt that way too, even without reading the article. After all, there must be some expectations of respect, or standards thereto, for anyone holding the position of the office of the President of the United States.
Furthermore, anyone of reasonable sensibilities would most certainly dismiss the mere suggestion that the most powerful man in the free world might possess some form of mental impairment, wouldn’t they? After all, how could our government remain functional and the chief executive be respected by other world leaders if he is hobbled by a hidden mental impairment?
Unsurprisingly, too few appear to be taking the observations of Coach Daubenmire seriously, including the corporate media and the usual stable of stale political pundits with a keyboard or microphone. Sure, some within the controlled media have broken from their scripts and made some minimal commentaries, but nothing of substance. The “real media,” however, would never look at the recent actions and reactions (specifically to the mid-term election results, as merely one example) of Barack Hussein Obama II with such unprecedented disrespect.
Wait… did I just use the word “unprecedented?” Hold onto that thought just for a moment.
The ponderings of Coach Daubenmire include his association between Obama’s visible behaviors with the use of a bona fide medical disorder known as Antisocial Personality Disorder, otherwise known as Sociopathy. The coach points to various instances where Obama exhibited outward signs of this recognized disorder, particularly in recent months. He lists the clinical presentations of someone with Antisocial Personality Disorder, but does so in plain-speak through his use of the medically recognized term sociopath. And such plain-speak and candor, cutting though the medical jargon to get to the heart of the matter, ladies and gentlemen, has seemed to cause some people to dismiss the valuable insights contained within his article, or has caused outrage in others.
Since the political and social Liberals (read Marxists) claim to have empathy for those with various impairments, as demonstrated by their rabid allegiance to the passage of the Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare) at all costs and justifying the means by the ends, then it should be equally reasonable for those on the political left to be concerned about the mental and physical state of their leader. Instead they choose to conveniently look the other way despite textbook behavioral exhibitions to the contrary. Even worse, they assail anyone who points out how closely the behavior of Barack Hussein Obama II mirrors the characteristics of a sociopath. Has the media’s reticence to report on potential mental impairments with our chief executive officers always been the case? No.
It is here that you can turn back to the word “unprecedented.” It was not that long ago when the corporate media publicly mused about U.S. President Ronald Reagan suffering from Alzheimer’s, especially after Mr. Reagan was officially diagnosed with the disease. It was apparently permissible for the Liberal political pundits to suggestively allege that Reagan was afflicted by this horrific disease during his second term, as illustrated by ABC News and in a very unflattering manner in the popular website Slate.
Earlier U.S. history was even less kind to other presidents, both contemporaneously and historically.
As detailed by the website HealthCentral in an article published in February of 2012, the author writes:
“In 2006 an article was published by psychiatrists at the Duke University Medical Center which reviewed the biographies of American presidents from 1776 to 1974. This study, which was published in the Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease analyzed the historical data of 37 presidents looking for symptoms of mental illness as defined by the criteria of the DSM-IV, the Diagnostic Statistical Manual.”
The article pointed to seven-(7) presidents who were known to be, or were alleged to have been impaired by clinical depression. Citing the original study, the author notes that the job performance of many of the U.S. Presidents identified in this study was adversely affected by their mental illnesses. But those were much simpler times, when the fate of the world did not rest with the mental acuity of one man.
As shown, there is indeed precedent and ample examples for the media and public to openly and directly question the mental state of our statesmen. Exception appears only to apply to this president, despite such clinical presentations that could be exponentially more devastating to the state of our country than at any other time in American history. Again, much more is at stake.
Before Coach Daubenmire’s most succinct article about Obama, there was an extensive article published in September of 2008 by Ali Sina titled Understanding Obama: The Making of a Fuehrer. Ali Sina provides a valuable perspective into not only the mind of then-Senator Obama through his political actions, speeches and machinations, but from his own most valuable life experiences as an Iranian Ex-Muslim. More than six years after it was published, that article continues to stand on its own merits. The insight into the actions of Obama have been borne out in the years since it was written, and should still be spread far and wide for those with eyes to see and ears to hear.
So, we were warned in 2008 about Obama’s narcissism and other tyrannical traits he exhibited by Ali Sina, yet those warnings were all but ignored and discarded as hyperbole. Read the article again, this time with the benefit of six years of experience in your rear view mirror.
Also, combine Sina’s warnings with the ever-growing reports of harassment and intimidation of media personalities who refuse to simply “be reasonable” by agreeing to merely regurgitate Obama’s sound bites without question. Is it all starting to make more sense now?
We were warned in 2008 by the life experiences of Ali Sina. Today, we are being warned by Coach Daubenmire through the lens of his own life experience that something is very wrong with Obama. Very wrong. Most can see it, but few have the courage to report it. Even fewer have the ability to lay it all out in plain English like the coach.
The problem is growing. It is becoming more obvious. As in the case of all clinical sociopathic behavior, the man is becoming increasingly more dangerous. The stakes are greater today than at any other time in recent U.S. history. This is no time to dodge the difficult questions or exercising reluctance to demand answers. We had that time once, but it was squandered away by the potential and actual accusations of bigotry and racism. It was squandered away by partisan politics, and facilitated through the mega microphones of not just the liberal left, but by those purported conservatives who allegedly stood for righteousness, integrity and character.
A lot more damage to our country can, and will, be done during the next two years. If you’re relying on the change of congressional leadership to act as a stop-gap measure against this Oval Office occupant, let me ask you one question. From the vantage point of recent American history, how did that work for you and for our country?
Sadly, and despite all assertions to the contrary, we know very little about the man seated in the Oval Office. We don’t even know his real legal name. Do you think that’s untrue? A myth? Well, produce the authenticated paper document trail from his Certificate of Live Birth to his legal name change from Soetoro to Obama, and all other relevant documents that will once and for all put any nagging rumors to rest. Produce his school records, including any and all financial aid documents, and allow them to be properly analyzed.
As I have asserted for the last six years, his life is a lie. It’s the artifact of a legend created for this period in our history. Attempts to officially penetrate the iron curtain of lies have been rejected by both parties and supported by a corrupted and compromised media. It’s gotten so bad most people cannot even tell when they are being lied to, and even then, most choose not to believe it.
Don’t dismiss the obvious. It’s time that we get back to talking like mature adults and asking unpopular questions that few seem to want to ask in a manner that we can all understand.
About Obama, the coach said it best. “I believe he is a sick, dangerous man.” I totally agree, coach, but permit me to add one thing. He is a man whose past is hidden from inspection by handlers with a much different agenda than the “average” American reading your column or mine. He is not just a danger, but a danger wrapped in a complex enigma of lies.
By Douglas J. Hagmann
“We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it.” That single sentence, selected from an address given by former President John F. Kennedy to the American Newspaper Publishers Association on April 27, 1961, is perhaps more relevant today than ever before.
We know that plans, plots, and schemes are afoot today, many to our collective and individual detriment. They are being conducted under various pretexts and concealed by the collusion of the elected and appointed to an unwitting and often apathetic public.
Many patriots appear to have given up hope in their quest for truth, as the government seems to be doubling down and refining their tactics of concealment. Combined with a disinterested or perhaps complicit media, it is easier to acquiesce rather than fight, particularly when the general perception is that few care for the truth of a matter. They claim that there is a “lack of public interest.” Accordingly, we are told that we don’t need to know the facts of a matter, whatever that matter might be, for it is not in the interest of the public. There is an arguably corrupt element entrenched within the government who expects us to stop asking and quietly go away, downtrodden and defeated, adherent to the adage that we “cannot fight city hall.”
Should any interest of a particular matter rise to a level of collective concern, this criminal element will use other tactics to keep truth buried, evidence hidden, and information from our view. Often, they will characterize those of us asking questions as conspiracy theorists or use other pejoratives to dissuade us from pursuing the truth. As no one likes such labels that assail our intellect, rationale and even our sanity, making us appear foolish even at the most superficial of levels, we often back down from our quest for answers. It’s an information war and a numbers game combined. The playing fields are numerous, from the general media to internet forums, where each venue is filled with operational assets or mere sycophants to the cabal of authority. Through the use of these varied tactics, they are counting on us to back down so they may continue their nefarious agenda unmolested by “problem children.”
I proudly write this column today to state that we have proven them wrong, at least in one instance that has the potential to reveal possible criminal activity, criminal conspiracy and collusion spanning a significant area of concern for all Americans. Yesterday, I wrote about one internet researcher’s quest for information from government sources about the circumstances involving the water landing of the plane carrying Hawaiian Department of Health Director Loretta Fuddy, and her reported death. She was the sole fatality of that water landing and just happened to be the person who authenticated the long-form birth certificate of Barack Hussein Obama.
The internet researcher using the name Butterdezillion, although known to this investigator by her true name and credentials, filed Freedom of Information Act requests for documents related to that airplane “crash.” What she has received to date shows a pattern of inconsistencies that warrant additional investigation and documentation available under FOIA. When she requested the needed documentation and a waiver of the fee for the same, citing that the information was in the public interest, she was denied, as were her appeals. As such, she was told, the fee for the requested data would be about $2,000.00.
As we discussed our options, I wondered whether there is indeed public interest, contrary to the government’s claims. Well, the government bureaucrats claiming that public interest in this matter is limited to a very tiny fringe of nutcases were proven wrong. Very wrong.
On the Monday edition of my radio show, I asked those who believe that the revelations contained in the government documents are in the public’s interest to step forward and step up, to help us pay the fee assessed by the government for this data. I wrote about the facts here, and asked not for large contributions, but intentionally smaller contributions to illustrate that there are many people who are demanding the truth and this is not a fringe issue.
Less than 24 hours after my appeal, we had a tremendous response and met the burden of the government’s fee. Because of you, we have collected the necessary funds to overcome this obstacle through the money received and pledged. Through your involvement, you’ve also sent a strong message to those in power. We want and expect answers. We can fight city hall. Yesterday, we went “all in” and guaranteed payment for the information, thus starting the FOIA clock that puts the government on a particular schedule. We eagerly anticipate receiving this information, reviewing the same, and publishing it in the interest of the public.
Simply stated, we won this battle on the numbers. We have shown that there many concerned Americans, and even some in other countries, who want the truth. They are demanding the truth, and have proven their willingness to fight for it.
The urgency of our request was met with a response that shows there are people who refuse to roll over and still believe we can fight city hall. The urgency of our request was based in the thought that the sooner we can obtain the requested data the less time they have to alter, edit, redact or remove information, which are tactics we’ve seen regarding this matter. You, the listeners my show and the readers of this website, have proven that you’re people of action and not just words. By your actions, you have placed the gatekeepers of information on notice that you will not be deterred in your quest for the truth. Much like the recent events of Bunkerville, Nevada, you’ve sent a clear message to those in power.
As such, I am grateful to report, for this portion of the information war, “MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.” Stay tuned for more information as we await the government’s response for the release of the data requested. Take heart in knowing that you were instrumental in helping us overcome one large obstacle on the pathway to truth. For your efforts, please know you are valued and appreciated as we seek not just truth, but justice as well.
By Douglas J. Hagmann
Every American is the victim of one of the most insidious crimes ever perpetrated on the collective – the capturing of our nation from within. The set-up process occurred over decades but culminated with the selection and installation of Barack Hussein Obama, a/k/a Barry Soetoro, as the frontman in this silent coup.
One important piece of evidence to support this crime exists in the controversial Certificate of Live Birth, but not in the way you have heard, and not in the manner you might suspect. The revelation of the manner and methods now exist in a document that the criminal elements of our government and the complicit media do not want you to see. And the evidence is as compelling as it is damning.
Based on the popularity of television shows like Criminal Minds, Law and Order: Criminal Intent, and Profiler from the late 1990s, a large number of people are fascinated by the investigative science of criminal profiling. One aspect of such behavioral profiling includes understanding the difference between a perpetrator’s modus operandi or “M.O.,” and their “signature.”
While all criminals have a modus operandi, analyzing a perpetrator’s “signature” is more involved. Signature behaviors satisfy some need of the criminal and might be viewed as a “calling card” of sorts that link them to the crime. This is particularly true in cases of forgery, where the forger leaves a usually well-hidden “signature” to identify them as the creator of the forgery. The preceding is provided as a formal introduction to the most important forgery of our time: Barack Hussein Obama’s Certificate of Live Birth.
So far, the managed mainstream media has ignored the October 18, 2013 filing of two affidavits, one public and the other sealed, that identify twenty-(20) points of forgery on the most controversial document concerning the most controversial figure of our time: Barack Hussein Obama. In my view, this is undoubtedly the most detailed and compellingly damning document ever created pertaining to the controversy surrounding the long-form birth certificate. It provides critical insight into the people behind the forgery, their methods, and more importantly, their mistakes.
Douglas Vogt, an author and the owner and operator of a scanning business who also has an accounting background, invested over two years conducting an investigation into the authenticity of Obama’s Certificate of Live Birth. Mr. Vogt, along with veteran typesetter Paul Ivey, conducted exhaustive research of the document provided to the White House Press Corps on April 27, 2011 – not the online PDF, a critical distinction that must be understood.
Using their combined experience of 80 years in this realm, they conducted extensive examinations of the “copy” used as the basis for the PDF document. They acquired the same type of equipment that was used back in the late 1950s and early 1960s in an attempt to recreate the document presented as an “authenticated copy” proving the legitimacy of Barack Obama. Instead, they found 20 points of forgery on that document and detail each point of forgery in the affidavit.
Even more interesting, Mr. Vogt claims to have identified the “signature” of the perpetrator, or the woman who created the forged document, hidden within the document itself. Her identity, in addition to the identity of other conspirators and their precise methods, is contained in a sealed document supplementing the public affidavit.
In my extensive research of the open-source evidence revealed by Mr. Vogt in the affidavit publicly released, I have been able to connect the dots myself. Mr. Vogt released additional and even more specific details in a nearly 3-hour-long radio interview last evening on The Hagmann Report.
The elements of the alleged criminality behind the creation of this forged document, along with the forgery of the short-form birth certificate are indeed staggering. The phrase born out of the exposure to the crimes related to Watergate, “plausible deniability,” has now been thrust forward to the present day.
The release of the long-form birth certificate at a press gaggle three days before the reported killing of Osama bin Laden seemed to be ripped from the playbook used by the men behind Nixon’s Watergate. Some involved knew exactly what was taking place, while others served as useful dupes to quiet the growing number intent on seeing evidence of Obama’s eligibility. Early on, the perpetrators made key mistakes that they could not undo. Instead, they attempted to cover their mistakes through additional forgery.
In addition to the errors they attempted to cover, the alleged forger of the COLB covertly “signed” the forged document, leaving her signature on one of the most important forgeries of our time. Whether it was done out of personal hubris or to provide her own level of “plausible deniability” in a most convoluted sense, it is apparent once you know where to look. Then, it all begins to make sense.
The affidavit filed by Mr. Vogt asserts that violations of federal law, from misprision of felony to misprision of treason occurred at the hands of Obama himself, his White House counsel, the Hawaii Department of Health, Savannah Guthrie, and her employer at the time, certain other media companies, and those listed as “John and Jane Does” in the unsealed affidavit. The John and Jane Does are identified in the sealed affidavit.
Using a brilliant legal tactic unlike anyone else who has attempted redress against this treasonous activity, Mr. Vogt tapped into a section of federal law that necessitates action on the part of the federal judiciary via a federal judge – currently in the hands of the U.S. District Court in the Western District of Washington in Seattle.
It is this method or loophole in the federal statutes that separates this filing from all others. Additionally, it makes this filing by orders of magnitude much more dangerous to those involved in the alleged conspiracy to insert a foreign agent in the highest office in America.
This is a very big deal. This is a very viable threat to those who believe they are impervious to legal action for their seditious and treasonous activities, and the very people who have and continue to facilitate them. This is the best evidence yet that America is a captured operation.
To listen to the most compelling presentation of the affidavit filed detailing the forgeries, click here.
The affidavits filed with the U.S. Federal Court can be accessed here and here.
By Douglas J. Hagmann
“There were threats made.” – Mike Zullo, Lead Investigator, Maricopa County, Arizona Sheriff’s Cold Case Posse
11 July 2013: With each passing day, it becomes more evident that the United States is a “captured operation,” and has been taken over from within. At the epicenter of the tyrannical takeover is none other than Barack Hussein Obama, a man also known as Barry Soetoro. The terrifying yet largely unreported fact is that after two elections and nearly five years, we still do not know with certainty the legal name, true legal identity or status of the man holding the highest office in America. Equally disturbing, and something that should concern everyone, is that anyone who continues to raise questions about Obama’s eligibility status or the authenticity of his long form birth certificate is either subjected to public ridicule or worse, threats to their safety.
This issue was again brought to the forefront last month when Mike Zullo, lead investigator for the Maricopa County, Arizona Sheriff’s Cold Case Posse tasked with looking into the Obama eligibility matter, held a public update regarding the status of their investigation. Mr. Zullo publicly confirmed the facts contained in an exclusive report published on August 4, 2009 by me and Canada Free Press founding editor Judi McLeod, when we jointly disclosed that a national talk show host stated that he was threatened with his career, “or worse,” should he talk about the issue of Barack Hussein Obama’s birth records to a national audience.
About three minutes into his public investigative update, Mr. Zullo stated: “I have been in contact with prominent media people, I cannot and will not disclose their identities that was the commitment I made. They fear for their jobs and some fear for their safety. There were threats made. There were people threatened with their occupations, losing their occupation if they continue this.”
According to Mr. Zullo, the corporate media is intentionally refusing to address this matter, which also includes the issue of a demonstrably fraudulent federal document, Barack Hussein Obama’s long form birth certificate, being published on the official White House website. Mr. Zullo stated that his interim report of investigation is currently about 325 pages long with another 80 pages to be added shortly. He expects the final investigative report to be somewhere about 700-800 pages long, and will also include matters pertaining to Obama’s selective service registration and social security number controversies.
Regarding the authenticity of the long form birth certificate posted on the White House website, detective Zullo described the document as “fatally flawed” and not a valid document at all. He stated that the identifying document purported by the White House to be a true copy of the original long form birth certificate is a manual creation by someone with planning and intent and contains proof of “human manipulation.” He also stated that the document “could not survive judicial scrutiny on any level,” adding that the creation or manipulation of a legal document is a felony.
The image posted on the White House website of Obama’s purported long form birth certificate was also examined by Reed Hayes, a highly credentialed certified document examiner. Mr. Hayes concluded: “In over 20 years of examining documentation of various types, I have never seen a document that is so seriously questionable in so many respects. In my opinion, the birth certificate is entirely fabricated.”
Threats and intimidation continue
It’s been nearly four years since we were the first to report that high profile media personalities were threatened with their careers as well as their “safety” should they persist in talking about the legal identity and eligibility of the man known as Barack Hussein Obama. We provided the documentation to Detective Zullo and the Cold Case Posse immediately upon its formation. We are aware that the threats continue even today to those in positions to expose the greatest hoax and gravest threat ever perpetrated on America.
Who is it that holds the most powerful position in America? What is the true, legal identity of the man who has “fundamentally changed” this country so much in such a short period of time, and is capable of changing it even more? Who is behind the face of power, and just who is setting the course of our country? These questions have yet to be satisfactorily answered. Soon, merely asking them will be made into a criminal act as our freedoms are continually eroded by a man whose identity remains in question.
As the silence and the media blackout of this matter continues, all three branches of our government appear to have been captured by an enemy from within. The corporate media is complicit in keeping the American public in the dark about the truth behind the identity of the most powerful man in the world.
It is clear that our elected officials have been compromised into silence, as well as our judiciary. We, however, will not be silenced, for it is the fate of our nation that is at stake. We must stand behind the investigative efforts of the Cold Case Posse, and continue to push for answers to the most troubling questions that have ever faced a nation.
We have never been, nor will we now be intimidated into silence.
Prepare. Pray.
By Douglas J. Hagmann
Wayne Allyn Root, 2008 Libertarian Party vice presidential nominee, successful Vegas odds maker, author and speaker, recently made headlines in the style of Donald Trump by publicly stating that he believes he knows why Barry Soetoro, a/k/a Barack Hussein Obama II continues to refuse to unseal and release his college transcripts.
Root attended Columbia University and graduated in 1983, the same year as Mr. Soetoro. Root also was a political science, pre-law major in a graduating class of about 700 students, of which it is estimated that 250 or so students shared the same major.
In sum and substance, Mr. Root speculates that Barry Soetoro was accepted and attended Columbia University as a foreign exchange student, most likely as an Indonesian citizen. Mr. Root added that He paid little for either undergraduate college or Harvard Law School because of foreign aid and scholarships awarded due to his citizenship status. At this point, you might be inclined to brush off the entire matter as speculation, classify it as a distraction or otherwise downplay the significance of the issue. There are a number of critically important reasons why one must not dismiss any or all of this.
Having researched, investigated, and reported on the inconsistencies in the life of Barry Soetoro as a professional investigator, permit me to offer a bit of speculation of my own based on four years of history regarding this subject. I suspect that the average Obama supporter and the corporate Obama “presstitutes” will likely describe Mr. Root’s speculative dalliances as the baseless white noise of partisan politics. Meanwhile, the average member of the Republican establishment will continue to shy away from making any meaningful demands of Obama about his murky past. Any true conservative elected official with the testicular fortitude to press the issue will quickly be ostracized and instructed to remain silent by the beltway eunuchs holding the political clout over the former.
Meanwhile, right-wing political talking heads of the airwaves who address this issue will do so narrowly, sticking to a tightly controlled script of how this speculation should be used defensively for the sole purpose of advancing the GOP candidate. The greater picture, if any dare to address it, will omit any discussion of the darker and more sinister aspects of the Obama narrative that could expose the depth of the Obama/Soetoro rabbit hole. The Progressive talkers will continue their Alinsky tactics of mocking and marginalization the issue, concurrent with depicting the inquisitors as racists and bigots, to avoid potential criminal or treasonous revelations.
Absent of true, uncompromised, and principled Conservative leaders, talk jocks with huge audiences but constrained by a lack of integrity, the desire for the truth, or acquiescing to duress by their paymasters or the long arm of globalist watchdogs, the vast catatonic population will be forced to settle for the normal political dog-and-pony show.
Meaning no disrespect to seven of the bravest of Americans of the Space Shuttle Columbia who perished on February 1, 2003, during reentry, full disclosure of all authentic and authenticated records of Barry Soetoro, a/k/a Barack Hussein Obama II from Columbia would almost certainly spell disaster and end the false narrative of the current occupier of the White House. It would also have far-reaching criminal implications for Soetoro/Obama and those who actively conspired to perpetuate a criminal conspiracy of unprecedented magnitude.
If Wayne Allyn Root’s instinct is correct that Barry Soetoro was admitted to Columbia University as a foreign student and received subsidies on that basis, then the reason that Soetoro/Obama ordered his records sealed from public inspection is obvious. I have performed a quarter of a century’s worth of background investigations for large corporations, vetting executive candidates for leadership positions as an investigator in the private sector. During those years, I have never experienced a candidate refuse to release their college transcripts despite less than stellar grades, attendance or even expulsion. Furthermore, I’ve never seen a client reject a candidate on that basis alone. I have, however, seen candidates rejected (and once criminally charged) due to material misrepresentations.
Therefore, I agree with Mr. Root that the issue is much greater. I would also suggest that by releasing the records, they would expose some level of fraud, either then or now, and have disastrous consequences for Barry Soetoro and others.
I believe that What is interesting to observe is the manner that this issue is being handled by the Republican and conservative leadership.
If a ruler hearken to lies, all his servants are wicked. (Proverbs 29:12 King James Bible)
It is important to note that like the Certificate of Live Birth (COLB) controversy that has yet to be settled, Mr. Root was not the first or only person to suspect something nefarious in the false ‘Messianic’ legend known as Barack Hussein Obama II. Reverend James Manning, in particular, conducted an extensive probe of Soetoro/Obama’s enrollment and activities at Columbia and concluded that significant irregularities exist within the official narrative of his status and activities there. Other citizen journalists who have investigated the eligibility issue have also arrived at the same or similar conclusions.
The Columbia matter is but one issue in what would appear to be a continuous course of conduct of deceit, cover-ups, obfuscation and obstruction. As I have written numerous times, we still do not know the legal name of the man known as Barack Hussein Obama II, as we have not been privy to early identification papers that include but are not limited to his adoption records. To anyone who doubts the veracity of my assertion, I would ask you to furnish the authenticated documentation that verifies his legal name change from Soetoro to Obama.
So, what are we to conclude from all of this?
There must come a time when politics takes a back seat to the survival of our nation. I believe we are long past that time. What will it take for people to understand that this is not merely about producing documents, but verifying allegiance to the United States of America?
It is unfortunate that political posturing has taken precedence over integrity and ethics. It is unfortunate that the conservative “constitutionalist” element of our leadership has turned a blind eye to the very document on which this country was founded. It is unfortunate that the conservatives who command large listening and viewing audiences have abdicated their responsibilities to investigate and inform, to use their power and influence to save a nation in trouble.
We’ve progressed four years with a man in the White House whose legal name we do not know, whose citizen status is still in question, and whose platform of transparency is really a wall of darkness. We’ve endured four years of wars and more wars, and accepted the designation of our own soil as a battleground. We’ve watched as the policies of the man occupying the seat in the Oval Office has set the Middle East afire and created a most dangerous situation for our closest ally in the Middle East in the process. We’ve permitted the executive and legislative branches of government to issue orders and pass legislation that tramples the rights of every American citizen and watched as the judicial branch itself has not only turned a blind eye to lawlessness, but engaged in the very same activities from which it should protect its citizens.
Within the last four years, we’ve watched our government become infiltrated with Communists and Marxists, and Muslim terrorist sympathizers. We’ve become complacent to daily violations of our Fourth Amendment rights by the TSA, and allowed our wives, children, parents and others be fondled and groped under the false premise of security. We’ve accepted military and paramilitary maneuvers on our streets as if we are already a Banana Republic. We’ve watched as the bankers, together with our elected leaders and appointed officials, debase our currency and incrementally eradicate the middle class.
Yet, instead of demanding accountability on Soetoro/Obama’s Columbia records and all of the sealed records behind the man himself to determine allegiance, the best that conservatives in power, behind the microphone or behind the TV cameras, have done is to turn what should be a national security issue into a Republican presidential strategy. Those who watched the Sean Hannity program last evening had front-row seats into how the assertion by Wayne Allyn Root was molded into a political game of “I’ll show you mine if you show me yours.” Have we, as a people, reached the glass ceiling of our collective intellectual prowess and concern for the future of our nation by reducing a vital national security issue into a mere election strategy?
The elected leaders sworn to uphold the laws and protect our nation have had four years to properly address the questions regarding the bona fides of the man known as Barack Hussein Obama. The conservatives of the airwaves have had ample opportunities to step up and define ethics and integrity by their actions. Both have failed us, and failed us miserably.
By Douglas J. Hagmann
This week, Ohio private investigator Susan Daniels filed suit in the Geauga County, Ohio Court of Common Pleas to petition the Ohio Secretary of State to remove Barack Hussein Obama’s name from the ballot based on alleged inconsistencies with his social security number. If the controversy surrounding Obama’s social security number (SSN) is new or perhaps confusing to you, the explanation regarding the issuance of social security numbers is quite simple, but critical to understanding the issue as it pertains to his identity. As I’ve been an investigator for the last 27 years, I have a lot of experience in dealing with SSNs, identifying anomalies and outright forgeries, and possess the same documents, proprietary database results and associated investigative documents as Ms. Daniels.
Every citizen of the U.S., permanent residents and some temporary residents as defined by the Social Security Act since 1935, when the New Deal Social Security program began, have been assigned a nine-digit social security number in the following format: 123-45-6789. As you can see, the number has three “parts” separated by hyphens. Each part of the number has a specific meaning.
The first three numbers reflect a general geographical area of issuance, the second two numbers are “group numbers” that are internally assigned and have meaning but will not be addressed in the scope of this article. The last four numbers could be considered serial numbers of sorts, reflecting a numerical sequence between 0001 and 9999 that have a peripheral relationship to the group number but again, is beyond the scope of this report.
To be factually correct and all-inclusive, I should also note that, starting in 1963, U.S. railroad workers were exclusively issued numbers between 700 and 728 in place of the geographical code, although this procedure has since been discontinued. Also, there are no legitimate SSNs that use 000 or 666 for their geographical code.
The system was designed so that all social security numbers are unique to each person, never recycled or reused even after the death of that person, and with very few exceptions, are rarely changed once they are issued. The age when a person was issued their SSNs has varied throughout the years. Some people born in the early part of the last century never applied for or assigned SSNs. As time progressed, nearly all Americans applied for and received SSNs.
Until the Tax Reform Act of 1986, minors were not required to obtain a social security number at birth, for example, as the numbers were never intended for identification purposes, but for income tracking by the IRS and for claiming children as dependents on their income tax returns. This process gradually changed over the years, and now the mother or parents of all babies born as U.S. citizens usually apply for the SSNs shortly after birth.
On June 25, 2011, the Social Security Administration initiated a new policy called the Social Security Number Randomization initiative, which essentially randomizes the issuance of SSNs. Perhaps the biggest impact is that a social security number will no longer reflect the geographical area of issuance. This initiative was implemented to ostensibly prevent the SSA from running out of numbers in any geographical area, and to allegedly make identity theft more difficult . Nonetheless, the timing of this initiative is interesting and not lost by this author.
The initial and primary controversy over Barack Hussein Obama’s social security number involves the first three numbers relative to the geographical area of issuance, although is not confined to that fact alone. We’ll address this issue first, however.
The first three numbers of Obama’s alleged social number, or the number we know he is using today and has been using for some time, begins with 042, which denotes that this number was issued to an individual who had some level of attachment to the state of Connecticut at the time his SSN application was issued. Based on additional dissection of his SSN, it can be determined that this number was issued between 1977 and 1979.
It is imperative to note, however, that the Social Security Administration (SSA) has made slight administrative changes to the way they issued SSNs over the years, so we must be very careful when talking or writing in “absolutes” or “absolutely” associating a SSN with an individual without further identifying information of that person. Despite such changes, we are aware of other factors about Obama that would permit us to state, with an extremely high degree of certainty, that both the geographical area and the time span of issuance are correct.
These inconvenient facts present a very curious problem for Barack Hussein Obama. At the time that his social security number was issued, Obama was a teen, living in the state of Hawaii and had no connection whatsoever to the geographical area associated with his alleged SSN. Furthermore, the SSN application process at that time was different than today, making it all but impossible for a teen in Hawaii to obtain a social security number from Connecticut.
How, then, did Barack Hussein Obama come to be assigned his “current” social security number? What SSN did Obama use while working as a teen in the state of Hawaii? Considering all of the other contradictory identifying information pertaining to Obama, his unwillingness to disclose other vital records, questions pertaining to his passport, etc., this is an extremely serious issue that must be thoroughly addressed and answered.
It is with great interest that I note that several “fact-checking” websites have made certain and almost non-perceptible changes in their definitions and explanations that appear to coincide with the Obama-SSN problem, to such an extent that someone without proper experience could easily accept the Obama-SSN controversy as myth, urban legend, or attempt to explain the Obama SSN in some other manner. One glaring example of misinformation, or perhaps outright disinformation, is an explanation of Obama’s problem by Fox News anchor Bill O’Reilly. During The O’Reilly Factor on April 13, 2011, he was factually incorrect on a number of levels when he attempted to explain the Connecticut issuance to his audience in response to an e-mail he received.
Like the entirety of the Obama Constitutional eligibility issue, there has been so much misinformation and disinformation that people don’t know who or what to believe. To further complicate matters, certain self-proclaimed fact-checking websites and even some news sites have actively edited or even expunged their records regarding this issue over the last few years, thus creating more confusion for an inquiring public. As investigators know, guilty persons and accomplices embrace and perpetuate confusion to hide the truth behind such matters.
As a professional investigator since 1985, I have performed countless background investigations of individuals being considered for board positions at Fortune 500 companies. Like investigator Susan Daniels, I, too, have access to multiple proprietary databases and performed the same searches as she has, beginning in late 2008. I agree with Ms. Daniels in nearly all of her conclusions, and commend her for filing suit in the state of Ohio. While we might not arrive at all of the same deductions based on the information known, such differences are minor and inconsequential to the bigger picture. We both agree, however, on the most important conclusion of all: it is extremely unlikely that the social security number used by Barack Hussein Obama was legitimately issued.
If I were to file a background report of investigation with a Fortune 500 or Fortune 100 client with the information developed about Barack Hussein Obama, I could only reach one conclusion with the highest degree of certainty: the man known as Barack Hussein Obama II would FAIL in all aspects relating to his true identity.
For a Fortune 100 company, that is problematic. For America, that is terrifying.
By Douglas J. Hagmann
Allen K. Hulton is not a household name, nor is it his desire to have it become one. He is a man with a simple story, an account of incidents that took place over a period of several years while delivering mail in a Chicago suburb. He spent about 30 years delivering mail, years that would have been contiguous had he not served in the military during the Vietnam era.
His career as a civil servant is unblemished, as is his service to our country. At 69, he is articulate but unwilling to embellish information beyond what he knows to be true. His careful attention to detail and his desire to tell only what he can clearly recall without conjecture is a refreshing change of pace for me, after conducting countless interviews as a career investigator for nearly as long as Mr. Hulton carried the mail.
Working as a field investigator for nearly three decades has taught me who to ask when in need of reliable information about people of interest living in a particular area. Near the top of the list of sources is the mail carrier, as long as the carrier has been working a specific, established route for an extended period. Mr. Hulton is exactly that source. Speaking from my own field experience, people would be surprised to know just how much mail carriers know about the residents on their route, but that is a topic for another time.
On Friday, 25 May 20112, I interviewed Allen Hulton about his chance encounter with Barack Hussein Obama well before he emerged on the political scene. I also interviewed him about his encounters with Thomas and Mary Ayers, the parents of domestic terrorists of the Weather Underground William Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn.
Including the two-hour on-air interview on The Hagmann Report, I spoke with Mr. Hulton for just over three hours and spent an additional two hours verifying his bona fides. It’s ironic and telling that I know more about Mr. Hulton than America knows about Barack Hussein Obama.
The well-known Weather Underground domestic terrorist Bill Ayers is the son of Thomas and Mary Ayers. Tom and Mary resided in an upscale Chicago suburb of Glenn Ellyn, Illinois, at the time, Mr. Hulton was their mail carrier. Mr. Hulton delivered mail on this particular route for about 11 years, between 1986 and 1997.
Although he never saw or met William Ayers, Mr. Hulton recalls numerous conversations with Mary Ayers, and one conversation with her husband. The latter conversation seems to be burned into his memory. The now-deceased Thomas Ayers was the president of Commonwealth Edison, retiring in 1980. At the time of their encounter, Thomas Ayers was not shy about promoting his anti-government, obvious pro-Marxist views to a government employee. It is not difficult to imagine why such a conversation would be memorable, especially as the affable Mr. Hulton stood attired in a government uniform.
Thomas Ayers spoke to Mr. Hulton, using words like peasants and the proletariat. It certainly was not your usual sidewalk conversation. Mary Ayers, on the other hand, was pleasant and not prone to discuss such topics, at least not under such circumstances. There appeared to be more to the Ayers household than the finely trimmed lawn of this suburban home would otherwise indicate.
During Mr. Hulton’s servicing of the Glenn Ellyn zip code of 60137, he met Bernadine Dohrn at the Ayers’ household when delivering letters that required her signature. According to Mr. Hulton, Bernardine Dohrn stayed with the Ayers family for an undetermined period. Mr. Hulton had little conversation with Dohrn, stating that she did not seem to be much of a “people person.”
“I am absolutely positive that it was Barack Obama.”
This is the point that completely changes the official narrative of the living legend of the man known as Barack Hussein Obama II, or Barry Soetoro, whichever might be his actual legal name. It is so important that on 12 November 2011, Mr. Hulton signed and executed a three-page affidavit detailing his encounters with the Ayers family, Bernardine Dohrn, and a man he is absolutely certain to be Barack Hussein Obama II.
In the early 1990s and consistent with numerous exchanges of pleasantries and dialogue with Mary Ayers, she conveyed to Mr. Hulton her excitement about a “black, foreign student” who had an “unusual, foreign-sounding name.” According to the signed affidavit, Mary Ayers told Mr. Hulton that her husband was providing financial assistance to this student. She was obviously proud of the assistance they provided to this man.
At some point subsequent to that conversation and during the course of his normal mail delivery to the Ayers household, Mr. Hulton met this “black, foreign student with an unusual sounding name” outside of the Ayers’ home. He provided a physical description that matched exactly that of Barack Hussein Obama, later stating that “I am absolutely positive that [the man I met] was Barack Obama.”
During this encounter, Obama told Mr. Hulton that he took the train from Chicago to stop by the Ayers’ home to personally thank them for all the help they provided him with his schooling. Two things Mr. Hulton said that struck him about this man. First, he was described by Mary as a “foreign” student, yet he had no foreign accent whatsoever and spoke perfect English, which was not what Mr. Hulton expected.
The second part of this encounter is perhaps the most unusual and unsettling. It was during this conversation that Barack Hussein Obama, long before he entered the political arena and over a decade before emerging on the national scene as a presidential candidate, looked Mr. Hulton in the eyes and stated with the assuredness of someone who was just hired at a normal job, “I am going to be President of the United States.” According to Mr. Hulton, there was no question or hesitation in his voice, or doubt in his statement. Mr. Hulton admitted to be taken aback by his statement and the manner in which it was conveyed.
During my interviews with Mr. Hulton, it became clear to me that he believes that the statement made by Obama was quite different than the fanciful aspirations of a young man hoping to be President. It appeared to be a foregone conclusion, and all that was left to do was to make the appropriate arrangements. Given the meteoric rise of Obama and all of the false narratives and unanswered questions, it would be foolish to discount such a possibility.
The American people have been fed a false narrative of the life and times of Barack Hussein Obama. With the complicity of the major media and entrenched political leaders, the majority of people have accepted it without question. The denials of Barack Hussein Obama about his relationship with domestic terrorists ring false in the face of the mounting evidence against him. To understand the true agenda of Obama, it is important to identify his associates, including those who have helped him along the way.
This account, however, is not without its detractors who follow the step-by-step Saul Alinsky instruction manual on denying potential evidence by mocking the messenger. When this account was first made public, Media Matters for America, a Progressive website dedicated to perpetuating the legend of the least transparent President in the history of our Republic, rolled out still-green- behind-the-ears Ben Dimiero. Apparently, Dimiero’s ability to investigate false allegations about all things related to Obama rests on his 2006 BS degree in English, not from years of investigative training and experience.
In an article published there last month, Dimiero apparently found Mr. Hulton’s account “farcical and amusing,” an apparent working illustration of his BS (degree). Dimiero, however, failed to provide any evidence to the contrary, instead mocking the entire discussion related to the topic of Obama’s legitimacy and related facts.
To Dimiero and others complicit in the perpetuation of the Obama myth, I say to you that evidence is mounting against the official narrative of Barack Hussein Obama like a crowd of skeletons in a closet. One thing they don’t teach in English classes but is well-known among career investigators, skeletons don’t like closets.
And we intend to let them out for all to see.
By Douglas J. Hagmann
The Contact
It was not the proverbial 3:00 a.m. phone call, but close enough. And it was not made to the White House, but to my house, which is not white, nor is it in DC. It was about 2:30 a.m. on 25 April 2012, and the call was somewhat unexpected. I had anticipated the telephone call from my DHS insider much earlier the previous day, but our schedules didn’t synch up. I was traveling on an investigative assignment while my source was in meetings all day. I had just fallen asleep and was slumbering no more than 20 minutes when the phone rang.
In most households, a ringing phone at that time of night causes concern for everyone who hears it. In my household, it seems to surprise only my surly, 140 pound light-sleeping German Shepherd. He let out an objective grunt as I stepped over him to take the call in another room. It was “Rosebud,” the code name given my insider source.
Just a little bit here about my source and his “super-secret code name.” I’ve known this government insider since 1979 when he first became a municipal patrol officer. He took a job in a bigger city and had a very successful run as a cop. Before retirement and after the events of 9/11, he was tapped by the feds, where he worked in various capacities under the umbrella of DHS. He worked his way up, and suddenly found himself in what he terms the inner sanctum of the “TEC” building. TEC, he explains, is an acronym for what he calls “The Estrogen Challenged,” which houses the upper echelon of the Department of Homeland Security. I’ll leave it at that.
As far as his code name, it originates from an incident that occurred at the end of the disco era. It is something that we both privately laugh about, but rarely ever talk about. His “code name” is known to him, me, and at the time, a young woman who has since vanished amid the glitter of disco balls and constant replays of the Bee Gees in a dark nightclub some 32 years ago, and has no “cloak and dagger” origins.
But he is real, his position serious, and his knowledge vast. Unfortunately, that’s what makes the whole situation frightening and deadly serious.
It began on Wednesday, 2 May 2012 with a 45-minute interview on TruNews with Rick Wiles when I first disclosed the information I received the previous week from my source. The information I relayed “went viral,” as they say, across the internet.
To support my statements during that interview, I am showing my handwritten notes taken contemporaneously during our conversation. My notes consist of two pages and are, at various points, admittedly difficult to decipher. I ask that points not be deducted for my penmanship, given the time of the morning in which they were taken.
According to my source, there is talk among the highest levels of the uppermost echelon of the Department of Homeland Security, which he describes as effectively under the control of Barack Hussein Obama. During this call, he said that the DHS is actively preparing for massive social unrest inside the United States. He then corrected himself, stating that “a civil war” is the more appropriate term. Certain elements of the government are not only expecting and preparing for it, but they are also actually facilitating it,” stated my source.
“The DHS takes their marching orders from the Obama administration, from Obama himself, but mostly from his unappointed czars. And Jarrett, especially Valerie Jarrett. Don’t think for a minute that the administration is doing anything to stabilize events in the U.S. They are revolutionaries, and revolutionaries thrive on chaos,” he added.
My source stated that he had not seen things this bad since he began working within DHS. “It’s like they [DHS agency heads] don’t care about what the American people see or feel about what the DHS agencies are doing. They figure that if the average American puts up with being “sexually groped and nuked” just to fly, they’ll accept almost anything. “That’s why their actions are becoming more overt. “It’s in your face, and the brass actually chuckle about it” said my source.
Astounded by the information my source provided “going viral,” I spoke to him again early Sunday morning. This was a scheduled telephone call (as noted on page 2 of my notes) based on a high-level meeting of DHS personnel that was scheduled for and took place in Chantilly, Virginia, on Saturday, 5 May 2012. He hoped to provide me with more information to supplement what he has already given. Although he was not personally present, his source was. While he would not say who was at the meeting on Saturday or give its precise location, he said that many of the names would be recognizable. He spoke to his source late Saturday night.
I contacted him on his cellular phone early Sunday morning to get the promised update.
“Geez, nice job on getting the word out about what’s really going on at DHS and in this administration,” were the first words out of his mouth, followed by “thanks a lot.” I asked him why he would be thanking me. “I just wanna’ tell you that I’m going to have to hire someone to start my car, and I’m surely not going for any rides in small planes in the immediate future,” he said with a bit of nervous laughter. “I hope no one finds out who I am or it’s going to be more than my pension I’ll have to worry about.”
“I can tell you word is getting out that people are starting to wake up, which is causing a lot of ‘pissed off brass.’ I can’t tell if they are more desperate or upset about the exposure, but the tone is starting to become a lot more tense. I hope that we’re having something to do with that,” he added.
With that, he provided me with additional information to supplement that which he gave me on 25 April. For clarity purposes, I have combined the information together from both contacts. The following information includes the updated information provided to me Sunday morning.
Metaphorically speaking, there’s a revolution going on in the U.S., propped up by three legs. Economic chaos, chaos through racial division, and chaos through class division all joined by one core element: Barack Hussein Obama and his stable of unelected czars. Obama is using the lessons learned in 1968 as the template for 2012, and many of those who were active in the late 1960s are now calling the shots for 2012.
“The Obama administration and many of the un-elected ‘czars,’ either directly or indirectly, are engaged in covert activities with the occupy movement, various labor protests, and other subversive activities inside the U.S.,” stated my source. Using untracked campaign funds, they are paying people to infiltrate the various movements to cause physical destruction of property and disrupt commerce. That began last year but has increased ten-fold already this year,” stated this source. He added that they are using some lower-level DHS agents to make the payments under the context of tracking subversives, but they are the unwitting subversives. “It’s like Fast & Furious” but in the social realm,” he added.
“Obama is using some high-profile people as pawns to foment the revolution. I heard several times through very credible sources that [Louis] Farrakhan is on the CIA payroll. Other have been named as well, but I’m not prepared to identify them yet. Farrakhan is to coordinate the Blacks and the Muslims to prepare for riots this summer, using any means necessary.”
“Mentioned at the meeting Saturday were methods to use pawns to simulate the rioting in the Arab Spring countries, but to the benefit of this administration. A controlled chaos thing,” stated my source. They envision rioting starting in the urban areas first, such as New York and other major cities, followed by a disruption of business and commerce. This will allow the DHS to mobilize their various teams into the streets of America without objection of the people,” stated my source.
“They want to restrict travel, if not through high energy prices, then by checkpoints and curfews mandated by rioting and unrest. They understand we are the most well-armed nation in the world, yet they are aware of our vulnerabilities and intend to fully exploit them,” he added. The whole purpose is to keep Obama in office for another term, no matter how unpopular he is, as he is not finished changing our country from a Constitutional Republic. This is the run-up to the 2012 elections, or perhaps causing enough chaos to delay them – indefinitely.”
One statement that rattled me more than anything was that a great number of those already in power, whether in appointed or elected positions, actually want to see Obama stay in power, according to this source. “This is what we’ve been working toward, and we’re closer now than we’ve ever been. If we lose now, we might not have another chance.”
This chilling common goal also explains the lack of interest in the Constitutional legitimacy of Obama. It is common knowledge that Obama is not an American, and neither is his agenda. Of course, criticism of his bona-fides feeds into the cries of racism, despite the massive fraud perpetrated on the American people. Party lines are meaningless when the common objective is the revolutionary overtaking of America.
“The Obama administration is working closely with Bernanke, Geithner and others not to save our economy, but to outright destroy it. He is not the first or only one to try this, but the most effective and most vetted for that purpose. Do you actually think that the fact that Timothy Geithner’s father worked with Obama’s mother in Indonesia was coincidental,” stated my source rhetorically. “What we’re seeing now is the fourth quarter of a game that started long ago, which also currently involves the Clintons. Obama would not be where he is if it were not for the Clintons, and to a lesser extent, Bush, but that’s for other reasons. Don’t be fooled, the Clintons never left or lost power,” he added.
“There are file drawers full of papers, heavily guarded papers at the ‘TEC building’ so I can only imagine what’s in them, about international financial dealings going back decades. I do know, or at least I was told, that they involve organizations that are the so-called conspiracy fringe groups, such as the Bilderberg group, the Trilateral Commission, and people including George Soros, Henry Kissinger, and current leaders of big industry. Some are fossils. They’ve been around a long time. Others are up-and-coming. They’ve got one thing in common, though, and that is to put in place a global system of governance, including a common currency. Economics is a huge part of this revolution, and they want to replace the dollar, to see it collapse. They expect, that is, they are working toward this very goal, and when this happens, it will cause chaos like never seen before in the history of this country.”
“Why do you think Jon Corzine is not only walking around, but heavily involved in Obama fundraising? They know it’s just a matter of time that Europe will implode economically, and when it does, start counting the days before we see massive hyperinflation and the ultimate collapse of the U.S. dollar,” stated this insider. “What will it look like in the streets of America when the general population realizes that there is no money? That’s right, chaos.”
According to this insider, the Trayvon Martin case is just the tip of the iceberg. “You certainly don’t have to be a genius to understand how Obama and his team played the public on this issue, and it’s far from over. But that’s not the sole element of what we’ll see this summer.”
“Remember the shots fired at the White House not too long ago?” asked my source. There was an element of outrage that was squandered, according to ‘team Obama.’ In fact, Obama and some of his closest advisors, especially [Valerie] Jarrett were incredibly angered that the outrage was seemingly tempered. It should have been an opportunity to use our force against the Tea Parties, the gun clingers, the Constitutionalists, and everyone who has complained about Obama. DHS should have stepped in right then, and used that event to start the clampdown,” this source stated about White House comments.
This source stated that from that point on, the DHS must become more responsive and aggressive.
Watch for a false flag event against Obama or his family, something that will outrage ‘black America.’ It will be carefully choreographed, but executed in a manner that will evoke the ugliest of reactions and create racial chaos in this country that will make the Watts riots, 1968 and the Rodney King riots pale in comparison. That’s the third leg in this.”
Does Obama look worried about the upcoming elections? Look at his lavish vacations, his limited work schedule, and those with whom he is working. This is a very dangerous man who has, as his closest advisors, people who have orchestrated the revolutions of the 1960s. They know the “trigger points” in America.
The Obama administration, including his czars and along with his closest Progressive supporters, are planning a manufactured insurgency against America. He is using the media to his advantage to garner both sympathy and support for his unfinished goals. He is desperately seeking a way to remain in office, even if it means the surreal prospect of an indefinite postponement of elections – if it can be pulled off. So far, he’s got the support of the majority of the DHS “brass” behind him, according to my source.
“They’re power hungry, and they want to remain in charge,” stated this source.
The “surreal” aspect of suspended elections won’t look so surreal when you see any or all of the “trigger points” take place in the not-so-distant future.
“The end-game plan for America is its destruction as a Constitutional Republic, with the assistance of the agencies under the umbrella of the DHS.”
My sourced stated one more thing that seemed to tie things together. He urged me to recall the quote by Henry Kissinger who was speaking at a Bilderberg meeting at Evian, France, on 21 May 1992:
Today Americans would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order; tomorrow they will be grateful. This is especially true if they were told there was an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead with world leaders to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well being granted to them by their world government.
That threat need not be from beyond. All it might take is a world of starving, broke and desperate people.
Note: My source promised more information at a later time. Stay tuned.