As published in Wisconsin Christian News

By Douglas J. Hagmann

Since the emergence of the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) “plandemic” in late 2019, most Americans have become reacquainted with the World Health Organization (WHO) and its role in steering international public health policies. The World Health Organization, headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland was established on April 7, 1948 as a specialized arm of the United Nations (UN). The WHO has 150 offices worldwide to ostensibly “keep the world safe and promote public health.”  It is governed by the World Health Assembly (WHA), a forum consisting of 194 health ministers from its member nations. Members of the WHA meet every May at the WHO headquarters in Geneva to decide major policy updates and decisions. This year, the 75th meeting is scheduled from May 22-28, but will hold special significance that will negatively impact the freedom and sovereignty of all nations, including and especially the United States. Stated bluntly, the policies that are expected to emerge from that meeting will make the 2020-2021 COVID19 lockdowns in the US and other Western nations look like a walk in the park.

The Brief Backstory

In 1969, the World Health Assembly created a legally binding instrument of international law known as the International Health Regulations (IHR). The IHR is the only international legal treaty with the responsibility of empowering the World Health Organization (WHO) to act as the main global surveillance system over all member nations. Most notably, the IHR and its regulations do not need ratification in the U.S. by two-thirds approval as normal treaties require. The United States tacitly approved obeyance with IHR regulations by our membership in the United Nations and the World Health Organization.

The International Health Regulations were last revised in 2005 following the 2002-2004 SARS outbreak. Those revisions took effect in June 2007 with the designation of a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC), A PHEIC is a formal declaration by the WHO that states member nations have a “legal duty to respond promptly to a PHEIC as they pose a significant global threat,” and member nations must follow WHO guidelines and directives. Simply stated, member nations agree to cede authority to the World Health Organization upon the declaration of a PHEIC regardless of the protections provided by a nation’s constitution or charter. Via membership in the UN and WHO, the US has agreed that PHEIC declarations supersede the freedoms and protections provided by our constitution.

2022: The United States Goes “All In”

In April of 2020, President Donald J. Trump considered pulling the US funding and withdrawing from the WHO, citing conflict with the US nationalist ideology and conflicting COVID response. The administration received blowback by the denizens of the deep state, including Loyce Pace, the Assistant Secretary of the Office of Global Affairs in the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Under Biden, Pace reports directly to the U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services, oversees HHS’ engagement with foreign governments and international institutions as well policymaking bodies, including the G7, G20, United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), and World Health Assembly.

In that capacity, Pace oversaw the creation and submission of documents to the WHO that proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations. Those amendments were submitted on January 18, 2022, and provide greater power to the World Health Organization (WHO) over our constitutional freedom

As exquisitely detailed by author and researcher James Roguski ( and, the ceding of our national sovereignty does not stop there. According to Mr. Roguski, “[I]n addition to the proposed amendments to the IHR, the WHO has also set up an Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) that is actively negotiating an international “Treaty on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response.” The proposed ‘Pandemic Treaty’ is separate from, and in addition to, the proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations mentioned above.”

Mr. Roguski adds that “[t]he “Pandemic Treaty” does not yet exist. It is being drafted and

negotiated right now. Discussions regarding the ‘Pandemic Treaty’ are important but they are also part of a sophisticated diversion to confuse people and get them to ignore the immediate concern, which is the Amendments to the HR being considered by the World Health Assembly this May 22-28.”

This Must Be Stopped

There are few hinge moments in history that cannot be subject to overstatement. This is one. As I’ve previously written, perhaps we should be thankful for those behind the COVID related mandates, those who implemented them, and those who forced their compliance. Never has a single event in modern history so conspicuously laid bare the inherent evil intent, hubris, and blatant hypocrisy of national and world leaders, the elected and unelected, corporate entities, the media, the overseers of our children, and others tasked with the implementation of their madness.

What once was spoken of only in hushed tones and relentlessly mocked, the existence of a cabal so despicably evil, is now being spoken to the world. Their wiles, their deviant stratagems, injurious to all areas of our lives and within the entire fabric of our moral societies, has been brought to public display.

It is obvious that the current deep state minions are intent on establishing global governance using whatever means is most efficient and expedient. The subjugation of our nation to the WHO and ultimately, the control of the United Nations is but one way that such objectives can be accomplished. Whatever follows the creation of the SARS-CoV2 plandemic will give rise to a more oppressive response under a world governing body, but only if we, the people, allow it.

 It is up to us to further expose their evil agenda, spread the word, warn others, stand up and fight against their evil machinations.

Prepare. Pray.

By Douglas J. Hagmann

As published in the Wisconsin Christian News

The lies become more blatant as the truth becomes more inconvenient for those pushing the lies. The delusion is rampant and the propaganda machine by the Orwellian “Ministry of Truth” (corporate media and social networks) is in overdrive.  A quote attributed to Mark Twain “it’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled” has never been more relevant. It’s not hyperbole to suggest that a large number of Americans have been fooled into believing provable lies that could result in not only the destruction of our nation, but of our personal demise as well. To the reader, I submit that this is a coordinated and planned destruction by a slimy cabal of unelected, globalist leaders and their highly paid minions. Their goal is nothing short of imploding and capturing our nation and killing off anyone who refuses to live under their subjugation. Here, I will make my case.

The “pandemic” of SarsCov-2 and the response by Western nations is the mechanism being used to usher in total global control over every person in every nation. Even if it was not specifically created for this purpose, it is being exploited just the same. The COVID-19 response was used to justify unlawful changes in our national election, unconstitutional and irrational mask mandates, lockdowns, the deliberate decimation of small businesses, church closures, and countless other assaults on our personal liberties. To date, the majority of Americans have tolerated and complied with every overreach. With such compliance, the assault on our freedoms will continue until we can no longer function as a nation. We’re almost there. Without immediate civil disobedience, a violent end is inevitable.

Tyranny Delivered by Lies 

On November 4, 2021, the U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), finalized the process requiring employers of more than 100 people to mandate vaccination as a condition for employment in the U.S. under an Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS). The new rules were published in the Federal Register on November 5, 2021 and take effect on December 5, 2021. Employers are required to have all employees comply with their “final” vaccinations and testing by January 4, 2022, sixty days after publication.

The magnitude of this latest and most incisive governmental overreach borders on a tyranny not seen since the Revolutionary War. Also, our nation has not been so divided since the Civil War. The division is deliberate and based on carefully orchestrated lies exposed here.

The Lies of Fauci & Friends

First, it should be clear to most informed people that the novel SarsCov-2 virus, known as COVID-19, was developed in at the Wuhan Institute of Virology by scientists engaged in “Gain-of-Function” (GoF) research. Simply stated, Gain-of-Function is the process of making a virus more infectious and lethal. By that definition, GoF can also be used interchangeably with weaponization, especially when viruses that are found in bats, for example, are modified in such a manner that permits people to become infected with a deadly virus that never before existed in humans.

This type of laboratory experimentation is as dangerous as it appears and was methodically deliberate. During this period, GoF experimentation was being actively performed and partially funded by Western organizations, including the National Institute of Health (NIH) while under the direction of Francis Collins, and National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NAIAD), headed by the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, Anthony Fauci. The funding was funneled through the NGO EcoHealth Alliance, an organization run by Peter Daszak. Others, including Bill & Melinda Gates, through their foundation, funneled grants for the Wuhan initiatives. Not coincidentally, perhaps, on November 2, 2021 while attending the COP26 summit, Bill Gates warned international authorities, including the World Health Organization, that yet another and potentially worse bioterrorism attack is “imminent.” “Remember these names, for they are the orchestrators of, or the highly compensated foot soldiers for, the “Great Reset.”

When the COVID-19 pandemic erupted in Wuhan, a cover-up began that included Collins, Fauci and others to obfuscate the origin of the virus. The spin machine went into overdrive; those engaged in GoF research and funding vociferously denied their involvement and worked together to promote a “natural origins theory” while dispelling any discussion that the virus originated inside the Wuhan lab. Such denials were were spearheaded by Fauci and involved a number of leading Western scientists.  The natural origins narrative was pushed by the corporate media and any questions about the validity of the virus origin were “fact-checked” and censored from social media. Research and investigation would prove their denials to be blatant lies and the censors to be complicit in this crime against humanity.

Investigation found that the Wuhan Institute deleted its entire database of over 22,000 previously unreported virus samples on September 12, 2019, months before the public emergence of the novel SarsCov-2 virus. In June 2021, 3,234 pages of emails were obtained through the Freedom of Information Act and reviewed by this investigator. They revealed that a small group of scientists and other policymakers, headed by Fauci, created and agreed upon the “natural origins narrative.” This cover-up was created during a secret teleconference that took place on February 5, 2020 between Anthony Fauci and a dozen other officials that would be used to conceal their GoF experiments from the Trump administration and the public. This teleconference resulted in a coordinated effort to actively discredit any discussion that COVID-19 originated in a lab, or that Fauci, either directly or indirectly, funded any GoF experiments.

Changing Definitions to Hide Their Lies

During a heated Senate hearing on November 4, 2021, Kentucky Senator Rand Paul called on Anthony Fauci to resign as head of the NIAID and as White House chief medical advisor. Despite substantial evidence of his GoF funding and cover-up, Fauci arrogantly denied his complicity. In a subsequent television interview, Senator Paul said “no amount of smarmy word salad will get Fauci out of the fact that he lied before Congress.” Interestingly, Senator Rand Paul confronted Fauci with documentation that the NIH admitted to funding GoF research and the NIH edited its website to redefine what constituted gain-of-function experiments.

To conceal their complicity, the NIH narrowed its Gain-of-Function definition to focus only on “known and established human transmission,” instead of any potential dangers to humans. In investigative circles, this is known as “consciousness of guilt,” and it is damning. History, if it is to be written, will not be kind to Fauci or his complicit globalist planners. However, it does not stop there.

From the establishment of the CDC through 2015, the definitions of what constitutes a vaccine and the process of vaccination remained consistent. A vaccine was defined as a product that produces immunity therefore protecting the body from the disease. A vaccination was defined as the act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce immunity to a specific disease.

On September 1, 2021, those definitions were quietly changed. Currently a vaccine is defined as a preparation that is used to stimulate the body’s immune response against diseases, and a vaccination is now defined as the act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce protection from a specific disease.

The above changes, however subtle they appear, were necessary to be consistent with the new narrative that vaccines and vaccinations no longer provide immunity to a specific disease, but merely offer the lesser “protection.” They also permit mRNA and subsequent DNA manipulation. This change justifies the endless need for “boosters,” which provides the platform for continued genetic manipulation of human DNA, more insidious surveillance and ultimate control over the population. Perhaps more importantly, these changing definitions will continue to fool people who are not paying attention to the criminality of those making such changes.

Rules For Thee

If the blatant lies and changes of definitions fail to convince people that what we’re experiencing has nothing to do with health, perhaps noting the people and organizations who are not required to submit to the unconstitutional and arbitrary mandates, including the latest OSHA ETS. “Vaccination” compliance is not required by any of the 15,000 people working at the CDC, 14,000 employees of the FDA, nearly 6,000 employees working at the White House and within the Executive branch, 2,500 employees of Pfizer, 120,000 employees of Johnson & Johnson, 1,500 Moderna employees, and all members of congress and their staffs. Any person of reasonable sensibilities would demand to know the reason for these exemptions.

These are just a few of the countless lies and inequitably deployed senseless mandates that exist about the bioweapon unleashed on humanity by a slimy, criminal cabal of globalists pushing for their centralization of power. These are just a few of the “lies that blind” those who are not seeing the big picture.

Prepare. Pray

By Douglas J. Hagmann

“I don’t mean to sound repetitive, but I can’t stress this enough. Contrary to what you hear, we’re already in an economic collapse, except that most people haven’t a clue. The ‘big bang’ comes at the end, when people wake up one morning and can’t log in to their bank accounts, can’t use their ATM cards, and find out that their private pension funds and other assets have been confiscated.”


Under the cover and amid the distraction of the Christmas bustle, I had my last “official” contact with a source inside the Department of Homeland Security known as “Rosebud” in my writings. My source is leaving his position, retiring along with numerous others choosing to leave this bureaucratic monstrosity.

For this contact, my source took unprecedented measures to ensure that our contact was far off the radar of prying government eyes and ears. I was stunned at the lengths he employed and even annoyed by the inconvenience that his cloak-and-dagger approach caused. It was necessary, according to my source, because all department heads under FEMA and DHS are under orders to identify anyone disclosing any information for termination and potential criminal prosecution.

“DHS is like a prison environment, complete with prison snitches,” he said, referring to the search for leaks and leakers. And the warden is obsessed. Ask anyone in DHS. No one trusts anyone else and whatever sources might be left are shutting up. The threats that have been made far exceed anything I’ve ever seen. Good people are afraid for their lives and the lives of their families. We’ve all been threatened. They see the writing on the wall and are leaving. It’s not a joke and not hype.”

The following is a narrative from my source, prefaced with the instructions to “take it or leave it,” and “disregard it at your own peril.” He added that it’s now up to each American to act on the information themselves or suffer the consequences. “I’ve resigned myself to the fact that most [Americans] will never be convinced of the reality that is taking place right in front of them.”

The plan explained

“According to every internal document I’ve seen and read, and from the few people I’ve spoken with who understand what’s going on, preparations have been finalized to respond to a crisis of unprecedented magnitude within the United States. The response will include using lethal force against U.S. citizens under the instructions of Barack Obama.”  But why?

“‘It’s the economy, stupid,’” he began, paraphrasing a campaign slogan coined by James Carville for Bill Clinton’s 1992 campaign.  “As I disclosed in our first meeting, the crisis will be rooted in an economic collapse. I told you last year, at a time when gold and silver were setting record highs, one specific indicator is that time is very short. It is the final ‘smackdown’ of the metals, gold, and silver, that will presage the orchestrated economic collapse that is being planned by the bankers of Wall Street. Everybody needs to understand that this is a deliberate collapse of the U.S. economy with the oversight of the White House and the full knowledge of the Justice Department.  Everyone seems to be waiting for some big, history-making event that will signal the start of the collapse. The fact is that the collapse has already started. It’s incremental, like a snowball rolling down a hill. It gets bigger and rolls faster. Well, this snowball is well on its way down the hill.”

“I don’t mean to sound repetitive, but I can’t stress this enough. Contrary to what you hear, we’re already in an economic collapse, except that most people haven’t a clue. The ‘big bang’ comes at the end when people wake up one morning and can’t log in to their bank accounts, use their ATM cards, and find out that their private pension funds and other assets have been confiscated,” he stated.

“I’ve seen documentation of multiple scenarios created outside of DHS. Different plans and backup plans. Also, please understand that I deliberately used the word ‘created,’ as this is a completely manufactured event.  Ultimately, it won’t be presented that way, which is extremely important for everyone to understand. What is coming will be blamed on some unforeseen event out of everyone’s control, that few saw coming or thought would actually happen. Then, another event will occur concurrent with this event, or immediately after it, to confuse and compound an already explosive situation.” I asked for specifics.

“As I said, there are several scenarios and I don’t know them all. I know one calls for a cyber-attack by an external threat, which will then be compounded by something far removed from everyone’s own radar. But it’s all a ruse or a pretext. The threat is from within,” he stated. “Before people can regain their footing, a second event will be triggered.” Again, I asked for specifics.

“I’ve seen one operational plan that refers to the federal government’s response to a significant terrorist attack on U.S. soil. Information at these levels is compartmentalized. I don’t have specifics, just plans for the response. The response will be controls and restrictions on travel, business, and every aspect of our lives, especially gun ownership and speech that incites people against the government. I guess some people would call it Martial Law, and they would not be incorrect. But understand that this will be a process deployed in stages. How quickly of a process remains to be seen.”

The mechanics explained

As I said, people continue to look for something big to happen first, followed by a militaristic response by the federal government against U.S. citizens. Based on what I’ve seen, I don’t believe it will happen this way, although there is one unthinkable exception. That exception would involve a ‘decapitation’ of our leadership, but I’ve seen nothing even remotely suggestive of that. But I’ve heard and even read articles where that is mentioned. Frankly, though, that’s always been a threat. I suppose that if the leadership is deemed useless, or becomes a liability to the larger agenda in some manner,  it could happen. The precedent exists. Let’s pray that it’s not the case now.”

“I don’t think anyone except the initiated few know the precise series of events or the exact timing, just a general overview and an equally general time period. I think we’re in that period now, as DHS has their planned responses finalized. Also, the metals are important because it’s real money, not Ponzi fiat currency. The U.S. has no inventory of gold, so the prices are manipulated down to cause a sell-off of the physical assets. China is on a buying spree of gold, and other countries want their inventory back. The very people causing the prices to drop are the ones who are also buying the metals at fire sale prices. They will emerge extremely wealthy when the prices rise after the U.S. currency becomes wallpaper. A little research will identify who these people and organizations are.”

“I’d like to add a bit of perspective that might help explain the events as I described. Do you remember former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld announcing that the Pentagon was unable to account for $2.3 trillion in the defense budget? That was on September 10, 2001, the day before the attacks of 9/11. Some suggest that 9/11 was orchestrated, in part to cover up the missing money, which is ludicrous. The result, however, was that suddenly the accounting issue took a back seat because of the attacks. The result will be the same. That’s a perfect example of the mechanics of what we are about to experience. It’s going to take years to sort out, and when it’s finally sorted out, the damage will have long been done.”

“Please note a few final things. The relationship that exists between DHS today and the executive branch is well beyond alarming. DHS and other organizations have become the private army of the Oval Office. The NSA, and I’ve got contacts there, is taking orders from the Oval Office. The IRS is under the virtual control of the Oval Office in a manner that would make Nixon cower. Even though all roads appear to lead to the Oval Office, they lead through it. It’s not just Obama, but the men behind him, the people who put him there. The people who put him there are the ones who created him.” I asked who created him.

“First, ask yourself why there was such an all-out effort to marginalize anyone talking about Obama’s eligibility in 2008. Even so-called conservative pundits fell for the lie that such questions were nothing more than a diversion. They were following a specific drumbeat. That should tell every rational adult that he is a creation of the globalists who have no allegiance to any political party. He is the product of decades of planning, made for this very time in our history. He was selected to oversee the events I just disclosed. Who has that ability? He’s a product of our own intelligence agencies working with the globalists. He should be exhibit ‘A’ to illustrate the need to enforce the Logan Act. Need I say more?”

As often said by another of my sources, the U.S. is a captured operation. The lie is bigger than most people realize or are willing to confront. That is, until there is no other option. By then, it might be too late.

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