By Peter Barry Chowka

Robert Francis (aka Beto) O’Rourke finally – as expected – officially declared that he is running for President.

Early in the morning of Thursday, March 14, O’Rourke issued a 3-minute video with his wife holding his hand as she sat at his side on a comfy couch as he declared his intention to challenge President Trump for the nation’s top job.

O’Rourke was an obscure, inconsequential, three-term member of Congress from El Paso, Texas. He ran for a U.S. Senate seat in 2018 against incumbent Sen. Ted Cruz and lost by three points. His ability to supposedly come across as “authentic,” and his ability to raise $80 million for his race against Cruz, put him on the left wing media’s map as a potential contender for the 2020 presidential race. Beto brings to mind what George Burns is reported to have said: “Sincerity – if you can fake that, you’ve got it made.”

O’Rouke’s “look” – his appearance and affect – call to mind the late Sen. Robert F. Kennedy. In fact, O’Rourke looks like he could easily transition to acting and playing Robert F. Kennedy in a TV movie.

And, in terms of icing on the cake, his birth name is Robert Francis O’Rourke. Robert Kennedy’s was Robert FrancisKennedy.

O’Rourke also reminds me of Barack Hussein (aka Barry Sotero) Obama: Another empty suit cut-out of limited achievement who nonetheless could be made to appeal to the dumbed down electorate as an “authentic,” hipster candidate. In other words, he might be a “White Obama.”

One of the most irksome comments in O’Rourke’s announcement video was this:

“If immigration is a problem, it’s the best possible problem for this country to have.”

Shortly before O’Rourke’s video announcement went online, I was watching Fox News, which reported on the latest murder of an American woman allegedly after a home invasion by an illegal immigrant – a violent, feral gang member – who had been arrested multiple times for violent crimes after invading the USA but was never turned over to ICE for deportation because of California’s sick Sanctuary State policy.

Thomas Lifson, the founder, publisher, and editor of American Thinker, nailed O’Rourke in his article that was published shortly after O’Rourke’s announcement of his candidacy and which made use of my photo assembly of RFK and Beto. Highly recommended.

Peter Barry Chowka writes about politics, media, popular culture, and health care for American Thinker and other publications. Peter’s new Web site is Follow him on Twitter at @pchowka.

My latest 1,500-word article on how the Democratic Party has morphed into one that espouses socialism was published last week in The Epoch Times. In addition to the Internet, it ran on page 1 of the Epoch Times’ Thursday October 11 national edition. An introduction and link to the full article are below. The substance of the article will be discussed during my weekly appearance on The Hagmann Report, Monday October 15 from 9-10 PM EDT.

Democrats Embrace Socialism in Battle to Win Midterm Elections

By Peter Barry Chowka

October 11, 2018

With less than a month to go before the 2018 midterm elections, the Democratic Party is attempting to make the most of its opposition to President Donald Trump as its best chance for electoral victory.

Most of the party’s candidates for all 435 seats in the House of Representatives and the one-third of the Senate that’s in play are supporters of the anti-Trump “resistance.” A growing number of those candidates favor policies that are in sync with far-left radical groups such as the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), the largest socialist membership organization in the United States.

In the past two years, grassroots opposition to Trump at the party’s base of activists has pushed Democrat officeholders steadily to the far left end of the political spectrum, with a concomitant embrace of socialist policies. Many Democratic Party candidates competing in local and state races also are increasingly running to the extreme left this year.


To achieve their electoral goals, the Democrats are employing a multi-tiered approach. In conservative states that voted for Trump in 2016, the party has nominated candidates who project moderate images but who, in most cases, default to socialist positions. In reliably “blue” states such as Massachusetts and New York, Democratic candidates are openly proclaiming a commitment to socialism.

A prominent example of a Democrat candidate running in a “red” state is occurring in Texas. U.S. Rep. Beto O’Rourke, frequently described as Kennedyesque, is challenging the Republican incumbent, Sen. Ted Cruz. Cruz currently leads O’Rourke by six points, according to the latest Real Clear Politics average of polling data.

According to the Texas Observer, O’Rourke had high praise for socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), calling him the “absolute champion” of single-payer health care in the United States, and his presidential campaign “transformational [and] the catalyst for the conversation this country has needed to have for a long time.”

The article continues at The Epoch Times – Click here to read it for free.

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