By Douglas J. Hagmann | Published at Canada Free Press
A five-page letter sent to FBI Director Christopher Wray from Senators Charles Grassley and Lindsey Graham, both ranking members of the Senate Judiciary Committee, contains explosive allegations against former FBI Director James Comey regarding his conduct in the Hillary Clinton E-Mail “scandal.”
The letter, dated Wednesday, 30 August 2017, contains the following explosive allegation:
“According to the unredacted portions of the transcripts, it appears that in April or early May of 2016, Mr. Comey had already decided he would issue a statement exonerating Secretary Clinton. That was long before FBI agents finished their work. Mr. Comey even circulated an early draft statement to select members of senior FBI leadership. The outcome of an investigation should not be prejudged while FBI agents are still hard at work trying to gather the facts.”
In sum and substance, it appears that former FBI Director James Comey had drafted a statement clearing Hillary Rodham Clinton of any wrongdoing – THREE MONTHS BEFORE she and any other of the 16 named witnesses were even interviewed. If true, it would prove that the Comey-directed investigation into the entire Hillary Clinton e-mail case was nothing less than a fraud perpetrated on the American people on behalf of Hillary Clinton.
Meanwhile, James Comey testified under oath that he was compelled to come forward on July 5, 2016 as an alleged result of the now infamous tarmac meeting between Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch, which according to Comey, cast doubt on the integrity of the FBI.
This is as serious as it gets.
Prepare. Pray for our nation.
By Douglas J. Hagmann
The following is a cursory investigative summary that explains the significance of the email “scandal” that erupted right before the 2016 election and how the Obama Department of Justice under Loretta Lynch worked in conjunction with the Hillary Clinton campaign to obstruct justice.
It is submitted as a foundation for forthcoming documentation that will detail extensive criminal corruption, the scope of which is breathtaking and a threat to our national security by the Hillary Clinton State Department and the Obama White House.
What follows is a brief glimpse into a murky and crowded swamp of criminality that involves personal enrichment through weapons trafficking and the methods to hide the criminal behavior of those involved. It includes the use of the Department of State, the Department of Justice, the Executive branch, and the Clinton Foundation, along with many co-conspirators in government and the media.
Testifying under oath before Congress in 2013, Hillary Clinton stated that she knew nothing about the weapons shipments from Libya and Qatar to Syria. Thanks to the release of John Podesta emails and other documents by Wikileaks, it is now beyond any reasonable doubt that she lied. Her actions resulted in not only the deaths of four Americans, including a U.S. ambassador in the September 11, 2012 attack in Benghazi, but the deaths of countless innocent people due to the destabilization of the Middle East.
Equally disgusting is that she and others used her position as U.S. Secretary of State, serving from January 21, 2009 through February 1, 2013 for personal enrichment through the Clinton Foundation, and again lied about it despite the revelations by Wikileaks.
Hillary Clinton not only lied under oath about the arms shipments, with a large number of those weapons coming into possession of ISIS as well as anti-Assad terrorists, but also lied to the American people about the attack at Benghazi, her emails, and many other related matters. This particular area of the swamp is not only deep, but crowded as well.
Under Hillary Clinton’s leadership, the U.S. Department of State approved $165 billion worth of commercial arms sales to 20 nations (from October 2010-September 2012), representing almost twice the amount approved by the State Department under the second term of George W. Bush for the same time period. It seems hardly a coincidence that each government benefactor of those arms sales gave money to the Clinton Foundation.
Under Clinton’s leadership, an additional $151 billion of separate Pentagon-brokered deals to 16 countries was authorized. Again, all 16 countries donated to the Clinton Foundation. Compared to a similar period under Bush, this denotes a 143 percent increase of arms sales to Clinton Foundation donors.
It is important to note that federal law prohibits foreign governments seeking clearance through the U.S. State Department to buy U.S. arms from making campaign contributions. This prohibition was designed to prevent foreign interests and governments from using cash to influence national security policy.
Nothing, however, prevents such foreign interests from contributing to a philanthropic foundation. Enter the Clinton Foundation.
The Clinton emails (those deleted and archived outside of investigative purview), the Podesta emails released by Wikileaks, and other relevant documents provide prima facie evidence of personal enrichment by Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, the Clinton Foundation and others through arms sales to prohibited countries—including and especially ISIS. They also provide documentation of evidence tampering and obstruction of justice, and provide insight into the individuals and groups involved.
The emails are alleged to include other criminal activities as well, although these activities will be addressed separately for both clarity and brevity.
Many within the U.S. government as well as the media have misrepresented the importance of the emails, from those on Clinton’s private server to those found on the laptop of Anthony Weiner/Huma Abedin. Understanding the mishandling of the Weiner/Abedin emails by the U.S. Department of Justice, the FBI and others will provide insight into how the investigation was hijacked and diverted from within.
The criminal hubris of the Obama regime and the Clinton criminal cabal is unparalleled in American history.
The Hillary Clinton emails, the Anthony Weiner emails, the infamous Comey letters, the Department of Justice obstruction of justice by Loretta Lynch, Huma Abedin, and many others, along with the media manipulation are all incestuously related in this vast criminal enterprise.
A large alligator in the murky swamp of criminal corruption is John Podesta. Wikileaks began releasing the emails of John Podesta on October 7, 2016 and continues to date, bringing the total upwards of 70,000 emails and related email chains.
Podesta is a long-term associate of the Clintons and was President Bill Clinton’s Chief of Staff from 1998 until 2001, and served as counsel to Barack Obama. He and his brother Tony own the Podesta Group (a large DC lobbying firm). He is also the chairman of the Center for American Progress (CAP), a Washington DC-based think tank, and perhaps most importantly, served as Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign chairman.
When the news broke that some 650,000 emails were found on the laptop of disgraced congressman Anthony Weiner, husband of Hillary Clinton’s closest aide Huma Abedin, Loretta Lynch immediately began to mitigate any potential damage by assigning Assistant Attorney General Peter Kadzik to lead the investigation into those emails.
Her choice could not be a more blatant conflict of interest. Peter Kadzik has been a good friend of John Podesta since their days at Georgetown Law School. In fact, many emails between Podesta and Kadzik were among those released by Wikileaks, and were also alleged to be on the Weiner/Abedin laptop. In one of the Wikileaks emails, it was John Podesta who described Kadzik as a “fantastic lawyer who kept me out of jail.” Kadzik’s son also emailed John Podesta, asking for a job on the Clinton campaign.
Peter Kadzik also represented Podesta during the Monica Lewinsky investigation. Perhaps most telling of all is the role Peter Kadzik played in the controversial Clinton pardon of fugitive Marc Rich, who is best known for founding the commodities company Glencore, being indicted in the U.S. on federal charges of tax evasion and illegally making oil deals with Iran during the Iran hostage crisis.
Interestingly, it was Rudy Giuliani who built the case against Rich. Another familiar name, James Comey, the current FBI Director eventually took over the pardon investigation. Rich ultimately received a pardon from President Bill Clinton on January 20, 2001, his last day in office.
The pardon did not come without a price, however. Denise Rich, the wife of Marc Rich, gave more than $1 million to the Democratic Party, including more than $100,000 to Hillary Clinton’s Senate campaign.
In short, Loretta Lynch appointed a suspect of the email investigation to take the lead for the Department of Justice in that very investigation. This alone should clearly reveal that the motives of the Justice Department, presumably acting at the direction of the Obama White House, were never to conduct an honest investigation, but to stop any honest investigation from the start.
Considering that Kadzik was both a suspect and the lead investigator of the latest email “scandal,” and given the fact that Kadzik represented both Podesta and Marc Rich, the motivation behind the peculiarly timed release of the Marc Rich records to the FBI online archive might be better understood.
As briefly explained here, the vast Clinton criminal cabal is well entrenched and extends far back into the Clinton White House and Hillary Clinton’s tenure as a U.S. Senator. It expanded through the Clinton Foundation and during her tenure as Secretary of State. It involves the heads of state of other countries, as well as leaders within our own.
Understanding this will provide the necessary context to understand the importance of everything from the Clinton emails, the Arab Spring, the attacks in Benghazi, and the obstruction of justice as evidence of criminality, and why it is unlikely that Clinton and her close associates will go away quietly.
A war is being waged between those attempting to expose the criminality of the globalists, and those attempting to not just engage in a massive cover-up, but maintain power. The battle is raging. It is a very dangerous time in America.
By Douglas J. Hagmann
A recently published email by Wikileaks identifies 28 members of the media who were invited to an “off-the-record” dinner party at the home of Clinton campaign manager John Podesta three days before Hillary Rodham Clinton announced her 2016 campaign run.
Clinton announced her candidacy on April 12, 2015. On Thursday, April 9, 2015, a 7:00 PM dinner party was held at 3743 Brandywine St NW in Washington, DC, the home of Clinton campaign manager John Podesta.
Members of the “media bus,” or the journalists who would be tapped to cover the campaign were invited for dinner and ostensibly, a strategy session that would assist the Clinton candidacy. According to the email dated April 7, 2015, they included:
Liz Kreutz (ABC), Julie Pace (AP), Ken Thomas (AP), Lisa Lerer (AP), April Ryan (AURN) Jennifer Epstein (Bloomberg), Ruby Cramer (Buzzfeed), Steve Chagaris (CBS), John Harwood (CNBC), Dan Merica (CNN), Amanda Terkel (Huffington Post), Mike Memoli (The Los Angeles Times), Anita Kumar (McClatchy), Alex Seitz-Wald (MSNBC), Emily Schultheis (National Journal), Mark Murray (NBC), Tamara Keith (NPR), Amy Chozik and Maggie Haberman (The New York Times), Annie Karni and Gabe Debenedetti (Politico), Amanda Becker (Reuters), Amie Parnes (The Hill), Anne Gearan (The Washington Post), and Laura Meckler, Peter Nicholas, and Colleen McCain Nelson (The Wall Street Journal).
Select reporters were invited to an “off-the-record” party the following night at the home of democratic pollster Joel Benenson. The same email thread invited a “broader universe of New York reporters” for cocktails and hors d’oeuvres at 6:30 PM Friday, April 10, 2015 at Benenson’s home at 60 E. 96th Street, #12B, New York, 10128. The exact list of potential attendees is still being sought within the matrix of emails.
Coordinating the events on behalf of the Clinton cabal include Amanda Renteria, Huma Abedin, Marlon Marshall, Robby Mook, Nick Merrill; Jennifer Palmieri, Brian Fallon, Kristina Schake, Mandy Grunwald, Jim Margolis, Joel Benenson, Marissa Astor, and of course, John Podesta.
It would appear that the Clinton campaign has co-opted members of the corporate media, and the so-called journalists who have fed at the trough of the globalists’ table have shamelessly traded whatever might have remained of their objectivity to serve as agents of the Clinton campaign.
This news is not new. It should not even be surprising, yet there are many people who either don’t believe the assertions that the collective mainstream media is an agent of the Clintons, or have not seen evidence of the same.
Well, there it is. Oh, and there will be many more revelations to follow.
By Douglas J. Hagmann
Such was the Orwellian-themed “cold open” of an early 1960’s psychological thriller series titled “The Outer Limits,” perhaps now remembered only by those old enough to be receiving incessant solicitations from AARP or medical alert packages.
Who would have thought we’d actually be living in such times while we were being subjected to the psychological thrillers depicted by this cinematic version of a dystopian world over a half-century ago?
If you are reading this with a sense that something is just not right in the world around you, read on. If, however, you believe that all is right with the world, things have never been better, or that nothing is amiss in the realm of domestic and world affairs, please just move along. For the sake of those around you, though, please remember to shower today, toss your “Feel the Bern” tee shirt in the washing machine, and don’t forget to unplug your electric car before venturing out to the Hillary rally. By the way, I hear that finding a parking space won’t be a problem.
Those who are unimpaired by the growing epidemic of cranial-rectal inversion have a clear view of the flashing-red warning signs that have been erected by recent events that eclipse even the most Orwellian-themed scenarios.
In a notable twist of character placement, Hillary Rodham Clinton appears to have replaced the silent star of Weekend at Bernie’s, being held upright as she speaks to the tens of… well, the tens of people at her campaign stops while the media manages public perception through photo-shopping an audience into an otherwise dismally occupied venue.
In an even more bizarre twist that likely would end up on the cutting room floor of the movie Conspiracy as it would be too unbelievable in real-life, the father of the Muslim terrorist, Orlando mass shooter and honorary member of the LGBTQ club of confusion, Omar Mateen, is shown standing prominently behind Hillary “the Yak” Clinton as she spoke to a crowd of her supporters in Florida this week. Of course, we are told that his prominent placement in this much coveted spot was just a snafu by someone in her campaign. That’s right, nothing to see here.
That’s right. We are told that there is nothing to see there, just as there is nothing to see in her emails, her handling of Benghazi, and, of course, the casino known as the Clinton Foundation, where the house always wins. And as you are given the tour, you might be cautioned not to trip over the growing number of lifeless bodies, from Vince Foster to Seth Rich, or told not to slip on the blood of those who have dared to question the official narrative of the global elite.
The list of non-events in the life and legacy of Hillary, at least as delineated by those who worship at the altar of the Clinton cabal of criminals and many establishment Republicans who have sold their souls long ago, continues to be dismissed as kooky conspiracy talk. At least that’s what I envision as the content of pillow-talk between Hillary and her Muslim Brotherhood maiden Huma Abedin, herself one of the pillars of the altar of Pergamon that is being used by this lawless cabal of DC denizens.
Beyond the Clinton legacy of lawlessness and interwoven in this screenplay of absurdity being managed by the captured corporate media is the bigger plot, one that is becoming more evident every day. It is within this genre, this film noir, where the feeling that something is wrong has become palpable. It exists heavy in the air around us, and is engulfing us like some tropical midday humidity that sticks to our skin and saturates us even through the protective covering of our clothes.
I believe that what we are seeing and experiencing the process of exposure of the globalist agenda, who are busily battling the revelations of their nefarious wiles, their agenda of Socialist-to-Communist enslavement of the masses that was planned long ago on the plains of Shinar at the tower of Babylon. Such plans have been tweaked by the cooperative efforts of the Marxist-Leninists embodied and emboldened by “leftists” like Saul Alinsky, Cloward and Piven, Margaret Sanger, and others who are the mentors and gods to the power base inside the Beltway of Beelzebub.”
I contend “that is the ‘it’” which is being felt by those who are paying attention. Stated more precisely, the feeling that something is wrong, that something is amiss, the growing sense of dread is indeed real and will continue to trouble even the most hardened skeptics. It is the spirit that exists within all of us warning us that the problems we face are much bigger than the political machinations of the morally, socially, and spiritually bankrupt.
Something is indeed wrong and we are being advised by those in power not to adjust our television sets, or more accurately, not to adjust our window into reality.
The sense that something is wrong did not originate within the political realm, it is merely reflected by it. Symptoms are appearing in the political and social venues. However, the real problems exist in the spiritual realm, by men and women of incredible hubris who have defiled, debased and perverted all that is good to satiate their own carnality.
Something is very wrong indeed. It is the pervasive evil that we have permitted to permeate our lives. In order to prevail in this war between good and evil, we must first acknowledge the evil, identify it as such, call it out and call out those who are the agents of evil, even if it means “taking some hits” along the way.
The problems we face are bigger than anyone seems to be talking about. That must change first, or we’ll continue to fight the symptoms of our problems, rather than the roots of them.
Prepare. Pray. Saddle for Battle.
By Douglas J. Hagmann
As we have seen with the disgraced and disgraceful Anthony Weiner, sex sells and dominates the media anytime a salacious story breaks. You didn’t have to be a detective to have turned to your wife, husband, or to anyone in the room during any one of the televised media interviews with this twisted twittering congressman as he evaded direct questions about the purveyance of his private parts to say “he did it and now is trying to cover it up.”
He even became surly with reports’ questions about his extra digit in this digital age. Apparently, he learned nothing from history. From Wilbur Mills’ dalliance with Fannie Fox in 1974 to the “Monkey Business” of Gary Hart two decades later, and the Condit affair with the murdered Chandra Levy that dominated headlines in the summer of 2001, Weiner all but dared the media to further expose his digital digressions. And they did. And Weiner cried.
The process is not new to police and investigators. The tears that follow digressions and denials are usually those of remorse of being exposed – pun intended – and not due to the act itself.
For the next extended news cycle, expect the media to converge on digital images of the lawmaker’s lewdness, analyzing the zeroes and ones that makeup today’s images as if they were scrutinizing the former Soviet launch codes. Like sharks to chum in the water, the media will pursue Weiner’s tweets as well as his denials steeped in narcissistic hubris until the story reaches its natural climax.
Like Mills, Hart, and Condit, Weiner will become another entry in Washington’s growing list of sexually scandalous debauchery. Despite its salaciousness, it will eventually be relegated to a mere footnote in American history. It will be of no historical significance except in the lonely and narcissistic existence of Anthony Weiner.
Nonetheless, you can bet that the collective corporate media will relentlessly pursue this story, turning over every distasteful digital fig leaf. Although they should not give a pass to this depraved digital denizen of DC, their interest in an act that has yet to suggest criminal behavior speaks volumes about the state of the media in America today.
Followers of the American media certainly like their share of salacious stories. Just look at the statistics of all internet news articles involving shameful behavior versus those of more historical significance. Side by side, a story that details the sad exploits of an obnoxious Weiner will receive more interest than an article that explains our current foreign policy with Israel and the Middle East or the economic dangers we presently face. That does not dismiss the proper placement of the former in the scheme of legitimate news, but illustrates how easily the media can exploit the attention of the majority of Americans at will.
Our current focus on the salacious versus the historically important results from a generation of illiteracy at the hands of a progressive media. Many within this generation receive their news from the intellectually deficient or the deliberately deceptive, from the likes of Jon Stewart to Stephen Colbert and beyond. Such venues exist as pseudo-news, and current event shows for the often factually and morally impaired and frequently invite equally deficient or deceptive shills as guests to subtly mock issues of substance while pushing matters less taxing to one’s grey matter, all to the cackling delight of an enthusiastic studio audience.
Beyond those popular venues vacant of factual information, we have the actual cable and network news shows engaged in their methods of deception through their biased depiction or omission. What is reported in these venues is agenda-driven as well. So too, is what is not reported, decided at office levels far above the broadcast studios.
As over a half-century of television news has shown, one thing is sure. Sex scandals make for good ratings. As I write this, another thing is equally sure. Like finely tuned symphonies conducted by a single conductor, each network is “all in” on getting the goods on Weiner or whatever is not yet left to the public’s imagination. Generations of intentional conditioning or “dumbing down” the masses have created this fertile environment of intellectual bankruptcy.
It is for these reasons that most young Americans today believe the impeachment of former President William Jefferson Clinton was a direct result of having sex with “that woman.” That fable is still perpetuated by the aforementioned pseudo-news personalities who trivialize everything important in America while attacking our morality and ethics. The truth that Clinton was impeached for lying under oath is even marginalized by the fact that the lies were related to his sexual exploits, including by some in the corporate media.
It should come as no surprise that already, the media has spent more air time and print space on the digital transmissions of a congressman than on the digital manipulation of a federal document by the highest office in America.
It should come as no surprise that the media has intentionally shamefully ignored the continuing questions of Barack Hussein Obama’s possible complicity in producing a forged federal document. Instead, the Weiner scandal, of virtually no historical significance, will carry the day over the more historically significant. Obviously, I am referring to the Certificate of Birth produced by the White House and having the imprimatur of Barack Hussein Obama II himself.
The journalistic process, or what is left of it, should be busy analyzing the digital manipulation of the Obama document rather than the Weiner digit.
Soon, however, the elephant in the room will just be too big and malodorous to ignore, even for the corporate media shilling for Obama. More importantly, it will not be because of the media but in spite of it. It will be a matter too big for Jesse C. Lee to control, despite his taxpayer-funded White House position as a modern-day head of a combination “Ministry of Truth” and Nixonian “plumber’s unit.”
As an investigator, I, for one, seek to make that happen. Around, over, under, or through Jesse C. Lee.