I’m done. I’ve had a bellyful of this insanity. IT’S GOING TO GET BLOODY. That’s an observation, not a threat. I’m done with bleeding heart liberal, Communist, progressive cucks who cannot or refuse to see what’s happening right in front of them. If you are in support of the cognitively impaired criminal in the White House and his cabal of criminals, including and especially that Cuban national, Communist-advocate cueball Alejandro “Ali” Mayorkas, YOU are a BIG part of the problem.

I have NO desire to be your friend. I have NO desire to coexist with you. It is because of you and those like you who have sentenced my children and their children to a life of servitude, perversity, poverty, and slavery. You are my enemy. You are a traitor to our nation. I don’t give a tinker’s damn if you have a “D” or “R” after your name; you’ve pushed true, patriotic Americans to their limits for your personal gain. Worse, we let you. But I suspect that’s all about to change. “Beware the wrath of a patient man.”

Elections have consequences. To paraphrase Steve Bannon, stolen elections have catastrophic consequences. If you think the 2020 election was fair and Biden really did win, you’re an imbecile. If you believe that there was no fraud in the 2022 election, you’re a moron. If you think the upcoming 2024 election will be fair, you’re a lost cause.

If your steady diet of information consists of cable TV news and the corporate print media, you are not merely uninformed but willingly misinformed. If you choose not to research current and historical events using reliable alternative sources, you deserve your upcoming servitude. If you choose to comply with yet another round of unconstitutional and nonsensical mandates such as mask-wearing, social distancing, and stay-at-home orders, then you are a brainwashed cuckhold. Resistance and non-compliance is the only answer. We must no longer tolerate the intolerable.

Consider the invasion of America. It’s the modern-day equivalent of the 1984 movie Red Dawn, without the parachutes, but at the invitation of an illegitimate, unelected regime facilitated by Communist organizations operating as charitable NGOs. EVERY such person and entity involved in the intake process of the criminal border crossers MUST be identified and prosecuted. EVERY federal official, state governor, state official, county official – everyone down to the drivers of the busses must be held to account by “WE, THE PEOPLE.”

I’m with Owen, who spent 47 days in federal prison as a political prisoner of Joseph Robinette Biden and the cuckold RINOs who are destroying our nation. We all owe Owen a debt of gratitude for having the balls to stand up and speak out. We ALL need to do this so we can avert bloodshed. WATCH:

By Douglas J. Hagmann

The video above is a but a “snapshot in time,” albeit an important one. It clearly shows Tlaib’s deeply visceral reaction to two simple questions asked to her by investigative journalist Ben Bergquam: “Will you denounce Hamas? Why do you support terrorists?” Instead of answering either question, she accused Mr. Bergquam of “dehumanizing Palestinians.” By her response, she equated all Palestinians with Hamas terrorists – making no distinction between the Hamas terrorists and the Palestinian people. As an aside, perhaps Ms. Tlaib should enroll in a remedial history course. She would then know that until 1948, Jews born in the area she refers to as “Palestine” were listed on all official documents – birth certificates, passports, etc. as “Palestinians.” Perhaps it would surprise her to learn that she was also referring to Jews born before 1948 as being dehumanized in her terse response to Mr. Bergquam.

Rashaida Tlaib, however, represents a much greater danger to our nation and people. I believe that it is vital to all Americans and our nation to fully understand the reason for her response, as having that understanding further illustrates the depth of anti-American, pro-jihad penetration that exists within our own government. Stated differently and more simply, Rashida Tlaib should be considered an enemy of America embedded within our government.

If that depiction of Tlaib appears hyperbolic, consider the findings from research conducted by the organization Canary Mission, a group that “documents individuals and organizations that promote hatred of the USA, Israel and Jews on North American college campuses and beyond. Canary Mission investigates hatred across the entire political spectrum, including the far right, far left and anti-Israel activists.” According to Canary Mission:

Canary Mission

Tlaib is also a member of the “Squad,” an informal group of 8 far-left Democratic members of the U.S. House of Representatives known for their anti-Israel public statements. More importantly, Rashida Tlaib is a member of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), the largest U.S. Marxist organization.

Speaking of the swamp and enemies within, watch Adam Schiff’s telling non-response to Ben Bergquam as well:

A deeper understanding of the threat we face from within is mandatory, as is a deep cleaning of the swamp that exists in America.


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PAGE/BULLETIN:  DHS Issues National Terrorism Advisory System (NTAS) Bulletin

VIDEO:  The Right-Winger / Russian False Flag Power Grid Attack

VIDEO:  FBI formally refuses to produce Biden probe memo to Congress, Comer to hold Wray in contempt  Revolver

VIDEO: On October 14th, 17th & 18th, Maricopa County performed secret testing on the tabulators.

VIDEO (Closing) – An example of teamwork

VIDEO:  Posobiec Warns “No Way” U.S. Avoids Losing Multiple Carrier Groups in Conflict with CCP  003:20 BANNON WAR ROOM


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Truth Social:

By Peter Barry Chowka

My latest 1,500-word article on how the Democratic Party has morphed into one that espouses socialism was published last week in The Epoch Times. In addition to the Internet, it ran on page 1 of the Epoch Times’ Thursday October 11 national edition. An introduction and link to the full article are below. The substance of the article will be discussed during my weekly appearance on The Hagmann Report, Monday October 15 from 9-10 PM EDT.

Democrats Embrace Socialism in Battle to Win Midterm Elections

By Peter Barry Chowka

October 11, 2018

With less than a month to go before the 2018 midterm elections, the Democratic Party is attempting to make the most of its opposition to President Donald Trump as its best chance for electoral victory.

Most of the party’s candidates for all 435 seats in the House of Representatives and the one-third of the Senate that’s in play are supporters of the anti-Trump “resistance.” A growing number of those candidates favor policies that are in sync with far-left radical groups such as the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), the largest socialist membership organization in the United States.

In the past two years, grassroots opposition to Trump at the party’s base of activists has pushed Democrat officeholders steadily to the far left end of the political spectrum, with a concomitant embrace of socialist policies. Many Democratic Party candidates competing in local and state races also are increasingly running to the extreme left this year.


To achieve their electoral goals, the Democrats are employing a multi-tiered approach. In conservative states that voted for Trump in 2016, the party has nominated candidates who project moderate images but who, in most cases, default to socialist positions. In reliably “blue” states such as Massachusetts and New York, Democratic candidates are openly proclaiming a commitment to socialism.

A prominent example of a Democrat candidate running in a “red” state is occurring in Texas. U.S. Rep. Beto O’Rourke, frequently described as Kennedyesque, is challenging the Republican incumbent, Sen. Ted Cruz. Cruz currently leads O’Rourke by six points, according to the latest Real Clear Politics average of polling data.

According to the Texas Observer, O’Rourke had high praise for socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), calling him the “absolute champion” of single-payer health care in the United States, and his presidential campaign “transformational [and] the catalyst for the conversation this country has needed to have for a long time.”

The article continues at The Epoch Times – Click here to read it for free.

By Peter Barry Chowka

Although Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez’s endorsements of far-left socialist Democratic Party candidates in Tuesday’s (August 7th) primary elections had mixed results, the 28-year-old darling of the Democratic Socialists of America and the mainstream media is still plotting her strategy for the critically important November Congressional elections that are now less than three months away.

The strategy of Ocasio-Cortez and her comrades is to keep the pressure on the Democratic Party to continue its hard left turn towards socialism – which is really Marxism, as my new article online today at The Epoch Times concludes.

The article’s title is The Democratic Socialists of America Are Coming: Do They Represent America’s Future? It’s my fifth article since July 12th published at The Epoch Times.

The article includes some exclusive quotes from Diana West, the distinguished author of American Betrayal and other books and a nationally syndicated columnist. Diana West has been a guest on The Hagmann Report program, most recently on July 31st (click here for video). I received an email from Ms. West with her replies to several questions I had asked her shortly before my weekly appearance on The Hagmann Report on Monday, August 6th and I read portions of her comments on the program, including these lines.

Diana West: “It’s quite clear to me that DSA is communist and Marxist both — and ‘progressive’ and Alinskyite and Fabian as well — in the sense that all of these groups and factions seek to remake America according to the same socialist, centrally planned, varyingly totalitarian vision, all of them creating the kind of tyranny that our Founding Fathers would have had to declare independence from all over again.

“While differences in tactics or presentation may absorb these Marx-influenced groups themselves, even pit them against each, such differences amount to little as far as anti-communists should be concerned. All of these groups pay homage to Marx; thus, they all pose existential threats to liberty, religion, tradition, free markets.”

To read my entire 1,100 word article without charge at The Epoch Times, The Democratic Socialists of America Are Coming: Do They Represent America’s Future? please click here.

Peter Barry Chowka is a veteran reporter and analyst of news on national politics, media, and popular culture.  During the past year, he has been a frequent contributor to American Thinker. His articles are now appearing in The Epoch TimesEvery Monday at 9 PM ET, Peter offers political and media analysis live on The Hagmann Report.Follow Peter on Twitter at @pchowka.

By Douglas J. Hagmann

 remember it well. My first contact with my DHS “whistleblower” source was a middle-of-the-night conversation on May 25, 2012, some five-and-a-half years ago and well documented on this site and other sites, including Canada Free Press.

On that occasion, this source stated that “DHS is actively preparing for massive social unrest inside the United States. He then corrected himself, stating that ‘a civil war’ is the more appropriate term. Certain elements of the government are not only expecting and preparing for it, they are actually facilitating it.”

That was several months before the re-election of Barack Hussein Obama, the man of questionable origins, dubious bona-fides and an inherent, visceral hatred for everything that made America a once-great nation. Obama had to win re-election to complete his task of destroying our Representative Republic. He was handily re-elected without much viable opposition, giving him additional time to complete his duties as the front man for his Globalist puppet masters.

As my insider source informed me in the many additional contacts we had, “plans, tactics and timetables change, but the objectives of these Globalists don’t.”

Now, let’s fast forward to the present. In an upset the Globalists did not see coming, President Donald J. Trump was elected by the people of America in a fair and free election. This, however, was not supposed to happen. After her coronation, Hillary Clinton was supposed to continue the unfinished tasks of Obama, transforming the U.S. into a fully Communist society that would better integrate with a Global collective. Bernie Sanders, a socialist, was simply not radical enough for the Globalist puppet masters of the Progressive base, which is really a Communist platform.

In the wake of the loss, the Communist operatives immediately went to work to cast doubt on the legitimacy of our elections. Much like the signature Benghazi video, the Russian-Collusion narrative was birthed out of desperation and necessity. It relentlessly continues today as the Shadow Government is using the mechanisms of our institutions in the form of an “Independent” Counsel to further delegitimize our President and his office. The intended result here is to provoke a Constitutional crisis that will send our nation into a deliberate state of chaos.

Meanwhile, the highly active Shadow Government, maligned as a conspiracy theory by the very people who comprise this agenda and their unwitting dupes, is in overdrive to compensate for the interruption of their agenda. Barry Soetoro, better known as Barack Hussein Obama II, is operational from his base on Embassy Row to tend to the business of taking America down from within.

In fact, one might assert that he has more latitude out of office and away from oversight. Consider the situation of Dr. Sebastian Gorka who recently departed from the inner circle of the West Wing. Undoubtedly, he will be engaged in a form of political trench warfare on behalf of the Conservative Right that might otherwise be impossible.

Globalist Task List

Now recall the warnings from my previous reports, based on the information given to me from my insider source. Also remember that the plans, tactics, strategies of the Globalist might change, but the objectives remain the same. The Globalist puppet masters want to tear America down. All of it. Their hatred for American is unmatched, as is their desperation now that Donald Trump is in office.

The Globalist task list adheres to a five-step program, which is essentially the formula used by George Soros to foment coups and uprisings across the globe:

  1. Form a Shadow Government;
  2. Take complete control of the media, including and especially the independent media;
  3. Destabilize the State;
  4. Provoke an Election Crisis;
  5. Assume Control of the Reins of Power.

Note here that George Soros, in his own words, has publicly lamented on America existing as a roadblock to a Communist collective:

The main problem to a ‘stable and just world order’ is the United States.” –George SorosThe Age of Fallibility.

The Shadow Government has existed inside the United States since 1947-48, or since the inception of the Central Intelligence Agency. It has undergone various iterations and refinements, and now comprise, as part of the Shadow Government – a subsection known as the Deep State. The tools available to the Shadow government are many, and now involve the use of the many technologies that did not exist even a decade ago.

Note: Kevin Shipp, a former CIA officer, will be our guest on The Hagmann Report tomorrow, Friday, September 1, 2017 to give his presentation on the Shadow Government based on his first-hand knowledge.

One can see how far along the Shadow Government is in their task of destroying America. Nonetheless, they have an enemy in Donald Trump, who is a formidable speedbump on the road to complete tyranny. While they continue to work on step 4 via Robert Mueller and the Republican establishment, there is a level of organization and flow of money being poured into step 3 unlike anything ever before seen.

Orchestrating the Chaos

Starting with “protest” marches concurrent with the inauguration of Donald Trump, the Communist resistance to a free Republic is being refined from the top down, populated from the bottom up, and fueled from the inside out. Does this sound familiar? It should, as it is from the mouth of Van Jones, a close confidante of Barack Hussein Obama and Hillary Clinton who was briefly at the center of controversy as Obama was about to give him a West Wing position. Today, Jones is a political activist and involved in numerous “Progressive” political initiatives.

According to most recent information from my insider source within the beltway, combined with infiltration and investigation of various “activist” groups in the U.S. by investigators involved with my organization, the protest marches are being permitted to grow into an armed militant movement that will cause “flashpoints” of domestic unrest and armed conflict across the U.S.

Obama’s “fundamental transformation,” although momentarily interrupted by the victory of Donald Trump, will be facilitated by an armed resistance aided by holdovers inside government loyal to Obama, Clinton and the Globalist cause. They have had more than a decade of infiltration under Obama and the globalists, and intend to stay as long as possible. Meanwhile, they are arming for war to be conducted in the streets of America.

Red Guards – Austin

Groups including but not limited to Antifa, RevComm, and now Red Guards (Austin) are collecting weapons and preparing for an all-out assault under the pretext of fighting the Nazi oppression that they purport that Donald Trump and his supporters espouse. They are turning in their rocks and bottles for bullets and guns, and are receiving training from war veterans sympathetic to their cause.

One might laugh at the thought of the thuggish snowflakes, known by their obtuse behavior, being able to cause any such violence, at least effectively. Alone and without top-down coordination, perhaps a chuckle might be warranted. However, their efforts are being supplemented by powers inside the Shadow Government, a force multiplier that we mock or ignore at our peril.

As I discussed during my radio show today, war is coming to our streets as I warned over five years ago.

Prepare. Pray.

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