By Douglas J. Hagmann

On October 8, 2012, I wrote a column titled Lemmings.. At the precipice of WWIII that connected the dots between the Arab Spring, Benghazi, Syria and Russia. My report was published ten months before the August 21, 2013 chemical weapons attack in Ghouta that caused the excruciating deaths of an estimated 1500 men, women and children in this eastern suburb of Damascus and four-and-a-half years before the events of last week.

My 2012 report originated from information provided to me by one of two sources within the intelligence community who outlined the “big picture,” from the Arab Spring to Benghazi through the present. The information provided to me then was validated and expanded by a 2016 article titled Death Race Damascus Update and proved correct by the events of last week.

Accordingly, when I am contacted by this or other sources operating at the same level as I was on Saturday, I tend to pay attention. Based on information provided to me during that contact, it was made clear that the Globalist agenda is being ramped up and that their objectives have not changed. Furthermore, unless and until the big picture is understood, it will be difficult to properly contextualize and understand current events.

Excerpted from the 2012 article: “All that is needed now is for a dutiful media to present one image, a video, or some other ‘proof’ that Assad or someone else is using, or has their hands on, unconventional weapons. This will provide the necessary pretext for the U.S. and NATO, to intervene and ramp up the war against Assad.”

Exactly as scripted, that chemical weapons attack took place less than a year after my column was published. Internal pushback within our government, however, caused the reins to be pulled back on any military response in 2013. That pushback originated from the same growing sentiment that ultimately gave rise to a Donald J. Trump Presidential victory.

An “About Face”

On June 15, 2013, Donald Trump tweeted that intervention in Syria would be a serious mistake. Shortly after the 2013 chemical weapons attack in Ghouta, Donald Trump tweeted, on September 5, 2013 “many very bad things will happen” should the U.S. respond militarily.

Today, speculation within the media and by talking heads is rampant about this “about face” of President Trump. Based on the information I received from my intelligence source on Saturday, April 8, 2017, “many bad things” are indeed about to happen. Additionally, very few of the pundits who are either siding with Donald Trump or castigating him about his military response have a clue about what lies ahead.

The reason behind the “about face” of President Trump are beyond the scope and purpose of this report, but will be addressed in future columns.

I would be remiss, however, not to point out that our current world position is the result of a quarter of a century of war and U.S. intervention in the Middle East, beginning in modernity with the “New World Order” dictates of former President George H.W. Bush as we entered “Desert Storm” in 1991.

More recently, eight years of advancing the Islamic agenda by Barack Hussein Obama II, as well as Hillary Rodham Clinton serving as a Muslim Brotherhood operative during her tenure as Secretary of State, the infiltration of our government by Muslim-Globalist-Communists over the last decade, and the growing incursion of Islamists, Socialists and admitted Communists in Congress has softened the backbone of the United States as intended.

Lastly, the parting actions of Barack Hussein Obama II and his assets within the intelligence community and military paved the way for his anticipated successor, Hillary Rodham Clinton, to continue the reshaping the power structure of the Middle East for an Islamic Caliphate at the behest of Saudi Arabia. When the Clinton coronation failed to materialize, Obama instead exacerbated the situation by employing “scorched-earth” tactics within the intelligence agencies and the military hierarchy.

It is also critical for everyone to understand that John McCain, Lindsey Graham and many other high-ranking Republicans have acted in concert with Obama and are continuing their Globalist agenda unmolested.

Asymmetrical Response

The focus of this report is to understand that the response to U.S. intervention and the condemnation at the UN by US Ambassador Nikki Haley by Russia will be asymmetrical at first, patterned after the US actions against the former Soviet Union. The first blow will be to our economy and the US Petrodollar.

Putin remembers well the tactics and fatal blows that brought down the former Soviet Union, and will respond in kind against the United States. This makes sense when it is understood that the US Dollar exists as the world’s reserve currency because of our ability to assure the free flow of oil to the world.

The first target, then, will be the US Dollar and our economy. How this will play out is speculative, but a proxy attack against one of our naval assets to disrupt the flow of oil might be considered.

Further attacks against the US will be by proxy as well, including potential cyber-attacks that also target our financial base and our critical infrastructure.

Blame Game

It was not coincidental that the legitimacy of US President Donald Trump was—and continues to be—attacked by the Progressives and Globalists as he is depicted as an asset of Russia. Obama, working as an obedient operative of the Globalists, and the embedded Globalists themselves have hedged their bets to make certain that the fall of the United States is laid squarely on his lap, rather than at the hands of the enemies within.

Some might call it “misdirected attribution,” a phrase that depicts the tactics of the Deep State that has been exposed by Wikileaks. I prefer to call it what it is: Treason.

To paraphrase Donald Trump from 2013, one thing is certain: Many very bad things are about to happen.

By Douglas J. Hagmann

As the clock runs down on the Obama “presidency” and as the Clinton candidacy is becoming more fragile by the day, the information I received from two intelligence sources in 2012 is being validated. We are on the precipice of a World War that will begin in Syria and pit the U.S. against Russia, fueled by Barack Hussein Obama’s policy of arming, aiding and supplying Muslim terrorists throughout the region, and specifically in Syria.

It is being reported today that the U.S. bombed Syrian troops inside Syria, killing 62 troops. This is a dangerous and overt escalation of the war that has been boiling beneath the surface for the last six years. Additionally, Russia has made it clear that they will blame the U.S. should the fragile truce that exists within Syria collapse.

I warned about this in my 2012 column Death Race Damascus – 13 Days in October. In that report, I postulated that World War III will begin in Syria and not in Iraq, Afghanistan or even Iran.  I wrote that US forces are waging a proxy war against Russia on behalf of Saudi Arabia, which provided the context for not just historical moments such as Benghazi, but can explain and define the entire Obama “presidency.”

Now with just a few months remaining for Obama to complete his objectives and under the threat of a complete reversal of foreign policy should Hillary Clinton become sidelined, it appears that a deliberate escalation inside Syria is in progress.

In response to the U.S. led air strikes inside Syria, Maria Zakharova, speaking for the Russian Defense Ministry on the Rossiya-24 TV station, said that the air strikes jeopardized a Russian-US agreement on Syria. What was also stated confirmed, at least in part, the information of my 2012 report:

“We are reaching a really terrifying conclusion for the whole world: That the White House is defending ISIS. Now there can be no doubts about that,” the RIA Novosti news agency cited Zakharova as telling.

From my 2012 report:

The status of relations is now being changed by external influences, namely the United States via the Obama-Muslim Brotherhood alliance and Saudi Arabia. Today, the Syrian Ambassador to Tehran stated that Turkey, in collusion with others, is attempting to revive the Ottoman Empire.

It is for this reason that Russia has upwards of 100,000 “advisers” in Syria. Despite their presence and warnings from Russia, we have been actively arming the anti-Assad rebels so that the Assad regime can be overthrown and replaced by a government sympathetic to the Muslim Brotherhood.

Putin has directly and indirectly warned Obama not to meddle in Syria or risk direct conflict with Russia. Despite such warnings, Obama has continued his foreign policy of using al Qaeda backed rebels, supported by the Muslim Brotherhood, to install leaders affiliated with the Saudi-backed Muslim Brotherhood in Syria. Why would Obama place billions of people in jeopardy in a world war by his attempts to reshape the Middle East? What is pushing this agenda?


Despite the claims of many right-wing politicians and conservative media pundits, it is not a failure of foreign policy, but because of the Obama foreign policy that we find ourselves at the precipice of World War III. More importantly, though, the Obama administration and his spokespeople are deliberately misrepresenting the events that occurred in Libya to cover-up a clandestine operation that encompasses the entirety of the so-called Arab Spring. Libya is the Obama CIA’s weapons hub for the region. It is where the weapons are being collected and shipped for use in Syria, to topple the Assad regime.

Unlike the more palatable and readily acceptable goals of the government backed operations a half-century ago (i.e. fighting the expansion of communism), the goals of this administration reveal something entirely different. It is through this prism of understanding that all of the most recent historically significant events begin to make sense. Could answers to such basic questions concerning the background and meteoric rise of Obama, his relationship with the Muslim Brotherhood, his deep bow to the Saudi King be found in Benghazi? Might this covert agenda, if exposed, reveal that we are actually engaged in a proxy war with Russia on behalf of Saudi Arabia?

It’s been nearly four years since I wrote that column, and the anticipated transition of power from Barack Hussein Obama to Hillary Clinton appears to be in jeopardy. Considering such high stakes that this election holds for the United States domestically as well as abroad, is it possible that this escalation is serving an even greater purpose?

By Douglas J. Hagmann

The House Select Committee of Benghazi released its long awaited report this week, consisting of just over 800 pages separated into five sections (I-V) and 12 appendices1. Having combed through the entire report and related commentaries since its release on Tuesday, 28 June 2016, numerous confirmations of my initial investigative reports pertaining to this incident and published first on this website exist. This voluminous report further legitimizes the veracity of the information provided by my source within the intelligence community about this incident.

To my disappointment but not surprise, however, this final report lacks critical information about the activities of our intelligence agencies, under the direction of the Obama White House and Clinton State Department, that properly contextualizes the incident. If such information was included, it would likely provide a path for criminal indictments of high-ranking government officials on both sides of the political divide.

The stage is being set for World War III
Getting to the “Foggy Bottom” of Benghazi
Death race to Damascus continues
The Benghazi deception
The hidden real truth about Benghazi

As I have asserted since the attack on 11 September 2012, the CIA compound in Benghazi was the hub of one of the largest weapons running operations in existence, supplying arms and manpower to various staging areas for use and deployment against the Syrian government of Bashir al Assad.

Activities taking place in northern Libya, specifically Benghazi, Derna and ports across northeastern Libya, have always been about toppling Syria like a real-life version of the game of Risk. Once this supra-Constitutional function of the CIA compound is fully exposed and understood, the reason for governmental obfuscation becomes abundantly clear. It is really just that simple.

Unfortunately, you won’t be informed about this in any official government report or by the captured corporate media.

All of the Congressional committees formed and investigations conducted were never really about getting to the truth, for they would expose the machinations of the globalist power brokers intent on reshaping the power structure of the Middle East. It was all about diverting attention away from this nefarious plot, using a compliant media to conflate facts and assail the intentionally narrow investigative process.

Accusations of a Political Witch-Hunt

Many people, including and especially those politically left of center, have vociferously condemned the time and money spent in investigating the Benghazi attacks. They claim it was never more than a political witch-hunt, and a costly one at that. Citing numerous investigations, from the ARB to the latest House report, they claim that there is nothing new under the sun. And they are partially correct, but for all of the wrong reasons.

From the outset, roadblocks to the truth were erected while the people in positions of power claimed complete cooperation and unfettered access to everyone involved. No matter how many claims of cooperation and transparency were made, the general public found it difficult to see through the smokescreen of deception.

The first lie of the cover-up, perhaps birthed in a cramped office in the White House, was the most egregious and outrageous. That the attacks evolved from a spontaneous demonstration that turned violent against the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi caused by an obscure and amateurish internet video was never the case. The talking points given to then-UN Ambassador Susan Rice by White House political operatives Ben Rhodes and David Plouffe for media dissemination was a smokescreen used to buy time and deflect blame. The corporate media failed to question the ill-spun narrative, providing the necessary ground cover and confusion.

The digital fingerprints of those involved in the exploitation of the video left a trail back to front companies of our own intelligence apparatus, including one company under the control of John O. Brennan, who was subsequently and most conveniently selected to head the CIA almost six months to the day after the Benghazi attack. How serendipitous.

Despite the obvious and plentiful evidence of complicity available to government investigators, this evidence was never followed or considered beyond the most basic acknowledgment.

Hillary Rodham Clinton Lies at Coffin Ceremony

“I’m not the liar, YOU ARE!” -Patricia Smith, mother of Sean Smith, murdered in Benghazi attack

Worse, the now-proven fact that Hillary Rodham Clinton knew that she was perpetuating this lie to the loved ones of the victims of the Benghazi massacre while standing just a few feet from the coffins that contained their remains is perhaps the most unforgivable of her actions. She remains shamelessly unrepentant to the families of those who died. Yet, the outcry against her has been minimized by a compliant corporate media.

Meanwhile, Clinton, her aides and associates, and the members of Obama regime have publicly feigned cooperation with investigative bodies while actually throwing up roadblocks behind the scenes. As written in Part IV, page 2 of the House report is the truth about their cooperation:

“The administration’s frequently stated pledge to comply with ‚Äòall legitimate oversight requests’ is often a hollow prelude followed by delay or refusal to respond to legitimate inquiries. Other congressional committees have reported similar delay and obstruction.”

Therefore, the time and money spent, complained about by the supporters of this cabal, can and should be billed directly to those who have refused to cooperate. Outcries of money wasted on investigations ring hollow in the face of legal maneuverings by these most uncooperative participants. Like the video, the perception of a political witch hunt and the taxpayers’ money expended is a creation of their own doing.

The Magnitude of the Lie

The report released by the House Select Committee on Benghazi created nothing more than a dull thud as it landed atop the table of American jurisprudence. In all of its 800 pages of testimony, appendices, illustrations and findings, there is nothing that addresses the covert operations being conducted by the CIA and other Western intelligence agencies to funnel weapons and personnel for use in Syria and other locations to reshape the power structure of the Middle East.

Doing so would force the Obama-Clinton cabal to admit that our assets were being used by the Saudis and other select Muslim countries to do their dirty work. It would expose the foreknowledge and complicity of not just this regime, but of the top-tier leadership of those in the House and Senate, including Republicans, who quietly went along with the plans of destabilization.

Like experienced magicians who direct the audience’s attention away from where the real action takes place, all eyes have been directed to the lack of diplomatic security afforded to our official presence in this area of the world, made volatile by the Obama-Clinton doctrine of destabilization. The lack of security, while true, was never the real issue. The real action was not taking place at the diplomatic mission, but at the CIA annex where the logistics for the Libyan version of Fast & Furious on steroids was being directed.

Although you will not find it in this report or any of the other reports, it’s about Syria. It’s always been about Syria. It will continue to be about Syria, until the criminal cabal of globalists are successful in gaining control of that country in the proxy fight that is taking place with Russia, which increases the stakes in this real-life game of Risk being played by the globalists.

The game is far from over. The death race to Damascus continues, pushing us closer to global war. The truth continues to buried and the criminal cabal of globalists remain free to continue their agenda without abatement.

Prepare. Pray.

1. References


I. Terrorist Attacks on U.S. Facilities in Benghazi

II. Internal and Public Government Communications about the Terrorist Attacks in Benghazi

III. Events Leading to the Terrorist Attacks in Benghazi

IV. Compliance with Congressional Investigations

V. Recommendations

Appendix A: Resolution Establishing the Select Committee on the Events Surrounding the 2012 Terrorist Attack in Benghazi

Appendix B: Significant Persons and Organizations

Appendix C: Questions for the President

Appendix D: Significant Events in Libya Prior to the Attacks

Appendix E: Security Incidents in Libya

Appendix F: Deterioration of Benghazi Mission Compound Security

Appendix G: Timelines of the Attacks

Appendix H: The September 12 Situation Report and the President’s Daily Brief

Appendix I: Witness Interview Summaries

Appendix J: Requests and Subpoenas for Documents

Appendix K: Analysis of Accountability Review Board, House Armed Services Committee and House Permanent Select Intelligence Committee Reports

Appendix L: Glen A. Doherty, Sean P. Smith, J. Christopher Stevens and Tyrone S. Woods

By Douglas J. Hagmann

It was precisely three years ago when I wrote that World War III will begin in Syria. I wrote that Syria, not Iran, will be the flashpoint between the United States and Russia, based on information given to me by a source within our own intelligence community. I wrote that we were seeing the final acts of a carefully choreographed play being performed on the world stage, where the script was written long ago by the globalist playwrights. (CFP Oct. 8, 2012)

I warned that “if left to proceed as written, the entire geopolitical world and balance of power could, and most likely will, change with this next curtain call. No one will be left untouched by the coming events. We are at the precipice of World War III.” That was in October of 2012. Today, we are now seeing the final curtain call for the next act by the current headline in the corporate controlled mass media:

Russia has begun airstrikes in Syria, the West is disputing their targets, and Putin has told the U.S. and the West to stand down.

For those who have been paying attention to the machinations of the globalists, this headline should come as no surprise. World war is looming and getting closer by the minute.

We are now at the scene where it should all be making much more sense, even to those who continue to cling to their normalcy bias and refuse to see the breadth and depth of the lies we’ve been told. We’ve been gamed by the globalists, lied to by the corporate controlled media – including the pseudo-intellectual pundits who relentlessly push the “coincidence theory” of history while depicting those who understand the script in the most pejorative of terms.

Perhaps now, as global conflict appears inevitable, the mouthpieces of myth, the purveyors of the putrid lies and the architects of the ultimate Hegelian Dialectic and their facilitators will be exposed for who and what they are. They are a group of globalists that include Fabian Socialists, Communists, Marxists, Fascists and Islamic Socialists entrenched within the U.S. and the West.

They are responsible for the imminent confrontation between the U.S., NATO and the West and Russia and their allies in Syria.

As I have previously written, the road to World War III travels directly through Damascus. The road to global conflict was paved by the selection of Barack Hussein Obama II in 2008, and was further widened by the Clinton State Department as it went through Libya, specifically Benghazi, by a rogue crew of globalists acting at the behest of the Saudis.

Further Reading:
Lemmings… At the precipice of WWIII
Death Race Damascus: “13 days in October”
Obama’s real world game of Risk

As I have always asserted, the attack at Benghazi was a critically important hinge moment in history. It was a warning from Russia by proxy to Obama, Clinton and the globalists in the U.S. and the West, against overthrowing Assad and changing the balance of power in the Middle East on behalf of Saudi Arabia. It was a warning by Russia to stop arming the Islamists. It was a warning that went unheeded.

Those who continue to adhere to the “coincidence theory” of history might not understand just how perilous the events taking place today really are until they see a mushroom cloud in the distance. Perhaps not even then will they see exactly how we’re being gamed by the globalists, for in addition to being intellectually impaired to the truth, they will be left visually impaired by the blinding flash.

Meanwhile, the political pundits continue to entertain us with the bread and circus of the upcoming elections. These are the same Trojan horse operatives who have called those of us who questioned the bona fides of Barack Hussein Obama II, questioned the facts about the Benghazi attack, and strived to expose the nefarious agenda of the “new world order” in pejorative terms.

They are the ones who characterize the missing emails of Hillary Rodham Clinton as a non-scandal, either out of ignorance or intentional malice, for they know that within these emails exist the blueprints for war. They contain evidence of complicity, and for this reason, they will never see the light of day. Such exposure would show that we’ve been gamed by the leaders of both political parties, and the leaders of both parties were in on the treasonous conspiracy to push us to war.

Perhaps it will all become moot, for the push toward global governance through orchestrated chaos, depopulation through war, and the subjugation of our national sovereignty to international control appears to be not just continuing, but accelerating.

When all of the dots are connected, the picture will reveal the agenda of destruction and the perpetrators of peril. Through our inaction, we have been brought to the doorstep of destruction.

Prepare. Pray.

By Douglas J. Hagmann

The current threats posed by ISIS, or the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, to world stability in general and to the U.S. specifically are very real and extremely dangerous. However, the origins of the group and hence the threats are not to be believed “as advertised.” We are being subjected to more lies from the White House to Foggy Bottom, along with many elected leaders who know the real story but insist upon pushing a false narrative.

Collectively, they are bringing us to the brink of World War III through Syria, which I have long contended, while simultaneously opening our country to a large scale attack that could equal the September 11, 2001 attacks. Unlike 9/11, however, we know at least part of their strategy.

First, ISIS did not mysteriously or unexpectedly originate from vaporous pockets of Islamic terrorists in an area that is referred to as the Levant, or the geographical region roughly bounded by southern Turkey to the north, Egypt to the south, the Mediterranean to the west and Iraq to the East.¬† No, ISIS was created through an intentional process of deliberate default by the U.S. and Western powers—including Israel, working in conjunction if not on behalf of the Saudis, Kuwait and Qatar. This unconventional alliance will be addressed later, but for now, it must be identified to understand the truly dangerous and evil confederation of complicity.

The formation of ISIS: Conception to birth

To understand the present, we must identify—and fully comprehend—the importance of certain pivotal events that brought us to this point. As the first decade of the 21st century, consumed by the Bush years of wars in Afghanistan and Iraq was coming to a close, elements of Western and Saudi intelligence were deeply involved in orchestrating what is now known as the Arab Spring. As these plans were being laid, the process to select a new U.S. President was in progress. Specifically, the selection of the democratic nominee between Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Hussein Obama was at issue.

Given the requirements needed to accomplish such an ambitious objective as reshaping the power structure of the entire Middle East, it is relevant to cite the “odd meeting” that occurred during the Biderberg Conference in Chantilly, Virginia, attended by Obama and Clinton, almost a year to the day (or exactly one calendar year if you use the starting and end dates) before Obama’s infamously important Cairo speech. It was on June 5, 2008 that Obama and Clinton went out of their way to ditch the press and sneak off to the Westfields Marriott Hotel in Chantilly where Henry Kissinger, David Rockefeller and other globalist leaders were meeting at the Bilderberg conference. Shortly thereafter, it was Obama who was selected as the democratic nominee and ultimately, the next leader of the United States. A wise selection, perhaps, considering the globalist plans as detailed herein.

Whatever happened at that secret meeting, Obama was ultimately named as the 44th President of the United States, and Hillary Clinton was appointed as his Secretary of State.

From the very outset of the Obama foreign policy agenda, the intent to reshape the power structure of the Middle East was telegraphed to the world, but few understood the far reaching and world changing implications of this policy. On June 4, 2009, Barack Hussein Obama delivered his “New Beginnings” speech at Cairo University as referenced above. Perhaps the new restructuring of power within the Middle East was discussed at the ranch of King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, located outside Riyadh, where he spent the night on his way to Cairo. From that point forward, it became increasingly obvious that the Saudi agenda was pushing America’s foreign, strategic and even military agenda throughout the Middle East. Obama’s bow to the Saudi king was deep, all we saw was his bony posterior protuberance, which is a lesson in political, or globalist perspective.

Obama: A necessary Saudi asset

At the risk of appearing to digress, it is nonetheless important to revisit the controversy surrounding the legend of the man who is known as Barack Hussein Obama. We should recall the influence of the Saudis over Obama, from his college years to his presidential campaign. Was it not Saudi influence that paved his way into higher academia? During his campaign where he seemed to be cash poor, was there not controversy surrounding the contributions made to his campaign through anonymous internet donations, made possible through the campaign’s failure to adhere to standard protections against fraudulent and illegal giving? Suddenly, Obama had funds to carry him through the election cycle, many thousands untraceable to their origin but seemingly originating from overseas and in particular, Saudi Arabia.

Let’s also recall that the controversy surrounding the background and Constitutional eligibility of Obama remains at issue. The long form Certificate of Live Birth (COLB) still lacks the proper authentication to pass for legitimate documentation, and the person responsible for its origination was mysteriously the only fatality of nine occupants of a small plane that made a water landing off the coast of Hawaii last year. That’s quite a coincidence.

The truth, at least from my vantage point as a veteran investigator experienced in background investigations of top executives to hold their positions in Fortune 500 companies, the man known as Barack Hussein Obama has failed to furnish any authenticated proof of his Constitutional eligibility to hold office. Contrary to the corporate media, this issue has never been resolved in any court. This raises not merely a point of law, but the subject of allegiance. Look at the world today and ask yourself whether the commissions or omissions of Obama have benefitted the United States. If not, who or what nation appears to be the primary beneficiary of his agenda?

Much like the secret meeting in Chantilly where it would appear that critical decisions were made outside of the public’s purview and in violation of the Logan Act, it appears that there is a hidden power structure behind this particular man, and a concurrent shield of protection by the media to avoid any meaningful probes of his background. To mention any such things, however, is to be shunned, ostracized, and vilified.

ISIS in gestation

It strains credulity that the most powerful intelligence apparatus in the world didn’t see the formation of ISIS coming. The closer one looks, the more that can be seen in the creation of this nebulous entity that is unrestricted by borders, which is a very important and significant characteristic of this threat. ISIS was created by design, with the full knowledge of those in power.

As the world watched the transformation of power in the Middle East through what is referred to as the Arab Spring, American intelligence assets landed on the shores of Libya. The landing contingent included U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens, who was previously involved in diplomatic relations with Syria. Shortly thereafter and with the help of U.S. and other Western and Saudi intelligence assets, Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, a now pliant and co-operating ally against terrorists, became the next victim of this U.S.-Saudi led agenda. Hillary Rodham Clinton accepted the news with shameful and unstatesman-like giddiness. In Libya, with Gaddafi removed and his son imprisoned, the U.S., with the aid of the British, French, Saudis, Qataris and others, established the largest CIA logistics center in Benghazi to ship arms and fighters across North Africa to Syria via Turkey.

While Michael Reagan was perhaps the first to write about this illegal covert arms operation in his column Building on a kernel of truth, I have authored more than four dozen reports on the role of Benghazi and the road to World War III. It is Benghazi where the truth must win out to prevent us from entering our death race to Damascus, or the beginning of World War III. To date, everyone has been misdirected, or intentionally directed to the “red herring” of diplomatic security as the proximate cause of the death of four Americans in Benghazi. It is nothing of the sort. The attack at Benghazi was an attack by proxy to stop the flow of arms and fighters on a mission to oust Assad and destabilize Syria, which is Russia’s red line in the sand.

Regarding Benghazi, the Select Committee on Benghazi, led by Trey Gowdy, will begin in about a month. We shall see whether this committee will be effective in ferreting out the truth, or be muzzled like the other queries before it. I expect that we will hear one of two things; either the committee will succumb to the official narrative that Benghazi was “a failure of security,” or less likely, provide the refreshing truth that it was a covert yet broadly orchestrated mission involving interwoven groups running arms and fighters across North Africa with sights set on Syria. The latter would then identify the true beneficiaries of this globalist agenda—the Saudis—and their captive agent in the Oval Office. This will not be permitted to happen, in my view, considering the “gang of eight” who knew the agenda far in advance.

As Benghazi blew up in the faces of Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton, the larger plot to oust Assad had to take different forms. Yet, the American public had awakened, even if for a few moments, and said “no” and “hell no” to yet another offensive or war in the Middle East. This pushback, however, did not stop the Obama-Saudi alliance from additional attempts to engage us in a conflict. We were treated to false flag events that included a chemical weapons attack purportedly conducted at the hands of Assad. Other attempts were made to engage us, yet our collective stomachs were full of the bile of this Renegade-in-Chief’s agenda.

As time marched on, we bore witness to the selection and installation of John O. Brennan as head of the CIA, an interesting choice considering his former involvement not just with the CIA, but with Obama and in particular, the Saudis. It is important to note his reported role in the passport office break-in in 2008, and his possible role with the video that supposedly sparked riots throughout the Middle East, leading to the attacks of 9/11/12. We also saw Hillary Rodham Clinton extricate herself from Foggy Bottom, a political move as she must insulate herself from the continued controversy of a foreign policy contrary to U.S. interests, especially if she intends to seek the 2016 democratic presidential nomination.

Clinton’s natural replacement was none other than John Kerry, whose personal and professional history is conducive to the globalist agenda. It is at this point where we see the actual birth of ISIS.

The birth of ISIS

During John Kerry’s Middle East foreign policy tour during the 2013 Christmas and 2014 New Year, we heard Kerry state that the United States will not intervene in Iraq, which at this time is falling like a rock to jihadist terror groups. It was at this time that ISIS was birthed from conception to reality by Obama’s “hands-off” approach and Kerry’s implementation of the same. The U.S. essentially left our military hardware, Toyota Tundras and Humvees, keys still in the ignition, arms and other assets and walked away upon orders from the Renegade-in-Chief.

This action permitted the formation of a rag-tag group of hardline terrorists to suddenly become fully armed and hardened, now birthed with the necessary firepower to wipe out any Iraqi military and police presence, the presence we trained, equipped and promised to back-up, yet unceremoniously reneged on our promise. This allowed ISIS members to give the Iraqi military and police one of two choices: leave or die. Many chose the former, but unfortunately many others were caught in the latter, looking for the assistance promised by the U.S. They are no longer looking.

Now equipped with some of the best hardware American taxpayer money could buy, ISIS began to grow and overtake the region, perhaps somewhere on the eighth hole of one of Obama’s perpetual golf games. Was it incompetence? It would appear doubtful based on the evidence to date.

ISIS as a threat

Understand that the ouster of Assad against the wishes of Putin remains a primary objective of this globalist crowd of U.S. and foreign leaders. We’ve opened up a new front via the creation of ISIS to get to Assad and Syria, a move fully understood by Putin. Meanwhile, the globalist leaders, including the IMF which was first on the ground in Ukraine, also opened up the Ukrainian front against Russia and Putin, to keep him occupied while the U.S.-Saudi globalist alliance is busy in the Middle East. We are watching a global chess game for power at multiple levels, and these seemingly disparate events are linked by a globalist agenda.

The globalist leaders seem to be making their boldest moves yet to bring about the conditions necessary to unite the world against a nebulous terror threat known as ISIS. The open southern borders have provided unfettered access into the United States by ISIS members, or at least the perception of infiltration, as we prepare for the next 9/11 event. While we’ve seen so many “false flag” scenarios in our lifetime, from the Gulf of Tonkin to more recent domestic events, we can be certain of one thing: an event on par with, or exceeding that of 9/11, is needed to get the attention of the American public. It is the only thing that will serve to galvanize the public into acceptance of a new front, a new war, a new offensive, or the method to get us to rally behind the agenda we have so far rejected. This is the reason that the situation today is so precarious. Simply stated, false flags and the cry for the need of additional foreign entanglements aren’t working anymore.

Is ISIS a threat to us? Indeed it is, but one made in the basement laboratories of the globalists and the lawless leaders of our own government, and those of our allies.

The end-game objective is to create a threat so dangerous and nebulous that we must come together in a globalist fashion. Most Americans would not relinquish their national sovereignty to a one world government structure—not now, not yet. They would not consider a one world, or “new world” order under the present conditions. The attacks of September 11, 2001 softened us up to accept a Third Reich formation of “homeland security” and caused many otherwise rational Americans to accept a fatal blow to our civil liberties. Think about what the next attack of an equal or greater magnitude will accomplish. Oh, by the way, does anyone recall a recent report of a few missing nuclear weapons?

May God be with us all.

By Douglas J. Hagmann

Today, every American, everyone in the West needs to step away from their backyard barbeques and pool parties and pay close attention, look long and hard at what is being engineered in Iraq, for life as we know it will soon change. For Americans, Iraq is a half a world away. For others, it is much closer. For everyone, though, it’s soon to become very personal for all of us.

America, the West, and the world is bearing witness to one of the most significant geopolitical events of the last century taking place in Iraq and throughout the Middle East. But few fully understand the enormity of what they are seeing. Even fewer understand the big picture or think big enough, as all is not what it appears. We are witnessing the second act of the play about which I’ve previously written, which is the setting of the stage for World War III. Our world as we know it will soon change, and no one will be left untouched by the events that have been orchestrated by the globalist screenwriters and directors.

The average American sees sudden, unexpected chaos, death, and destruction in Iraq. Elected leaders, the corporate media, and cheerleaders of partisan politics present these events as unfortunate and unforeseeable, or even worse, a consequence of the alleged incompetence by the Renegade-in-Chief and his determined band of outlaws. They are, however, neither based on incompetence nor were they unforeseeable. Rather, we are watching the opening scene of “Act Two,” which is the final cast placement in the run-up to World War III as was always intended and long in the making, separated only by a brief intermission due to the public exposure of Benghazi.

Briefly, the first part of the latest play taking place on the global stage began with the fictional tale of the Arab Spring, which was supposedly a spontaneous uprising by freedom fighters against oppressive tyrants. It was neither spontaneous nor engineered at the hands of lovers of freedom. It was a Western intelligence operation designed to change the balance of power for future events, future acts of the play on the world stage. An important act of the play involved Libya and the ouster of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, as I detailed in my August 3, 2013 column titled Unmasking the Embassy Threat.

In my earlier column of October 8, 2012 titled Lemmings…At the precipice of WW III, I warned that “we are at the precipice of global conflict, WW III. The killing of Ambassador Stevens and other Americans in Libya was merely the prelude, like the opening scenes in a Bond film, but we haven’t yet grasped how it relates to the rest of the script. During the ‘Arab Spring’ we thought we were seeing trailers for several different films before the main attraction, but little did we know how seamlessly the various clips all tie together at the end. The show has already started.” We are now well into the opening act after intermission.

As I wrote, “If the script proceeds as written, the entire geopolitical world and balance of power could, and most likely will, change with this next curtain call. No one will be left untouched by the coming events.” And now, here we are. Following the last curtain call, we are watching the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), a U.S. CIA/DOS backed organization, taking over Iraq with relative ease. Cue the video cameras and audience attention to the U.S. embassy in Baghdad for a flashback to the April 30, 1975 airlift. The march of ISIS will proceed as intended, but it will not stop at Baghdad. They are headed for Syria and have their sights set on removing Bashir al-Assad from power.

The evidence of a Western-backed operation

It’s unlikely that you will see the multitudes of new Toyota pick-ups or the NATO/Western military armaments currently in use by the Muslim Brotherhood-backed ISIS on your television screen, as the global power brokers would rather keep those telling images from anyone who might be paying close attention in America. It was the current Secretary of State John Kerry, following the lead of his predecessor Hillary Rodham Clinton, answering to the current Renegade-in-Chief and his globalist handlers, who toured the Middle East in late December of 2013 and gave ISIS the green light to “do what they will” as the U.S. would not interfere. Not only would the U.S. take a step back, but we would also leave our military hardware and armaments intact for ISIS to conduct their blood sacrifices in typical Wahhabi fashion.

It’s unlikely that the corporate media will expose that the development of ISIS was years in the making, first developing in 2004 as “The Organization of Monotheism and Jihad” (JTJ) and then as al Qaeda in Iraq. In 2006, they changed their name to the Islamic State of Iraq and more recently to the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) as it is known today.

It’s even more unlikely that you will hear about the financing of ISIS, for it is perhaps the most heavily funded terror organization in the world. Even before ISIS overran Mosul last week and pillaged Iraqi banks of hundreds of millions of dollars, ISIS financial documents that were seized during operations in Iraq disclosed that their net worth before they entered Mosul to be at least $900 million. Where did such robust funding come from? A review of their meticulous financial documentation found that much of the wealth possessed by ISIS came from the oil fields they seized in Eastern Syria earlier this year. Yes, Syria. Now their net worth is now over $2 billion, or some speculate about $200,000 per ISIS terrorist. This is no ragtag, unsupported group of spontaneous and opportunistic terrorists, although the Obama-Hillary-Rice-Benghazi narrative is once again in play, this time in Iraq.

Based on the funding and military assets alone, it should be obvious to anyone paying the least bit of attention that ISIS is a creation of Western-backed intelligence agencies, spearheaded by the U.S., and funded in part through the Muslim Brotherhood, an organization that has its own headquarters based inside our own White House, State Department, and CIA.

The bigger picture

The events of today are not taking place in a vacuum. I have written many times about the significance of Benghazi, the third rail of U.S. politics and media. The attack in Benghazi that claimed four American lives was a planned event at the nation-state level, a proxy battle by Russia to expose the flow of weapons from northern Africa into Syria, Turkey, Jordan and other key areas for the sole purpose of toppling Assad and installing a Muslim Brotherhood government, much like Egypt. Despite four separate attempts to blame Assad for crimes against humanity, including the use of chemical weapons, the non-corporate media exposed the false flags for what they were. Accordingly, the globalists had to switch to “plan B” to topple Assad.

Today, the global power brokers are using ISIS to march through Baghdad and into Syria through the newly opened southeastern front via Iraq. They are using our assets and our blessing to do so, which should cause Americans to ask for what did some 4,500 U.S. soldiers die? As Iraq is being transformed into a nation-state of hard line al Qaeda and Taliban related terrorists known as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS), one can only imagine the sadness and outrage of every American family who has been personally touched by the death, disfigurement, or permanent debilitation of their loved ones in the military. The sand and soil of a land far away has yet to absorb all of their blood that has been shed under the guise of freedom and amid a patriotic fervor scripted by the studios of the globalists. Perhaps the advance knowledge that we would turn over the controlling reins of Iraq, known only to the globalist script writers and certain cast members, is the reason that returning veterans would one day be considered a domestic terror threat, for it is indeed an understandable response to an insidious plot.

The bigger picture has always been Syria via the “Death race to Damascus” as I detailed in my column dated January 20, 2014. The bigger picture has always been to topple Assad and take Syria. So, when all of this comes unraveled, and it will- look for it to explode eastward into Saudi Arabia, into the Arab sea, north into Iran, and all the way to the Strait of Hormuz. And when—not if—it does, that attack will not just damage shipping and the free flow of oil into Western markets, it will kill the dollar and with it the hopes and dreams not just of the U.S., but western civilization itself.

The ultimate goal is to kill the U.S. dollar through a proxy war with Russia while the Renegade-in-Chief, his band of outlaws and his global financiers hide under the pretext of plausible deniability. For it is the destruction of the middle class through economic Armageddon, vis-a-vis killing the dollar, that is needed to create a new global economic order and, ultimately, the destruction of the sovereignty of the United States.

Lastly, perhaps those on both sides of the faux political spectrum and their respective cheerleaders understand why many of us were so concerned about the Constitutional eligibility of Barack Hussein Obama to hold the highest office in the land. It was never a distraction, but a matter of allegiance to the United States. Look at what’s taking place and ask yourself for whom is Obama really working. It’s certainly not the people of United States of America.

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