By Peter Barry Chowka

On Thursday, July 19, the Fox News Channel presented an exclusive one-on-one interview with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo by Shannon Bream, the host of Fox News@Night, which airs live M-F from 11 PM to 12 Midnight ET.

The interview with President Trump’s top cabinet-level foreign policy advisor and representative is important in light of the developments in foreign policy in recent weeks, including the news-making summits with the leaders of North Korea in June and the Russian Federation earlier this week.

The interview transcript was provided by Fox News and was embargoed for publication until 11:25 PM ET on July 19.

SHANNON BREAM, FOX HOST:  Mr. Secretary, thank you for your time today.  We’re here to talk about an historic meeting that you’ve gathered, next week, on persecuted religious minorities around the globe, but first, I want to get to some news of the day.


BREAM:  Let’s talk about Russia.  What do you make of the assessment, our president appeared weak standing next to President Putin in Helsinki and even allegations by lawmakers that he must, quote, “have something” on our president for him to be acting this way.

POMPEO:  Well, Shannon, thanks for having me on today.  I think those allegations are absurd.  This administration has been relentless in its efforts to deter Russia from its bad behavior.  We inherited a situation where Russia was running all other the United States.

These last few days have been, frankly, more heat than light.  This is administration has been strong in supporting the Ukrainians, strong in making sure that we’re protected against Russian expansion in other parts of the world.  We all recognize that that threat is real and President Trump has been strong in protecting America from Russian aggression.

BREAM:  “The New York Times” is reporting that the president was fully briefed a couple of weeks before the inauguration about meddling, presented compelling evidence about that.  Do you worry as a member, who has deep roots in the intel community, that it appears he continues to equivocate on this issue of whether or not there has been Russian meddling?

POMPEO:  I’m in a position but no (ph), I did have the chance to talk to the president about this, frankly, over the last – goodness, almost a year and a half now.  The president’s consistently been briefed on this issue.  He understands that the Russian’s have interfered in our elections.  He, frankly, understands that’s been going on for an awfully long time.  It wasn’t just the 2016 election.  Somehow, America seems to forget the history of Russian’s efforts to undermine western democracy for decades now.

It gets confused because there are those who want to make a partisan case out of this, with respect to the Mueller investigation.  The president understands what Russia did in our elections, in 2016, and he has empowered each of us to make sure that it doesn’t happen again in the 2018 or 2020 elections here in the United States as well.

BREAM:  And looking at those things moving forward (ph), the president was asked repeatedly yesterday by a member of the press corps about whether he believes meddling is still ongoing.  He responded to it, “Thank you, no.”  The White House says he was saying no to any further questions.  Do you believe Russia is still meddling in our elections?

POMPEO:  I have great confidence that the Russians will try and undermine western democracy in 2017, 2018, 2019, and for an awfully long time.  It is our responsibility as leaders of the United States Government to do all that we can to deter them from interfering with us, not only in our elections but more broadly as well.

BREAM:  The Russian ambassador to the U.S. is now saying that there were, quote, “Important verbal agreements,” made in the private conversations between our Presidents.  Can you tell us anything about those?

POMPEO:  Well, I’m not sure I’d take the Russian ambassador’s word for a whole lot.  From time to time, they are – want to tell stories.  Here’s what I know.  I’ve had a chance to talk with President Trump about his discussions with President Putin.  There was progress made on a handful of fronts, agreements to try and work more closely on counterterrorism, an effort to begin conversations around arms control, to prevent the spread of nuclear proliferation.

There were lots of things discussed.  There remains a great deal of work to do, but the president accomplished one of his goals, which was to create a way where the two leaders of these important countries can have positive constructive conversations that surround these incredibly important issues.  There’ll be lot of places our two country’s interests and values diverge.  President Trump’s deeply aware of that.

BREAM:  Any chance this administration would actually entertain the idea of allowing Putin or his – anyone from his team to have the ability or question or have physical custody of people like our former ambassador, McFaul, or other DHS officials who have clearly been investigating things that are not beneficial to the Putin regime?

POMPEO:  None.

BREAM:  OK.  Let’s talk North Korea, because tomorrow you head to the U.N. to have discussions –

POMPEO:  I’ll answer that question, Shannon, quickly (ph), because I’ve watched the noise these last few days.  The president’s been very resolute.  He understands, precisely, who it is we’re dealing with in Russia.  He gets it.  He’s trying to take opportunities, places where we can find we can work together and put America in a position to do the things he wants to do, on behalf of the American people.

BREAM:  OK, North Korea.  Tomorrow you head to the U.N. to have discussions about our ongoing conversations with them.  What do you make of the reports and assessments that North Korea has no intention at all of getting rid of their nuclear ambitions, or their program?

POMPEO:  No one’s been closer to that than I have, so everyone else is simply speculating about what’s taken place today.  I’ve been there, the North Koreans have consistently reaffirmed their commitment — the commitment that Chairman Kim made to President Trump.

No one was under any illusion that this was going to happen in hours, or days, or even weeks.  It’s going to take time to achieve this outcome.  We hope for a brighter future for the North Korean people, and if Chairman Kim continues to follow through on his commitment — the people of North Korea will have a brighter future.

BREAM:  All right, let’s talk about the historic meeting that you’ve put together.  The ministerial level meeting addressing religious freedom and persecution around the globe, why was it important to you to do that?

POMPEO:  Religious freedom is a fundamental human right.  The State Department of the United States of America ought to be in the lead in promoting that religious freedom around the world.  Shannon, not every country has the religious freedom we have here in the United States.  Individuals are punished for beliefs, or frankly the absence of their beliefs.

We ought to promote that around the world, I want the United States and our State Department to be front and center talking about religious freedom, not every country will get to the place we want.  But I’m confident that if we focus on this as part of American Diplomacy, we can make the religious freedom for individuals all across the world, at least a little bit better.

BREAM:  We have the case of the American pastor Andrew Brunson who is being held in Turkey, again yesterday denied freedom as what many are calling a sham trial continues on with him.  Turkey’s a NATO ally of ours, what can we do about that situation?

POMPEO:  There’s been enormous work done by this administration to try and gain the release of Pastor Brunson.  We also have others held in Turkey, other Americans — excuse me, others who work for the United States held in Turkey today.  We’re working diligently on that case and frankly every place an American is held.  This is one example of why religious freedom matters.

So we’re going to have over 80 delegations here at the State Department in a handful of days, 40 of my counterparts — Foreign Ministers, this is a historic opportunity.  The Vice President will be speaking at the event.  We believe that we can increase the capacity for human dignity and religious freedom, by gathering the nations of the world and working together to get outcome, so we can prevent situations just the one that Pastor Brunson is experiencing today.

BREAM:  Do you think that there are — you mentioned obviously our country is unique when it comes to the issue of religious freedom, how much do you think you can cut across some of those biases and other theocratic areas around the world where this is a real issue, life and death for many people?

POMPEO:  It is indeed life and death, that’s why this ministerial gathering is so important.  We’re under to illusions, we don’t think we’re going to change each of these countries to become as religiously tolerant as the United States is but we’ve seen this.

Every time we take an action to protect from any Semitism (ph) or protect Christian freedoms, or protect others from across a broad range of religious faiths.  Every time we act in that way, and gather the nations of the world to talk about why that matters to make their country better, we think it’s real progress and we think every little increase in religious freedom is better for the world.

BREAM:  We wish you great success in that Mr. Secretary.

POMPEO:  Thank you Shannon.

BREAM:  Thank you for your time.

POMPEO:  Wonderful to be with you.

Peter Barry Chowka is a veteran reporter and analyst of news on national politics, media, and popular culture.  During the past year, he has been a frequent contributor to American Thinker. His articles are now appearing in The Epoch Times. Every Monday at 9 PM ET, Peter offers political and media analysis live on The Hagmann Report.Follow Peter on Twitter at @pchowka.

By Douglas J. Hagmann

Anyone who remembers the Cuban missile crisis or has an accurate historical understanding of those events just over a half-century ago will recall the tense talk of World War III by the average American. Russian missiles in Cuba pitted a face-off between the United States and the Soviet Union. It resulted in a naval blockade of Cuba and several days of uncertainty as the world watched and waited to see who blinked first. Although the crisis ended without planetary destruction by nuclear bombs, people understood the seriousness of the events and that the world stood on the precipice of a third world war.

Back then, we had only three television networks that did not broadcast 24 hours per day, and you actually had to get up to change channels. No internet, no instant news via social networking beyond face-to-face discussion between neighbors over the fence. Despite such an arcane system of communication, most Americans knew the seriousness of the world events unfolding in front of them. Today, not so much.

Despite the vast number of professional analysts given “face time” on TV new programs, others providing their input on a constant stream of radio shows, and even more who offer their perspectives of every intricate detail of the missiles of North Korea via the internet, people are missing the larger picture of current events regarding the “acting out” of North Korea. Perhaps it’s because of the constant coverage, or at least the perspective provided by the corporate media, that people aren’t understanding that we are currently engaged in World War III. It’s just that the actual shooting between the global super powers simply hasn’t started yet.

The hidden picture within the picture

The events relating to North Korea can be compared to a picture hidden within another, larger picture. Some people have to study the larger picture for hours to see the hidden image, while others are able to spot it immediately. Often, it depends on how adept the creator of the image is for people to see the hidden graphic.

The current cabal of global power brokers are very accomplished at hiding smaller pictures within the larger one. The situation involving North Korea is merely one hidden image inside of the larger picture, which is a mosaic that includes things such as Barack Hussein Obama and his murky past, William Jefferson Clinton and Hillary Rodham Clinton’s stable of power, to events that include the so-called Arab Spring, the economic crisis, the aggressive attacks on our Constitutional rights, and even the shady events of Benghazi. Simply put, what is taking place in North Korea is a picture within a larger picture, although the creators of the mosaic want to draw your attention to it and ignore all of the other hidden images embedded within the broader mosaic.

We are living in one of the most critical periods in modern history, yet the large image thrust before our eyes by the global leaders and the corporate media is a montage of virtual serenity. It’s a huge illusion—a big lie—and most are being fooled into believing this mosaic from the matrix of hell.

Agendas of deception

The obvious threat posed by North Korea is actually an intentional diversion orchestrated to take our eyes away from other events. Although it does not lessen its potential impact, it skews our perspective of how it fits within the bigger picture. The threatening missiles are a highly effective visual distraction from the less visible action taking place behind the scenes and elsewhere, particularly in places we are not meant to look. Remember, we must often step back from the larger picture to see the smaller, hidden images. For accurate perspective here, it seems that we need a view from space.

There are many analysts who are pushing the agenda that North Korea is simply acting up again, seeking attention and recognition as a nuclear power, with an immature leader straight from the casting list of the cult film Team America. Others, meanwhile, are insisting that the current threat is much different than the former threats. I agree with the latter, but not for the reasons we’re being told. The truth about the current actions of North Korea will not be provided by mind-numbing, teleprompter-reading newscasters or by the standard stable of “old-guard” analysts engaged in round table discussions in the techno-glitz studios of New York or Washington. No, for they have sold themselves out for the promise of a seat at the globalists table.

The reason is not that we can’t handle the truth, but because the truth would expose a network of lies and liars who are engaged in a massive realignment of power, redistribution of wealth, and the intended enslavement of you, me, our children and grandchildren. We are watching the birth of the “new world order” so many have talked about for so long, only to be mocked and marginalized by its creators.

At this point, the logical question would be to ask is what is actually going on with North Korea, and exactly where, within this mosaic of lies and diversion it all fits together. The answers are troubling as they expose the true agenda you are not supposed to see.

The powers at work

There should be no doubt that North Korea is a proxy nation of China, and in all matters of international consequence, takes its orders from China. Kim Jon Un, like a rabid dog tethered to a leash inside a fenced yard, is controlled by his Chinese handlers. Just in case he forgets or breaks his chain, China just positioned approximately 100,000 of their troops along their shared border to remind him.

Another power buried within this larger mosaic is Russia. With Vladimir Putin as the operations director, it is interesting to note Russia’s growing alliance with China—something that has received deliberately scant attention by the Western media. With the media and political leaders forcing us to focus on the missiles of North Korea alone, we are not being told about other very important events taking place that include “unexpected” military exercises by and even between Russia and China. Our eyes are diverted from the growing economic relationships between the two superpowers, an alliance that is creating a Eurasian economic power to rival the U.S. and the West.

Also embedded within the image is Japan, an ally of the U.S. and the Senkaku islands, a land mass whose possession is disputed between China and Japan. Like everything else within this larger picture, the issue is not the visible or obvious, but what is being hidden from view. For it is not the islands that are the issue here, but what lies under them. A treasure of oil and gas, which is the real prize. Like the Senkaku islands, the real power struggle is about what lies deeper under the surface than anyone is talking about.

What is in front of us but we are failing to see is a picture of a fight for the future, about a global battle for positioning in a world where the control of energy and economic power and wealth determines the winners… and losers. It’s about oil, energy and all that glitters. It’s a battle for all the wealth, power and positioning. It’s about the destruction of national currencies and confiscation of our wealth, while creating a system designed to lay siege to your wealth as represented by your toil, and the toils of future generations. That’s the larger picture.

The smaller images represent “hinge moments” or steps along the way. While forcing you to stare at those events, the larger picture is being missed, except for a few. To the delight of the architects of the globalist future, many limit their field of vision to one specific image hidden within the larger picture. They become unwitting assistants of the power brokers, and are used accordingly. Those few who understand the scope of the battle are the very people who are labeled as threats to our national security. As recently exposed, the powers have plans for you.

Deconstructing the larger picture, we see that the North Korean missile display is serving to divert our military assets and attention away from the actual field of battle, which is the Middle East, North Africa, and the entire region encompassed by the “Arab Spring.” It is a diversion orchestrated by the globalists behind the visible powers to take our attention away from the next significant event, which will take place in or around Syria. It is in Syria where the actual hot war that sets off World War III will start, which is the reason for this diabolical diversion.

As a nation, America stands at the precipice of World War III. By continuing to engage the Assad government, we are stoking the embers of the next, and perhaps last, global conflict. By our actions of arming the anti-Assad terrorists, by carrying out the Pan-Islamic agenda of Saudi Arabia for energy, and for economic reasons for the cabal of international bankers, the Obama regime is pitting us against a growing Russian-Chinese alliance.

During the course of this pan-Islamic nation-building, the Obama regime provided our resources in the form of military might—the blood, sweat and tears of our men and women in uniform—to do the dirty work. This agenda hit a bump in the road at Benghazi, which would have exposed Obama’s involvement in providing arms and training to the Islamic terrorists involved in toppling Assad.

The motives of the deadly attacks in Benghazi continue to be deliberately hidden by the Obama regime and the accommodating media lapdogs. If you look carefully at the mosaic in front of you, you’ll eventually see it. The attack in Benghazi was in direct response to our funneling weapons to anti-Assad terrorists and training them as well.

Despite Putin’s warnings against such destabilization, Syria remains in Obama’s crosshairs as Russia has vested military and economic interests in Syria, which is the backdoor to Iran. China, of course, has similar interests in Syria and Iran, and has expressed the same level of displeasure against the meddling by the U.S. Rarely mentioned is the huge, and growing, Muslim population of both Russia and China. This is a factor that must be considered in the face of such regional destabilization.

Yet, our joint venture with the Saudis to topple Assad continues, without our consent, and absent of any oversight by a now single party system of government within the United States. The mosaic, you see, contains all of the elements of the world stage, including the representation of the united States as a captured operation by those intent on forming a “New World Order.”

This single global system of governance intends to be presented as the only alternative to a world filled with military chaos and economic distress, both of which were created by the global elite for just this moment in time.

Take a step back and look at the bigger mosaic. If you look hard enough and long enough, you will see all the pictures hidden within this graphic crafted with such evil precision, it will cause you to see our world like you’ve never seen it before. It answers the looming questions from the erosion of our civil liberties, the decline of our economic system in which you will be robbed of your wealth, the coming gun confiscation—necessary to accomplish these tasks, and the diversions you are being forced to view.

North Korea is merely a distraction to much larger events.

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