By Peter Barry Chowka

In the opening monologue of her weekly Fox News program Justice w/ Judge Jeanine on Saturday evening, Jeanine Pirro offered one of the more concise, on target, and passionate analyses of the Inspector General’s Report on the DOJ and the FBI that I have heard or read. It hit the nail on the head in describing the report as a “whitewash” and in putting it in the broader context of the ongoing power of the Deep State to protect the guilty.

Pirro is a former New York state judge, prosecutor, and Republican politician. After retiring from her legal career, she has emerged as one of the most articulate and successful cable news hosts and analysts. Since January 2011, she has hosted Justice w/ Judge Jeanine on the Fox News Channel on Saturdays from 9-10 P.M. E.T./P.T. The program is regularly the highest-rated cable news program on Saturdays.

Two days after the release of the IG report, this is some of what Pirro had to say in her opening statement (transcribed by the author):

I’m worried. I’m really worried. This report is nothing more than a whitewash of the Deep State by the Deep State itself. There are great people in the FBI, men and women, and I have had the honor of working with them. But they’re embarrassed because they know how bad Comey and company destroyed America’s confidence in that esteemed FBI. 

And there are great people in government, many of whom you have seen on this show. Congressmen Mark DeSantis, Jim Jordan, Mark Meadows, Devin Nunes, Lee Zeldin, Matt Gaetz, Andy Biggs and Senators Lindsey Graham, Ron Johnson, and Chuck Grassley. These people are fighting the Deep State as obstructionist Democrats like Pelosi, Schumer, and Schiff stare into the cameras and turn truth on its head.

They’re not real Democrats – they’re demon rats. That’s what I said – demon rats. And until the Republicans learn to fight like they do, and go with a narrative that no one veers from, they [the Democrats] and socialism will run amok in this country. 

We need people in Washington who believe in truth and justice and are not offended by the term “law and order.” And [who] believe in consequences. This is not a banana republic. This is the United States of America with a justice system that needs to be protected. And it’s time for those people who are not interested in supporting President Trump to get out of his way. And that means you, Jeff Sessions. It’s time for you to put on your big-boy pants and start acting like the AG. And if you can’t get on board with this president, then get the hell out of his way.

And let me be clear to all of you critics: I’m not looking for that job. I’m an ordinary American who was brought up to believe in truth and justice. And like thousands and hundreds of thousands of men and women in law enforcement, we’re just damned embarrassed and hang our heads in shame with the likes of Comey and his cabal as well as the impotent Inspector General’s report which is nothing more than proof the Deep State is alive and well in Washington, D.C. 

 Jeanine Pirro, Fox News Channel June 16, 2018

Pirro’s entire 10-minute opening statement monologue on June 16 can be watched here courtesy of Fox News. A transcript of Pirro’s June 16 program including her entire opening monologue can be viewed here.

Peter Barry Chowka is a veteran reporter and analyst of news on national politics, media, and popular culture.  He is a frequent contributor to American Thinker.  Follow Peter on Twitter at @pchowka.

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