By Douglas J. Hagmann

It was precisely three years ago when I wrote that World War III will begin in Syria. I wrote that Syria, not Iran, will be the flashpoint between the United States and Russia, based on information given to me by a source within our own intelligence community. I wrote that we were seeing the final acts of a carefully choreographed play being performed on the world stage, where the script was written long ago by the globalist playwrights. (CFP Oct. 8, 2012)

I warned that “if left to proceed as written, the entire geopolitical world and balance of power could, and most likely will, change with this next curtain call. No one will be left untouched by the coming events. We are at the precipice of World War III.” That was in October of 2012. Today, we are now seeing the final curtain call for the next act by the current headline in the corporate controlled mass media:

Russia has begun airstrikes in Syria, the West is disputing their targets, and Putin has told the U.S. and the West to stand down.

For those who have been paying attention to the machinations of the globalists, this headline should come as no surprise. World war is looming and getting closer by the minute.

We are now at the scene where it should all be making much more sense, even to those who continue to cling to their normalcy bias and refuse to see the breadth and depth of the lies we’ve been told. We’ve been gamed by the globalists, lied to by the corporate controlled media – including the pseudo-intellectual pundits who relentlessly push the “coincidence theory” of history while depicting those who understand the script in the most pejorative of terms.

Perhaps now, as global conflict appears inevitable, the mouthpieces of myth, the purveyors of the putrid lies and the architects of the ultimate Hegelian Dialectic and their facilitators will be exposed for who and what they are. They are a group of globalists that include Fabian Socialists, Communists, Marxists, Fascists and Islamic Socialists entrenched within the U.S. and the West.

They are responsible for the imminent confrontation between the U.S., NATO and the West and Russia and their allies in Syria.

As I have previously written, the road to World War III travels directly through Damascus. The road to global conflict was paved by the selection of Barack Hussein Obama II in 2008, and was further widened by the Clinton State Department as it went through Libya, specifically Benghazi, by a rogue crew of globalists acting at the behest of the Saudis.

Further Reading:
Lemmings… At the precipice of WWIII
Death Race Damascus: “13 days in October”
Obama’s real world game of Risk

As I have always asserted, the attack at Benghazi was a critically important hinge moment in history. It was a warning from Russia by proxy to Obama, Clinton and the globalists in the U.S. and the West, against overthrowing Assad and changing the balance of power in the Middle East on behalf of Saudi Arabia. It was a warning by Russia to stop arming the Islamists. It was a warning that went unheeded.

Those who continue to adhere to the “coincidence theory” of history might not understand just how perilous the events taking place today really are until they see a mushroom cloud in the distance. Perhaps not even then will they see exactly how we’re being gamed by the globalists, for in addition to being intellectually impaired to the truth, they will be left visually impaired by the blinding flash.

Meanwhile, the political pundits continue to entertain us with the bread and circus of the upcoming elections. These are the same Trojan horse operatives who have called those of us who questioned the bona fides of Barack Hussein Obama II, questioned the facts about the Benghazi attack, and strived to expose the nefarious agenda of the “new world order” in pejorative terms.

They are the ones who characterize the missing emails of Hillary Rodham Clinton as a non-scandal, either out of ignorance or intentional malice, for they know that within these emails exist the blueprints for war. They contain evidence of complicity, and for this reason, they will never see the light of day. Such exposure would show that we’ve been gamed by the leaders of both political parties, and the leaders of both parties were in on the treasonous conspiracy to push us to war.

Perhaps it will all become moot, for the push toward global governance through orchestrated chaos, depopulation through war, and the subjugation of our national sovereignty to international control appears to be not just continuing, but accelerating.

When all of the dots are connected, the picture will reveal the agenda of destruction and the perpetrators of peril. Through our inaction, we have been brought to the doorstep of destruction.

Prepare. Pray.

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