SPECIAL REPORT: Many people know the names of the “usual suspects” of globalists – but do you know the 30 or so subversive groups that have “captured” the Congress, Senate, executive appointments, and cabinet positions?
In this special report, Doug drills down to identify the organizations that work for and with foreign powers and institutions that are conduits of Socialist, Communist, and foreign-biased policies into the US government.
Episode Assets/Links:
VIDEO 1: NYU Student
PAGE 8: US halts exports of most civilian firearms for 90 days
PAGE 1: Committee of 100
PAGE 2: Committees of Correspondence
PAGE 4: Democratic Socialists of America
PAGE 5: Iran Political Action Committee
PAGE 6: List of Democratic Socialists of America public officeholders
PAGE 7: Congress Now Has More Socialists Than Ever Before in U.S. History
VIDEO 2: Panama Being Destabilized – Twitter (Michael Yon)
VIDEO 2: (MSNBC): A view from inside the House: Mike Johnson’s Speakership
By Peter Barry Chowka
EXCLUSIVE. Never before in the history of the United States has open socialism/Marxism been on the march to this degree and poised to amass such significant electoral power.
The recent victory of hardcore socialist candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in the New York Democrat Congressional Primary, the sudden ascendancy of scores of openly socialist candidates running for office (and increasingly being elected with more of their comrades being given favorable odds to win in the fall), and the accelerating drift of the Democrat Party towards full bore socialism and Marxism is a cause for deep concern. It must be taken seriously.
A previous example of an authoritarian fascist regime getting its start due to the results of democratic elections is the rise of dictator Adolf Hitler and the Nazis in Germany in the early 1930s. By 1932 the Nazis were the largest political party in Germany’s Reichstag (Parliament) which gave them the power to compel the appointment of Hitler as Chancellor in January 1933. That opened the door to his amassing complete control not only of Germany but of much of Western Europe and governing for over a decade as a ruthless psychopathic dictator. The results over the next 12 ½ years – World War II in Europe and the Holocaust – are well-known. (Actually, maybe not as well-known as one might think. Recent surveys have shown that a significant number of Millennials are as dumb as rocks and don’t know anything about the Holocaust, World War II, or many other important milestone in history.)
The situation in the United States of America almost 90 years after the rise of Nazism in Germany is obviously unique. It is a totally different world now. Nevertheless, some potential parallels might be observed. The Nazis (National Socialists) began their rise as a thuggish group of outliers, criminals, and losers in the wake of Germany’s catastrophic loss of World War I in 1918. With economic and political conditions deteriorating during the 15 years that followed that war, the Nazis gradually enlarged their base of support and managed to elect a significant number of Nazi Party members to office by promising pie-in-the-sky government relief for the German people. They matched these Utopian appeals with street violence, dividing the country, and targeting certain groups, like Jews, for undeserved blame, marginalization, physical attacks, and, ultimately, extermination in death camps.
Does some of that sound at all similar to what’s going on today? In these times, Trump supporters, Christians, and anyone wearing a MAGA hat has been made an open target for shaming or worse – as violence especially in urban areas continues to tick upwards.
Right now, in dozens of major cities around the country, mobs of losers – masked Antifa thugs, Communists, Marxists, Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), and other riffraff – have taken over by force of numbers whole areas of central cities and declared them “Temporarily Autonomous Zones” that will be “occupied” by the camping mobs until their demands are met. The first demand of these “Occupy” groups, which is now supported by at least 36% of Democrats (and 45% of “liberals”) nationwide, is the end of ICE – the Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency that tracks down, arrests, and deports criminal illegal aliens as well as investigates and enforces federal laws against drug smuggling, money laundering, and child trafficking.
In most of the affected cities, under the control of far left wing Democrat (aka Socialist) mayors, the illegal Occupy ICE tent encampments are being left undisturbed as the Democrats in charge express their support for the Occupy movement and facilitate its continuance. The occupants, meanwhile, are claiming that they are staying permanently in their encampments until their insane demands are fully met.
The Occupy ICE movement’s demands are not stopping with shutting down ICE. Other demands being openly advocated now include No Prisons, No Borders, No Trump, and presumably No Police. “We do not negotiate with fascists [police],” screams a militant tweet on July 11 from OccupyICEpdx [Portland]. Every communiqué put out by the Occupy groups ends with ¡Chinga la migra! – Spanish for “F-ck the migra.” Migra is the insulting word that illegal aliens and their dumb ass supporters use to describe U.S. customs and border enforcement officials. A statement from Occupy ICE Portland on July 7 posted on social media announced that the Occupy ICE movement is no longer eschewing violence as a method of achieving its goals.
Increasingly, individuals (usually white people associated with the Trump administration) are being targeted for harassment and even violently attacked (the attempted assassination of Rep. Steve Scalise and other Republican members of the House during a baseball practice in June 2017 is an example). A tweet by the DSA in Louisville on July 8 commented favorably on the latest harassment of the #1 Republican in the Senate, Mitch McConnell, and his wife when they were eating dinner in a Louisville restaurant: “We’re so proud of the people of our city. Mitch does not deserve a meal in peace, and it’s clear that a grassroots movement is building across Louisville to make that a reality.” This is the organization that soon-to-be Rep. Ocasio-Cortez is a proud member of.
To date, apparently none of the high-profile instances of harassment of Trump administration officials or Republican office holders (McConnell, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Kirstjen Nielsen, et al) has resulted in any arrests. The harassers appear to have total immunity from arrest and from being held accountable for their threatening actions.
This is perfectly in sync with the agenda of the insurrectionists who are running wild – and exerting a greater influence on Democrat pols. The move to completely decriminalize entering the country illegally is being matched by serious campaigns to do the same with U.S. lawbreakers, by closing prisons, restoring full rights, like the right to vote, to violent felons, ordering police to no longer arrest people for “minor” crimes (in an effort to reduce the numbers of “people of color” caught up in the criminal justice system), and otherwise fostering a jungle-like law free descent into the equivalent of Marxist Venezuela 2.0.
The gradual escalation of political and ideological disagreements to physical violence is a troubling trend, but it seems to be flying under the radar of the media, who may report some incidents but then either ignore the societal implications or give wink-wink tacit approval to the anti-social Social Justice Warrior (SJW) “direct actions.” Meanwhile, Marxist socialists and their fellow travelers increasingly approve of such obnoxious and even violent tactics.
This growing rag tag “movement” of native born collectivist dirt bags, layabouts, and slobs, and illegal aliens, almost all of of them surviving on some form of government assistance, would not be so troubling if its sick agendas were not being adopted by a cadre of slightly more presentable socialist politician wannabes (members of the DSA) who have cleaned up their act and are running for office and winning. Ocasio-Cortez is a case in point. An article in The Hill on July 11thdepicted most Democrats in Congress as already enthusiastically slobbering over and sucking up to Ocasio-Cortez while they look forward to her imminent arrival in D.C. – the “New Democratic Star.” One of her soon-to-be House colleagues, Rep. Ro Khanna (D-CA) commented: “She’s going to be a rock star and a huge progressive force the first day she arrives.” The picture of these Democrat-Socialists fawning over this piece of – fill in the blank here – is absolutely nauseating.
Meanwhile, a crowd of leading Democrats, many of them Presidential wannabes – including Senators Kamala Harris, Kirsten Gillibrand, and Elizabeth Warren – are advocating No ICE. A Democrat member of the House of Representatives has introduced legislation to close down ICE. The proposed law is steadily gaining support among his colleagues.
With the almost universal approval of the mainstream media propping up their radical movements, the socialists/communists are fanning out like a bunch of plague infested rats and infecting the body politic nationwide with their toxic, highly communicable brain eating disease. The DSA Heart of Iowa, for example, in a tweet on July 9th, crowed that:
Socialism will win on the coasts.
Socialism will win in the Midwest.
Socialism will win in the south.
Socialism will win in cities.
Socialism will win in small towns.
Socialism will win in rural America.
In fact, socialists have reasons to celebrate recent victories in local elections in Montgomery County, Maryland (right next door to Washington, D.C.), Pennsylvania, and elsewhere. The Nation magazine, which has been advocating socialism and going easy on communism for 153 years, recently bragged “Socialism is on a Winning Streak.” Many references and examples were cited.
The commies (that name should suffice to describe this disparate group of seditious Fifth Column anti-American Marxists who are multiplying like cockroaches), emboldened with a new bravado, are predicting more of the same.
On July 9, NBC News (not whacko MSNBC), prominently featured an article by an elected socialist in Chicago, Carlos Ramirez-Rosa, titled “Democrats ignore the left at their peril. Midwesterners aren’t scared of socialism — they’re hungry for it. Some members of the Democratic establishment argue that bold, left-wing platforms can’t win elections. They’re wrong.”
NBC News — once the home of iconic mainstream news anchors Chet Huntley and David Brinkley — is now serving as a mouthpiece to promote socialism!
The questions for all of us include: Where do we go from here? A further and faster descent into the communist morass? On the verge of full-blown insurrection or Civil War 2.0? God only knows.
Peter Barry Chowka is a veteran reporter and analyst of news on national politics, media, and popular culture. During the past year, he has been a frequent contributor to American Thinker. Every Monday at 9 PM ET, Peter offers political and media analysis live on The Hagmann Report. Follow Peter on Twitter at @pchowka.