By Douglas J. Hagmann
The current threats posed by ISIS, or the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, to world stability in general and to the U.S. specifically are very real and extremely dangerous. However, the origins of the group and hence the threats are not to be believed “as advertised.” We are being subjected to more lies from the White House to Foggy Bottom, along with many elected leaders who know the real story but insist upon pushing a false narrative.
Collectively, they are bringing us to the brink of World War III through Syria, which I have long contended, while simultaneously opening our country to a large scale attack that could equal the September 11, 2001 attacks. Unlike 9/11, however, we know at least part of their strategy.
First, ISIS did not mysteriously or unexpectedly originate from vaporous pockets of Islamic terrorists in an area that is referred to as the Levant, or the geographical region roughly bounded by southern Turkey to the north, Egypt to the south, the Mediterranean to the west and Iraq to the East.¬† No, ISIS was created through an intentional process of deliberate default by the U.S. and Western powers—including Israel, working in conjunction if not on behalf of the Saudis, Kuwait and Qatar. This unconventional alliance will be addressed later, but for now, it must be identified to understand the truly dangerous and evil confederation of complicity.
To understand the present, we must identify—and fully comprehend—the importance of certain pivotal events that brought us to this point. As the first decade of the 21st century, consumed by the Bush years of wars in Afghanistan and Iraq was coming to a close, elements of Western and Saudi intelligence were deeply involved in orchestrating what is now known as the Arab Spring. As these plans were being laid, the process to select a new U.S. President was in progress. Specifically, the selection of the democratic nominee between Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Hussein Obama was at issue.
Given the requirements needed to accomplish such an ambitious objective as reshaping the power structure of the entire Middle East, it is relevant to cite the “odd meeting” that occurred during the Biderberg Conference in Chantilly, Virginia, attended by Obama and Clinton, almost a year to the day (or exactly one calendar year if you use the starting and end dates) before Obama’s infamously important Cairo speech. It was on June 5, 2008 that Obama and Clinton went out of their way to ditch the press and sneak off to the Westfields Marriott Hotel in Chantilly where Henry Kissinger, David Rockefeller and other globalist leaders were meeting at the Bilderberg conference. Shortly thereafter, it was Obama who was selected as the democratic nominee and ultimately, the next leader of the United States. A wise selection, perhaps, considering the globalist plans as detailed herein.
Whatever happened at that secret meeting, Obama was ultimately named as the 44th President of the United States, and Hillary Clinton was appointed as his Secretary of State.
From the very outset of the Obama foreign policy agenda, the intent to reshape the power structure of the Middle East was telegraphed to the world, but few understood the far reaching and world changing implications of this policy. On June 4, 2009, Barack Hussein Obama delivered his “New Beginnings” speech at Cairo University as referenced above. Perhaps the new restructuring of power within the Middle East was discussed at the ranch of King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, located outside Riyadh, where he spent the night on his way to Cairo. From that point forward, it became increasingly obvious that the Saudi agenda was pushing America’s foreign, strategic and even military agenda throughout the Middle East. Obama’s bow to the Saudi king was deep, all we saw was his bony posterior protuberance, which is a lesson in political, or globalist perspective.
At the risk of appearing to digress, it is nonetheless important to revisit the controversy surrounding the legend of the man who is known as Barack Hussein Obama. We should recall the influence of the Saudis over Obama, from his college years to his presidential campaign. Was it not Saudi influence that paved his way into higher academia? During his campaign where he seemed to be cash poor, was there not controversy surrounding the contributions made to his campaign through anonymous internet donations, made possible through the campaign’s failure to adhere to standard protections against fraudulent and illegal giving? Suddenly, Obama had funds to carry him through the election cycle, many thousands untraceable to their origin but seemingly originating from overseas and in particular, Saudi Arabia.
Let’s also recall that the controversy surrounding the background and Constitutional eligibility of Obama remains at issue. The long form Certificate of Live Birth (COLB) still lacks the proper authentication to pass for legitimate documentation, and the person responsible for its origination was mysteriously the only fatality of nine occupants of a small plane that made a water landing off the coast of Hawaii last year. That’s quite a coincidence.
The truth, at least from my vantage point as a veteran investigator experienced in background investigations of top executives to hold their positions in Fortune 500 companies, the man known as Barack Hussein Obama has failed to furnish any authenticated proof of his Constitutional eligibility to hold office. Contrary to the corporate media, this issue has never been resolved in any court. This raises not merely a point of law, but the subject of allegiance. Look at the world today and ask yourself whether the commissions or omissions of Obama have benefitted the United States. If not, who or what nation appears to be the primary beneficiary of his agenda?
Much like the secret meeting in Chantilly where it would appear that critical decisions were made outside of the public’s purview and in violation of the Logan Act, it appears that there is a hidden power structure behind this particular man, and a concurrent shield of protection by the media to avoid any meaningful probes of his background. To mention any such things, however, is to be shunned, ostracized, and vilified.
It strains credulity that the most powerful intelligence apparatus in the world didn’t see the formation of ISIS coming. The closer one looks, the more that can be seen in the creation of this nebulous entity that is unrestricted by borders, which is a very important and significant characteristic of this threat. ISIS was created by design, with the full knowledge of those in power.
As the world watched the transformation of power in the Middle East through what is referred to as the Arab Spring, American intelligence assets landed on the shores of Libya. The landing contingent included U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens, who was previously involved in diplomatic relations with Syria. Shortly thereafter and with the help of U.S. and other Western and Saudi intelligence assets, Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, a now pliant and co-operating ally against terrorists, became the next victim of this U.S.-Saudi led agenda. Hillary Rodham Clinton accepted the news with shameful and unstatesman-like giddiness. In Libya, with Gaddafi removed and his son imprisoned, the U.S., with the aid of the British, French, Saudis, Qataris and others, established the largest CIA logistics center in Benghazi to ship arms and fighters across North Africa to Syria via Turkey.
While Michael Reagan was perhaps the first to write about this illegal covert arms operation in his column Building on a kernel of truth, I have authored more than four dozen reports on the role of Benghazi and the road to World War III. It is Benghazi where the truth must win out to prevent us from entering our death race to Damascus, or the beginning of World War III. To date, everyone has been misdirected, or intentionally directed to the “red herring” of diplomatic security as the proximate cause of the death of four Americans in Benghazi. It is nothing of the sort. The attack at Benghazi was an attack by proxy to stop the flow of arms and fighters on a mission to oust Assad and destabilize Syria, which is Russia’s red line in the sand.
Regarding Benghazi, the Select Committee on Benghazi, led by Trey Gowdy, will begin in about a month. We shall see whether this committee will be effective in ferreting out the truth, or be muzzled like the other queries before it. I expect that we will hear one of two things; either the committee will succumb to the official narrative that Benghazi was “a failure of security,” or less likely, provide the refreshing truth that it was a covert yet broadly orchestrated mission involving interwoven groups running arms and fighters across North Africa with sights set on Syria. The latter would then identify the true beneficiaries of this globalist agenda—the Saudis—and their captive agent in the Oval Office. This will not be permitted to happen, in my view, considering the “gang of eight” who knew the agenda far in advance.
As Benghazi blew up in the faces of Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton, the larger plot to oust Assad had to take different forms. Yet, the American public had awakened, even if for a few moments, and said “no” and “hell no” to yet another offensive or war in the Middle East. This pushback, however, did not stop the Obama-Saudi alliance from additional attempts to engage us in a conflict. We were treated to false flag events that included a chemical weapons attack purportedly conducted at the hands of Assad. Other attempts were made to engage us, yet our collective stomachs were full of the bile of this Renegade-in-Chief’s agenda.
As time marched on, we bore witness to the selection and installation of John O. Brennan as head of the CIA, an interesting choice considering his former involvement not just with the CIA, but with Obama and in particular, the Saudis. It is important to note his reported role in the passport office break-in in 2008, and his possible role with the video that supposedly sparked riots throughout the Middle East, leading to the attacks of 9/11/12. We also saw Hillary Rodham Clinton extricate herself from Foggy Bottom, a political move as she must insulate herself from the continued controversy of a foreign policy contrary to U.S. interests, especially if she intends to seek the 2016 democratic presidential nomination.
Clinton’s natural replacement was none other than John Kerry, whose personal and professional history is conducive to the globalist agenda. It is at this point where we see the actual birth of ISIS.
During John Kerry’s Middle East foreign policy tour during the 2013 Christmas and 2014 New Year, we heard Kerry state that the United States will not intervene in Iraq, which at this time is falling like a rock to jihadist terror groups. It was at this time that ISIS was birthed from conception to reality by Obama’s “hands-off” approach and Kerry’s implementation of the same. The U.S. essentially left our military hardware, Toyota Tundras and Humvees, keys still in the ignition, arms and other assets and walked away upon orders from the Renegade-in-Chief.
This action permitted the formation of a rag-tag group of hardline terrorists to suddenly become fully armed and hardened, now birthed with the necessary firepower to wipe out any Iraqi military and police presence, the presence we trained, equipped and promised to back-up, yet unceremoniously reneged on our promise. This allowed ISIS members to give the Iraqi military and police one of two choices: leave or die. Many chose the former, but unfortunately many others were caught in the latter, looking for the assistance promised by the U.S. They are no longer looking.
Now equipped with some of the best hardware American taxpayer money could buy, ISIS began to grow and overtake the region, perhaps somewhere on the eighth hole of one of Obama’s perpetual golf games. Was it incompetence? It would appear doubtful based on the evidence to date.
Understand that the ouster of Assad against the wishes of Putin remains a primary objective of this globalist crowd of U.S. and foreign leaders. We’ve opened up a new front via the creation of ISIS to get to Assad and Syria, a move fully understood by Putin. Meanwhile, the globalist leaders, including the IMF which was first on the ground in Ukraine, also opened up the Ukrainian front against Russia and Putin, to keep him occupied while the U.S.-Saudi globalist alliance is busy in the Middle East. We are watching a global chess game for power at multiple levels, and these seemingly disparate events are linked by a globalist agenda.
The globalist leaders seem to be making their boldest moves yet to bring about the conditions necessary to unite the world against a nebulous terror threat known as ISIS. The open southern borders have provided unfettered access into the United States by ISIS members, or at least the perception of infiltration, as we prepare for the next 9/11 event. While we’ve seen so many “false flag” scenarios in our lifetime, from the Gulf of Tonkin to more recent domestic events, we can be certain of one thing: an event on par with, or exceeding that of 9/11, is needed to get the attention of the American public. It is the only thing that will serve to galvanize the public into acceptance of a new front, a new war, a new offensive, or the method to get us to rally behind the agenda we have so far rejected. This is the reason that the situation today is so precarious. Simply stated, false flags and the cry for the need of additional foreign entanglements aren’t working anymore.
Is ISIS a threat to us? Indeed it is, but one made in the basement laboratories of the globalists and the lawless leaders of our own government, and those of our allies.
The end-game objective is to create a threat so dangerous and nebulous that we must come together in a globalist fashion. Most Americans would not relinquish their national sovereignty to a one world government structure—not now, not yet. They would not consider a one world, or “new world” order under the present conditions. The attacks of September 11, 2001 softened us up to accept a Third Reich formation of “homeland security” and caused many otherwise rational Americans to accept a fatal blow to our civil liberties. Think about what the next attack of an equal or greater magnitude will accomplish. Oh, by the way, does anyone recall a recent report of a few missing nuclear weapons?
May God be with us all.
By Douglas J. Hagmann
“Against that backdrop, is it not clear that we are fully engaged in an all-out proxy war against Russia, from Syria and now to Ukraine? For it is a similar template used in Syria that we see in Ukraine.”
Doug Hagmann
Readers who followed my many reports exposing the truth about the September 11, 2012 attack of the CIA compound in Benghazi that killed four Americans have witnessed the painfully slow process of that truth gradually evolving into the mainstream, validating my information and source. From beginning to end, the West, and particularly Americans, were lied to about nearly every aspect of our involvement in Libya, Syria and the entirety of the “Arab Spring” in the Middle East.
These lies were deliberately advanced by a captured corporate media adherent to the same ideological bias as the Renegade-in-Chief and his staff of co-conspirators, combined with colluding pseudo-Conservative Republicans in Congress and their sycophants in the media to keep the truth from the American public.
The plain and simple truth that few are willing to address publicly is that we are being led into World War III by globalists who are busily setting fires to the geopolitical dry tinder spread across the Middle East, North Africa and now Ukraine to create global conflagration. World War III needs to happen at any cost, and the environment is such that the slightest misstep, mistake or event by design could ignite a global conflict that will change the world forever. It’s just that simple.
Those who dutifully watch the network news channels, listen to political talk radio, or read the analysis of political and news pundits in print will fall perilously short of understanding the bigger picture of world events. We are watching a target rich environment of increasingly dire headlines, each seemingly fundamentally different and unrelated. A more extensive investigation into each event, however, suggests otherwise. World events, despite their geographical distance and categorical differences , do not happen in a vacuum. The world superpowers are actively engaged in asymmetrical warfare by proxy. War by proxy, however, could change in an instant. We’re already seeing countries choosing sides in the coming global conflict.
It is admittedly difficult to understand how an invasion of illegal aliens is related to events taking place in North and West Africa and Ukraine, for example. Nonetheless, it is symptomatic of our myopic affliction that is exacerbated by the constant barrage of lies coming from our leaders and parroted by analysts, intellectuals, pundits and “experts” who ultimately work for the globalists. Others, perhaps, merely cannot see beyond the fictitious political paradigm or choose not to stray beyond their comfort zone of normalcy. Regardless of the affliction or reason, it’s time that we all address what is taking place as adults, as things are about to become deadly serious for each of us.
Veiled by the dust cloud of the Arab Spring that has been shown to be planned, orchestrated and carried out in large part by Western intelligence interests spearheaded by a rogue criminal cabal of globalists led by the Renegade-in-Chief and his co-conspirators, the world watched as Hillary Rodham Clinton could not contain her glee that Libyan leader Gaddafi had been toppled and murdered. That set in motion the creation of the largest international arms running operation in the Middle East in violation of U.S. and international law. Working in tandem with the British, French, Qataris and other countries advancing a Saudi agenda, hundreds of tons of arms shipments were being ferried from Libya to strategic staging areas near the Syrian border, including sites in Turkey.
The target was then and now continues to be Syria. Warnings from Russia failed to slow or stop this agenda of taking out Assad and infusing Syria into the growing transnational Islamic Caliphate. Turkey, a vital member of NATO seemed to be caught “between Iraq and a hard place,” as the Saudi-backed West plans for reshaping the Middle East used that nation as a staging area to arm the otherwise impotent anti-Assad rebels with better equipment and manpower.
Perhaps that was the reason for the meeting between U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and the Turkish representative at the villa in Benghazi. Perhaps it was to convey the message that Putin would no longer tolerate the deliberate destabilization inside Syria, which holds both economic and militarily strategic advantages for Russia. Yet, the process of Western-backed destabilization continues, although not in the manner that was initially intended. As I previously noted based on information from my intelligence source, the rebels were to be eventually aided by NATO under a convoluted pretext of protecting the refugees and victims of this “spontaneous” civil war in Syria. Attempts to overtly intervene in Syria by Saudi-backed Western interests were attempted at least four separate times, yet each time the plans were thwarted and exposed. Alternate plans had to be implemented.
Today, we see U.S. equipped and Western backed ISIS, the most insanely ruthless Islamic war machine opening a new front against Syria. This was not by accident but by design, as the U.S. military virtually handed over the keys to the arms depots and vehicles left in Iraq. In addition to the retaking of Iraq city by city, Syria is next on their march in the larger scheme to build a Caliphate across the region. All of this is taking place with the imprimatur of Barack Hussein Obama, who by all appearances, seems to be a foreign asset of the Saudi royals. Perhaps now those who had the audacity to vilify patriotic Americans who dared question his undocumented origins, bona fides and ultimately, his allegiance should consider the last six years. With the Middle East in flames and as we stand at the precipice of global conflict, it is beyond the time that we should know to whom the Renegade-in-Chief answers, for it is certainly not the American people. Nor is it the Syrian people, where the Western backed support of the rebels have caused over a quarter of a million deaths and millions of refugees.
Against that backdrop, is it not clear that we are fully engaged in an all-out proxy war against Russia, from Syria and now to Ukraine? For it is a similar template used in Syria that we see in Ukraine.
As we are being fed a steady diet of misinformation about Ukraine and Russia, specifically about the most recent downing of two Ukrainian fighter jets, perhaps now would be a good time to ask a simple, but critically important question. Is it possible, since Russia has one of the most extensive satellite and radar systems covering every inch of Ukraine and surrounding areas, that the fighter jets might very well be NATO assets, piloted by NATO pilots, and taking off from NATO airfields, maybe from places like Azerbaijan? How might such a revelation change the perception of world events, should it become known that NATO and other Western interests area behind the recent escalation?
Do not make the mistake of considering Libya, Syria and Ukraine as different crime scenes with different motives and suspects. At most, they can be considered as primary and secondary crime scenes, but the motives and bloody fingerprints of the usual globalist suspects are common to them all.
Like misanthropic serial killers, they will not stop until they’ve accomplished their objectives of the wholesale slaughter of a misled and myopic population.
As stated by my intelligence source, this entire situation contains all of the elements that could result in things getting out of control very, very quickly. It’s time to lose the blinders, stop accepting the official narratives and abbreviated sound bites, and understand that our very existence is at stake.
By Douglas J. Hagmann
It’s easy to downplay or even dismiss the threat by Iranian warships said to be on their way to sail close to U.S. maritime borders if one merely looks at this move as taking place in a geopolitical vacuum.
The problem is that we are not residing in such a vacuum, and the majority of Americans do not understand the significance of events that have been taking place since the planning phases of the “Arab Spring.” The American public is not getting the truth from the White House or the Western media that appears to be covering for, if not facilitating the Obama agenda.
How is this relevant to Iranian warships reportedly planning to prod the U.S. maritime borders? To understand why this is happening, we’ve got to understand the bigger picture.
The Obama agenda, as it is for now and as it has been since day one, is the Saudi agenda. That agenda calls for the toppling of various governments and the installation of an Islamic Caliphate under the control of the Muslim Brotherhood.
As an aside, I might ask whether the selection of Barack Hussein Obama is starting to make more sense now, and whether the mystery funding by foreign (Saudi) interests to his campaign also is beginning to make sense. Might this not place the Muslim Brotherhood infiltration of the U.S. government into an appropriate context as well? But I digress.
To understand why Iran seems to be suddenly stirring things up, you’ve got to understand the “back story,” not the fairy tales manufactured by the Obama regime or its media sycophants, but the real, difficult-to-accept accounting of our involvement in the Middle East. If you’ve read my numerous reports about Benghazi, you’ll already understand that our continued push to rid Syria of Assad would be answered through asymmetrical means.
Through this movement of Iranian warships, we are witnessing the movement of chess pieces in this game of global, 3-D chess. We must remember that this game has different boards, layers, and pieces. The Iranian ships are but one piece on one board. There are many others, each interrelated.
Simply put, Iran is a proxy nation of Russia, much like North Korea is a proxy nation of China. Both Russia and China have military and economic interests in Syria, which is the back door to Iran. Under Obama, the puppet attached to Saudi strings, played a central role in unceremoniously dispatching Gaddafi to his final reward under the pretext of freeing an oppressed Libyan people. You might recall the glee expressed by former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton when given the news that Gaddafi was finally out of the way.
At the same time, the U.S. NATO, the U.S., and several other allies, including Saudi Arabia, were already engaged in a proxy war with Russia and Iran in Syria. Key to toppling Assad was, and still is, supplying arms and trained fighters to assist the “anti-Assad rebels.” This was the purpose of the CIA compound in Benghazi. As I pointed out along with Michael Reagan in his article Building on a kernel of truth, northern Africa, and specifically Libya served as a virtual Ho Chi Minh trail of Muslim Brotherhood supply lines arming the rebels.
Before the operation could wind down in Benghazi, the logistics hub for the planning and staging these arming operations, the CIA compound was the site of a coordinated, pre-planned attack by groups affiliated with Iran and by proxy, Russia. Syria held and continues to hold military and economic importance to Russia, and Putin made it clear that meddling in Syria could start World War III. That’s what we were doing then, and that’s what we are still doing now.
After exposing to the world (except for the media lapdogs who continued to provide cover for Obama and his handlers) what the U.S., the British, French, the Saudis and others were up to in Libya, plans had to be altered. The Kerry State Department, under orders from Obama, gave the green light to the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) to open a new front to arm the anti-Assad rebels in Syria through the western portion of Iraq—the al Anbar Province. You might recall that Kerry announced that the U.S. would not provide any military assistance in Iraq to stop ISIS and their affiliates. As such, the objective to topple Assad continues, just not in the manner initially desired.
As I reported in my previous columns and on my radio show, Putin is not about to allow our covert assistance to oust Assad and destabilize Syria to go unanswered. While he might feel temporarily restrained by the potential influence of Saudi controlled terrorism at games at Sochi, we can expect him to come out swinging after the Olympic games at Sochi conclude.
While the Iranian warships are certainly no match for our navy, it is important to understand that we are seeing a geopolitical game of 3-D chess play out before us. Like chess, moves are calculated far in advance and often, moves are made for purposes other than direct confrontation. Sometimes, moves are made to spread out the other player’s pieces. Make no mistake, the Iranian ships are pieces on this board and under Putin’s control.
By Douglas J. Hagmann
A bomb-making manual, written in Arabic and published less than two months ago, made its rounds on sites used by Muslim terrorists worldwide. The manual provides specific instructions on the best methods of packaging a bomb using a pressure cooker. Previously, the English language Muslim terrorist magazine published under the name Inspire carried similar instructions, although the instructions contained within this newest manual appear to be far more advanced by comparison.
Advanced instructions pertaining to procuring the needed materials, from the pressure cookers to be used as the containers to the other components, including methods of detonation to methods of disguising the bombs themselves, appear to be consistent with the information made public by law enforcement officials investigating the bombing at the Boston Marathon on Monday.
The individual behind the independent monitoring of Arabic language websites and turning over such findings to U.S. and other intelligence agencies as such plans are found is an independent undercover operational asset known as “Archangel,” who has a widely known and well-respected track record for successful infiltration of “locked” or difficult to find websites and forums.
The intelligence agencies of the U.S. and other countries have been provided with ample material from “Archangel.” Most notable and relevant to the latest bombing is the focus on “sporting events” as potential targets, as detailed in a previous issue of Inspire magazine. Below are two images extracted and appropriately redacted from the latest version of the bomb-making manual.