By Douglas J. Hagmann
I wrote this column nearly ten years ago in September 2013, six years before the COVID lockdowns, For verification purposes, the original report can be found here. Fast-forward to today with 20/20 hindsight, were the warnings on target? Consider the 2016 election and the disruption by Donald J. Trump as president. I contend that things would have turned out much differently had it been a Clinton presidency.
Please read the column and decide for yourself HERE,
By Douglas J. Hagmann
On October 8, 2012, I wrote a column titled Lemmings.. At the precipice of WWIII that connected the dots between the Arab Spring, Benghazi, Syria and Russia. My report was published ten months before the August 21, 2013 chemical weapons attack in Ghouta that caused the excruciating deaths of an estimated 1500 men, women and children in this eastern suburb of Damascus and four-and-a-half years before the events of last week.
My 2012 report originated from information provided to me by one of two sources within the intelligence community who outlined the “big picture,” from the Arab Spring to Benghazi through the present. The information provided to me then was validated and expanded by a 2016 article titled Death Race Damascus Update and proved correct by the events of last week.
Accordingly, when I am contacted by this or other sources operating at the same level as I was on Saturday, I tend to pay attention. Based on information provided to me during that contact, it was made clear that the Globalist agenda is being ramped up and that their objectives have not changed. Furthermore, unless and until the big picture is understood, it will be difficult to properly contextualize and understand current events.
Excerpted from the 2012 article: “All that is needed now is for a dutiful media to present one image, a video, or some other ‘proof’ that Assad or someone else is using, or has their hands on, unconventional weapons. This will provide the necessary pretext for the U.S. and NATO, to intervene and ramp up the war against Assad.”
Exactly as scripted, that chemical weapons attack took place less than a year after my column was published. Internal pushback within our government, however, caused the reins to be pulled back on any military response in 2013. That pushback originated from the same growing sentiment that ultimately gave rise to a Donald J. Trump Presidential victory.
On June 15, 2013, Donald Trump tweeted that intervention in Syria would be a serious mistake. Shortly after the 2013 chemical weapons attack in Ghouta, Donald Trump tweeted, on September 5, 2013 “many very bad things will happen” should the U.S. respond militarily.
Today, speculation within the media and by talking heads is rampant about this “about face” of President Trump. Based on the information I received from my intelligence source on Saturday, April 8, 2017, “many bad things” are indeed about to happen. Additionally, very few of the pundits who are either siding with Donald Trump or castigating him about his military response have a clue about what lies ahead.
The reason behind the “about face” of President Trump are beyond the scope and purpose of this report, but will be addressed in future columns.
I would be remiss, however, not to point out that our current world position is the result of a quarter of a century of war and U.S. intervention in the Middle East, beginning in modernity with the “New World Order” dictates of former President George H.W. Bush as we entered “Desert Storm” in 1991.
More recently, eight years of advancing the Islamic agenda by Barack Hussein Obama II, as well as Hillary Rodham Clinton serving as a Muslim Brotherhood operative during her tenure as Secretary of State, the infiltration of our government by Muslim-Globalist-Communists over the last decade, and the growing incursion of Islamists, Socialists and admitted Communists in Congress has softened the backbone of the United States as intended.
Lastly, the parting actions of Barack Hussein Obama II and his assets within the intelligence community and military paved the way for his anticipated successor, Hillary Rodham Clinton, to continue the reshaping the power structure of the Middle East for an Islamic Caliphate at the behest of Saudi Arabia. When the Clinton coronation failed to materialize, Obama instead exacerbated the situation by employing “scorched-earth” tactics within the intelligence agencies and the military hierarchy.
It is also critical for everyone to understand that John McCain, Lindsey Graham and many other high-ranking Republicans have acted in concert with Obama and are continuing their Globalist agenda unmolested.
The focus of this report is to understand that the response to U.S. intervention and the condemnation at the UN by US Ambassador Nikki Haley by Russia will be asymmetrical at first, patterned after the US actions against the former Soviet Union. The first blow will be to our economy and the US Petrodollar.
Putin remembers well the tactics and fatal blows that brought down the former Soviet Union, and will respond in kind against the United States. This makes sense when it is understood that the US Dollar exists as the world’s reserve currency because of our ability to assure the free flow of oil to the world.
The first target, then, will be the US Dollar and our economy. How this will play out is speculative, but a proxy attack against one of our naval assets to disrupt the flow of oil might be considered.
Further attacks against the US will be by proxy as well, including potential cyber-attacks that also target our financial base and our critical infrastructure.
It was not coincidental that the legitimacy of US President Donald Trump was—and continues to be—attacked by the Progressives and Globalists as he is depicted as an asset of Russia. Obama, working as an obedient operative of the Globalists, and the embedded Globalists themselves have hedged their bets to make certain that the fall of the United States is laid squarely on his lap, rather than at the hands of the enemies within.
Some might call it “misdirected attribution,” a phrase that depicts the tactics of the Deep State that has been exposed by Wikileaks. I prefer to call it what it is: Treason.
To paraphrase Donald Trump from 2013, one thing is certain: Many very bad things are about to happen.
By Douglas J. Hagmann
It simply does not get more sadly ironic than this. Take a look at this 90-second raw video from 2010 of then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton lecturing State Department employees on matters of cyber security. That’s right, she is actually warning State Department Employees that they have a special duty, a special responsibility to guard sensitive information.
Clinton notes that the State Department Cyber Security team works around the clock to guard the DoS systems against intrusion and exploitation. Why, then, did she knowingly use her own private, unsecured, and readily exploitable system and multiple devices to circumvent such capable security?
I submit that her use of private servers and multiple devices was no accident, no mistake, no error in judgment. It was a deliberate “end-around” of a “dot-gov” system that provides safeguards to sensitive, classified and top-secret information.
To the astute investigator, this footage could well serve as a legitimate piece of evidence to further impeach the credibility of Hillary Clinton.
By Douglas J. Hagmann
“Until we demand accountability and forsake all else for the truth without fear of marginalization, without fear of retaining our lifestyles and living standards, and with the personal honesty and integrity expected of us by our Creator, we will continue to be deceived unto our deaths.“
– Doug Hagmann
It was on a hot and humid Washington afternoon exactly 21 years ago today that the lifeless body of Vincent W. Foster, deputy White House counsel and personal attorney to both President William Jefferson Clinton and his wife, Hillary Rodham Clinton, was found in Fort Marcy Park, located on the outskirts of Washington, DC. The cause of death was a single gunshot wound to his head fired from a small caliber weapon.
The cause of his death was officially ruled as a suicide, and except for a small number of truth-seeking investigators, the case has long been closed. This, despite the forensic evidence that is indicative of homicide, and the proven fact that individuals tampered with not only the crime scene, but the office and personal effects of Mr. Foster.
Considering the seriousness of the news headlines of today, it is reasonable to ask why valuable print space should be given to an apparent tragic incident that happened over two decades ago, and recalled only by people now reaching “middle age.” The reason, I contend, is that the American people were sold—and readily bought into—a lie with regard to the death of Mr. Foster.
Of critical importance, it was a lie perpetrated by many of the very same people who still hold the reins of power and influence inside and outside of the DC Beltway. It is an incident, one of many, that is reflective of a continuing course of criminal conduct by our elected leaders and appointed officials. It is an illustration of the ineffectiveness of a so-called free press, or worse, its collusion with leadership to hold the government accountable on behalf of the American people they are supposed to serve. It is an example of how we, as Americans, possess short attention spans. It is an illustration of how the majority of Americans so readily accept absurd explanations to avoid the embarrassment of being labeled a member of the “conspiracy fringe.” It is an illustration of how many political pundits with large audiences have squandered, or perhaps more accurately abused their platforms by deliberately being misleading or even being AWOL in holding those in power accountable for their lawlessness.
The blatant lies surrounding the death of Vince Foster over two decades ago, left unchecked by the corporate controlled media, partisan pundits on both sides of the political spectrum, and the “average” American’s acceptance of those lies, however readily or reluctant, have collectively emboldened the criminal cabal within our government to continue their malevolent agenda. We see the results of this in today’s headlines.
Today, some Americans are finally voicing their outrage over the lawlessness of the IRS, the attack in Benghazi, Libya, that exposed the largest weapons running operation in history in direct violation of U.S. and international criminal law under the Clinton State Department, and other headlines of horror. Yet, these very same people, whether they occupy positions behind a podium, a microphone, or a keyboard, remained silent about the glaring inconsistencies associated with the death of a high ranking White House official.
Why, then, should we expect anything different from this same clique of criminals and their fact-challenged facilitators today?
These are the same people who have readily embraced the forgery of the Renegade-in-Chief’s bona fides of constitutional eligibility, calling us “birthers,” racists and bigots for merely demanding the truth amid a sea of lies. From the Foster murder to the Obama eligibility issue and every criminal activity between and beyond, many pseudo-conservatives have chosen the path of least resistance for the sake of their careers and the futures promised to them, selecting silence over exposure, misdirection over truth. Their search of the truth, if at all, has been placating and gratuitous.
At least the push from the Progressives has been more transparent in its deceptiveness. The Progressives, or those closest to the Renegade-in-Chief and his assembly of anarchists, and those who have made him their messiah, shamelessly lie with impunity. Without even the slightest objection from a captured and castrated press, they look into the cameras and tell Americans that our borders are secure, the economy is recovering, and the planet has never been as peaceful as it is today. Much like the forensics relating to the murder of Vince Foster, their assertions remain unchallenged.
The situation would be almost laughable if it were not so serious. It would be the subject of mockery if our future, and the future of our children and grandchildren, did not hang in the balance.
When an individual or group is given the ability to kill with impunity and manipulate the media through collusion or coercion, while permitted by the people to remain in positions of power, we should not be surprised by our descent into tyranny. In many ways, our descent is with our consent, either by commission or omission.
Until we demand accountability and forsake all else for the truth without fear of marginalization, without fear of retaining our lifestyles and living standards, and with the personal honesty and integrity expected of us by our Creator, we will continue to be deceived unto our deaths.
It’s been 21 years since the murder of Vincent Foster, yet we have never been told the truth about his death. Obviously, the liars and their lies existed for decades previous and in the decades since. By not demanding the truth then, before, or after, the purveyors of perjury have only accelerated their perversion of truth.
We must stop “fostering” the lies.
By Douglas J. Hagmann
Take a good long look at the face of this 4-year-old boy. He could be your child, your grandchild, or your nephew. The photo seems to reflect childhood innocence, an innocence that is so treasured and so valued that it must be protected at all costs. Who among us could deny that this precious little boy deserves to be protected, and deserves to experience the joys of a secure childhood like most of us had so long ago?
Funny, that, for it is the same people who argue that they are acting “for the children” when instead, they are criminally responsible for destroying their childhood, by ruthlessly and shamelessly exploiting them for their own geopolitical agenda. Worse yet, it’s all being done in your name, in our names, with our collective, tacit approval. For behind this face of innocence is a veil of darkness so black that it should shake you to your core as you look at the next image of this same young boy.
Behind the black mask is the face of the young boy identified only as Muhammad, depicted here shooting an AK-47 in Syria. You’ve probably seen it, or at least heard about it. But do you know the whole story behind it? Do you know that it’s our government—your government—that is behind these unspeakable atrocities? Averting your gaze and claiming that this is mere hyperbole might make you feel more comfortable, but it will not change the fact that many of us have looked away for far too long or clung to the belief that what we are seeing is a centuries-old artifact of Islamic savagery. Whatever helps you sleep at night. However, that does not change the truth, a truth from which you cannot flee.
For those unfamiliar with the images, they were copied from a video uploaded to the Internet titled “A message from one of the cubs of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant,” known by the acronym ISIS. The video depicts this young boy, identified only as Muhammad, barely able to hold the weapon yet maintaining his posture as his proud father stands behind him amid shouts of “Allahua Akbar.” It’s a video that our elected officials from both sides of the aisle, the power elite, and the globalist policymakers didn’t want you to see as the original video was scrubbed from the Internet. Only snippets of the original video remain, having been copied and reposted elsewhere. Nonetheless, the unintended message is clear. Welcome to the hell on earth that is being conducted in your name, with your tacit approval.
It’s a reality that is too disturbing, but one of our own making through the blindness caused by our partisan politics and normalcy bias. It is our death grip on a false political paradigm that has blinded us to the larger agenda of the globalist monsters who will stop at nothing to achieve their ends. It’s a reality brought to you courtesy of the Progressives including Barack Hussein Obama, Hillary Clinton, John Brennan, and the “Neo-Cons” from George H.W. Bush to every sitting member in congress who supports the policies of intervention in Syria and across the Middle East. Nearly every member of Congress, the Executive Branch, the Judiciary, and others, from advisors to lobbyists who support such policies, regardless of their political affiliation, have sold their souls and allegiance to the higher power of a globalist agenda in your name. While they claim to intervene “for the sake of the children,” the blood of the innocents is on their hands. Like the unclothed emperor, the captured Western media dares not tell of covert, Western-backed assistance to the same terrorist groups who have killed and maimed so many of our own.
What you are witnessing here is the extension of the activities that took place in Libya, specifically Benghazi, where the United States, the British, French, and Saudi Arabia were involved in the largest arms-running operation in the world, all in direct violation of international law. As I have written so many times, Benghazi was never a scandal, but a criminal enterprise conducted by the power elite of Western governments having the objective of toppling Assad and destabilizing Syria. This is part of a much larger agenda that includes the well-planned and finely orchestrated Arab Spring, which was planned years in advance.
Yet, MSNBC types like Chris Matthews continue to wallow in the self-delusion that the deaths and destruction in Benghazi were the results of some obscure internet video, the origins of which should raise many questions. Such questions will never be asked by such pseudo-journalists like Matthews, who readily drinks the Kool-Aid from the same trough as many of the “Neo-Con warmongers” he claims to detest so much. Matthews’ love of his personal messiah and his cohorts, and the rabid right-wing cheerleaders serving as water boys for their personal political saviors, all serve to obfuscate the reality you see in the images shown here.
Our government is out of control by assisting terrorist groups in achieving their own despicable and diabolical ends to reshape the world according to the objectives of the globalists. Meanwhile, the corporate media facilitates this agenda of death by rewriting current events to protect their own. Make no mistake, the operation that led to the deaths of four Americans in Benghazi under Barack Hussein Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton, and John O. Brennan as well as their foreign counterparts is continuing by other means. Yet no one is calling for accountability. No one is asking the right questions that require answers that would potentially expose their political icon to the wrath of truth. Instead, we’ve got a bunch of shameless politicians, an impotent press, and clueless columnists hell-bent on convincing the American public that we’re fighting the good fight, for the sake of the children and their future. How dare you?
To me, the photographic evidence and the amply documented list of lies and damn lies prove otherwise. It is time to hold the purveyors of perversion accountable for their deeds. Who among us will be valiant for the sake of truth and justice? Who among us will be the voice of that young boy, armed by a bipartisan, globalist cabal of those seeking to reshape countries in our name? Who among us will speak on behalf of that young boy, who is being mercilessly used as cannon fodder in your name?
The sounds coming from the barrel of the AK-47 held by a 4-year-old cover the deafening silence of those in the seats of power and those tasked to confront them. May God help them, and may God help us all if we choose to remain silent.
By Douglas J. Hagmann
Just two weeks ago on October 16, 2013, a 103-page e-book book titled The Benghazi Hoax was published. Written by authors David Brock, founder of Media Matters for America, and Ari Rabin Havt, a senior fellow at Media Matters, the book promised to provide, “in intimate detail the story of the deception created by those who fill airtime with savage punditry and pseudo-journalism and how the Republicans in charge of the investigative committees were empowered but ultimately failed to find a scandal – any kind of scandal – to tar a Democratic White House.”
Having been at the forefront of reporting the factual events leading up to the attack on the CIA compound in Benghazi, Libya, on September 11, 2012, the attack itself and its murky aftermath, I felt professionally compelled to download, read and evaluate the facts claimed in this book. I was anxious to learn how, as an investigator and a journalist, I fell victim to “unfounded and wild conspiracy theories” about Benghazi.
Instead, I found it to be an odious missive that is completely devoid of facts or substance related to the events that took place at Benghazi. If the authors’ objectives were to showcase their skills at using the cut-and-paste function of a computer to arm the most intellectually obtuse with well-worn talking points to divert from the facts, then they’ve succeeded. Otherwise, their self-absorbed petulance and glaring, pompous obsession with politically motivated assaults against anyone questioning the official narrative surrounding the deaths of four Americans will leave the truth-seekers wanting.
Even at 99 cents, I contend that this book is overpriced and an unnecessary inconvenience of the electrons involved in its download. It is masterful only in its failings to address the real issues behind the murder of four Americans, yet somehow succeeding in including a few disjointed and completely irrelevant references to Barack Hussein Obama’s race and Constitutional eligibility to hold office.
I believe that it is unlikely that Messrs Brock and Havt could overcome their arrogant aversion to facts pertaining to all matters related to Benghazi. On the off chance that it were possible, however, perhaps they could address pertinent facts and answer a few relevant questions about the events of, leading up to, and following the Benghazi attack.
We might begin by asking about the purpose of the CIA compound located in Benghazi, in addition to other warehouses in Eastern Libya that were used as logistic centers and staging areas for the tons of weapons and arms shipments destined to al Qaeda related terrorists in Turkey, Jordan and Lebanon to be used by CIA backed anti-Assad ‘rebels.’ Curiously, the two purveyors of political pettiness are completely silent on this issue, despite it being at the very core of the Obama-initiated toppling of Qaddafi and invasion of Libya.
It would also be most enlightening to learn the exact location and precise activities of Barack Hussein Obama during the murky 18 1/2 hours from September 11-12, 2012. The U.S. Secret Service maintains impeccable logs of a President’s location at all times, including who is with him and where he is in the White House at any given time. Interestingly, this question is of critical importance yet has never been answered in any significant detail.
While Brock and Havt devote an entire two paragraphs to the issue of a “seven-man security team in Tripoli [that] launched its rescue operation within minutes of the initial reports of an attack and chartered an aircraft as soon as possible in the dead of the Libyan night,” they fail to address the circumstances surrounding this rescue effort. They fail to explain that this team acted in the absence of orders from Obama or anyone else, and that the leading member of this unofficial rescue effort had to use his own money, and any money that could be scraped up to ‘bribe’ the pilot to fly to Benghazi. According to at least one intelligence source close to me, the amount was somewhere around $30,000 (U.S.). Was this money ever repaid to his estate or to his family?
A bit more space is devoted to the findings of the Accountability Review Board (ARB), yet there is no mention of why Thomas Pickering was an obvious choice to direct an investigation that could have any negative implications to this administration’s associations with the Muslim Brotherhood. Pickering is an advisory board member of the pro-Iranian organization known as the National Iranian American Council (NIAC), and co-chairman of the board of directors of the International Crisis Group (ICG), whose executive committee includes the infamous George Soros, who, coincidentally of course, donated one million dollars to Media Matters. Pickering is also vice-chairman of Hills & Co., global consultants founded in 1993 by CFR and Trilateral Commission member Carla Anderson Hills.
The significance of Pickering’s appointment cannot be overstated or underestimated considering that the trail of blood from four Americans leads directly to Ansar al Sharia, a terrorist group funded by Iran. Who better to redirect or cover up the operational conspiracy that exists between Barack Hussein Obama, Hillary Rodham Clinton and that Muslim Brotherhood that exists at the core of the 9/11 attack? Pickering is the obvious choice.
There are many more questions that I have identified in my nearly three dozen published articles detailing the events that took place in Benghazi before, during and after the September 11, 2012 attack. Of course, none were addressed in The Benghazi Hoax, as the authors preferred to make the entire tome about partisan politics. This is not only an insult to thinking Americans, it is shamefully exploiting the dead.
I suspect that, by now, you have sensed my overwhelming distaste for this embarrassing excuse of literary tripe written by two sock puppets for the Progressive-Marxist regime. It is nothing more than a modern-day version of an edition of Cliff Notes, designed to be used for the unforgivable obfuscation of the facts related to one of the greatest criminal operations of our time. A criminal operation that not only caused, either directly or indirectly, the deaths of about 150,000 Syrian men, women and children, but the murder of four Americans. And it’s not over yet.
Thinking back to the young Syrian girl chained to a fence and forced to watch her parents tortured and dismembered by Obama-backed anti-Assad rebels, only to be tortured and murdered later, I found it impossible to read without feeling like I needed to shower afterward.
David Brock and Ari Rabin Havt – have you no shame?