By Douglas J. Hagmann

As politically incorrect as this might sound before one gives it careful and thoughtful consideration, I’ve often stated the following during my many hours of talk radio. Imagine yourself standing among the rubble of what once were the World Trade Center towers, still smoldering and riddled with the carnage of nearly three thousand people in the wake of the 9/11 attacks just a few days earlier. Smell the sickening and acrid smoky haze of death as it invades your nostrils and clings to your clothes. Regardless of where you look, all 360 degrees of your vision is filled with nauseating devastation. Visualize the recovery efforts that surround you and listen to the sobbing as loved ones of the missing place photos on bulletin boards near Ground Zero, hoping and praying for a miracle that would never come.

Watch as others bring flowers, small stuffed animals and votive candles to the edge of makeshift fencing hastily erected to separate the crime scene from what still strives to be normalcy.  Like the rest of mainstream Americans, you are still stunned by the worst attacks on America since Pearl Harbor, ostensibly at the hands of some obscure Muslim group known as al Qaeda.

Now imagine that I walked up to you and told you that ten years from that date, a man named Barack Hussein Obama II, who as a youngster in Indonesia studied the Qur’an and as a man, publicly admitted that the Muslim call to prayer was “one of the prettiest sounds on earth at sunset,”  would occupy the White House. Then I proceeded to tell you that the construction of Islamic mosques would be at an all-time high across the United States, including the push for a new Islamic center less than a hundred yards of the very site on which we stood. I then added that a Muslim advocacy group known as the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), having ties to the Muslim Brotherhood (the ideological predecessor of Qaeda and Hamas), would be heavily involved in shaping U.S. policies ranging from domestic security to the implementation of Sharia (Islamic law) inside the United States.

Still standing amid the smoking ruins, I proceed to tell you that this man in the Oval Office, after years of legal stonewalling against providing authenticated, historical documentation of his personal and professional life, including his own Certification of Live Birth, was pressured into providing a copy of his Certificate of Live Birth that a commissioned law enforcement body in Arizona deemed a forgery. Not only is the man in the Oval Office Constitutionally ineligible to hold that position under the Natural Born Citizen Clause of the U.S. Constitution, but veteran investigators of that law enforcement body deemed the document that he ultimately provided to be a forgery!

As you continue to gaze at the destruction, you see not only the sadness of the people nearby, but hear comments from others that indicate an anger unlike this generation has ever seen. On trucks, recovery vehicles and elsewhere, you see the American flag gently flapping in the breeze, and tell me that I’m crazy and that you’ve heard enough. It would never happen in America, and tell me that we will exact our revenge to emerge victorious over the evil that descended upon us just days earlier. You note that churches and synagogues have been filled to capacity since the attacks, and have been assured by President George W. Bush that we will identify and punish those who did this, and the nations who aided and abetted them.

Before you walk away from my narrative of conspiratorial madness, you allow me a few more seconds to continue. I then tell you that the man in the Oval Office will not only apologize for America’s historical foreign policy to the Muslim world, but embrace the very entities behind the attacks. He will be the impetus behind a major change of the landscape in the Middle East that not only allows for our abandonment of Israel, but an antagonism toward our ally. It’s all part of a larger, more sinister globalist plan of an Islamic-Marxist alliance that’s been planned and in place for decades. He will open his office, and the whole of the U.S. government, to the Muslim Brotherhood, and will not only change fundamentally America, but will “change the world.”

Convinced of my lunacy, you hastily leave, walking over the dust covered but still visible bloodstain on the walkway where at least one of the bodies landed after jumping from the raging inferno inside one of the towers. Averting your eyes, you take comfort in what’s visible around you. It’s men, women and even recovery dogs working together, on a mission to do what Americans do. Unite, recover, rebuild. The visible signs are everywhere, contrary to the narrative of the future I shared with you.

Back to the present day, I now ask that you be as intellectually honest with yourself as possible as you consider what your reaction would have been at that time, in that place and under the circumstances I described. Frankly, even I would have departed in disbelief.

In fairness, the few Americans in September, 2001 outside of the 13th Congressional district of Illinois or fellow politicians knew the name of the man known as Barack Obama II, who was serving only his second term as a state senator. Few could have anticipated his meteoric rise from a community organizer just over a half decade before to White House denizen. I suspect that even fewer would have envisioned the rapid changes to the geopolitical landscape that resulted from this man after assuming the seat of power over the free world.

Egypt: Obama’s staging ground

I imagine that few people, from the vantage point of “ground zero” in the immediate days following 9/11, could have predicted the events described above a decade in advance. Unless, of course, you are one of the planners, one of the men behind the proverbial curtain. But let’s take a look at what looked like lunacy in 2001.

On June 4, 2009, less than six months after assuming office, Barack Hussein Obama II delivered a speech in Cairo, Egypt, that ushered in dramatic changes within the Muslim world that would forever alter the political landscape of the Middle East. Perhaps acting in response to correspondence by Sheikh Yusuf Qaradawi, spiritual leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, Obama is openly apologetic to the Muslim world while being passively aggressive to the nation of Israel, our only democratic ally in the Middle East. At the same time, he opens his arms to the Muslim Brotherhood while tactically omitting any reference or acknowledgment to then-Egyptian leader Hosni Mubarak.

Less than a year later, Obama advances the agenda of the Muslim Brotherhood by appointing a young lawyer named Rashan Hussain to the position of Special Envoy to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation. This post was created by George W. Bush in 2008, ostensibly to promote mutual understanding and dialogue between the United States and Muslim communities around the world. Hussain has tangential ties to the Muslim Brotherhood via common and connected entities.

That same year, the United States State Department under the direction of Hillary Rodham Clinton, lifts the visa ban on Tariq Ramadan, the Egyptian-born grandson of Muslim Brotherhood founder Hassan al-Banna. Also in 2010, Rashan Hussain wastes no time in meeting with Tariq Ramadan at a U.S. sponsored conference, and meets with the Mulsim Brotherhood’s grand mufti in Egypt.

Promoting change in Egypt, the man called Obama has a private meeting with Ahmed Aboul Gheit, Egypt’s foreign minister. Gheit recounts the meeting to an audience of millions on Egyptian television that “the American president [Obama] told me in confidence that he is a Muslim.”

Events in Egypt move quickly, and the Mubarak government loses the support of the United States. Muslim Brotherhood Sheikh Yusuf Qaradawi calls for “days of rage” in Egypt and throughout the Middle East, ultimately prompting riots in Egypt and elsewhere. Within months, Qaradawi, who was in exile from Egypt for 30 years, is welcomed back after the orchestrated fall of Mubarak.

The power vacuum that exists in post-Mubarak Egypt is quickly filled by the Muslim Brotherhood with the help of the U.S. State Department. It is at this time that Egypt’s new power structure advises Israel and the rest of the world that the peace treaty with Israel will be null and void.

On the home front

While the Muslim Brotherhood assumes control in Egypt, Obama, who has yet to visit Israel, makes demands that Israel revert land back to the Palestinians, calling for Israel to go back to their indefensible 1967 armistice lines. Obama also authorizes $1.5 billion in foreign aid to the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas in Egypt, while instructing his Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, to assure congress that the Muslim Brotherhood has changed from its extremist roots to a secular organization. The birthing of tolerance that began under Bush 43 has led to full nurturing under Obama.

Obama also orders Department of Justice head Eric Holder to cease and desist any further criminal prosecution of the Muslim Brotherhood front groups and offshoots identified as co-conspirators who ultimately funded Hamas and other Islamic terror groups.

The Hillary Clinton State Department, meanwhile, dispatches William Taylor, special envoy to the Middle East and an associate of members to the Muslim Brotherhood, to Egypt to assist in the transition from the Mubarak regime.

It is disclosed that Hillary Clinton’s “body person,” Huma Abedin, the wife of disgraced Congressman Anthony Weiner, has close and personal ties to the Muslim Brotherhood and by association, to Muslims connected to al Qaeda. This is further detailed in correspondence from U.S. House of Representative Michelle Bachman.

Obama’s Muslim, Marxist and Communist agenda

Today, well over a decade after the attacks of 9/11, we find infiltration of Islamists, Marxists, Communists and globalists in nearly every area of American government. What Progressives have gleefully praised as a wave of democracy sweeping the Middle East known as the Arab Spring is nothing more than the foundation for a New World Order, where Islamists and the Muslim Brotherhood are working in conjunction with their secular partners to forever change the geopolitical landscape of the Middle East. Egypt is just one country, one regime, one piece of the global puzzle. There have been others, and there will be more.

Looking though the current Middle East situation through the prism Obama the Progressive, the Marxist or Muslim, one thing is clear. Obama exists and remains in the Oval Office to advance a specific agenda. He was selected as the man for the job based on his past, the part to which we are not privy. And therein lies the importance of his Certificate of Live Birth, his identity and his past associations. It’s about his allegiance and agenda. His agenda, in part, was set for him. It is an ambitious globalist agenda, one that will neutralize the United States while elevating the very people, groups and nations that attacked us on 9/11. But that’s only the first part. The rest of the agenda has yet to be implemented.

Lunacy? Let’s talk in ten years, perhaps when we stand on the rubble of what once was.

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