The three architects of nation destruction, the “Butchers of Benghazi,” former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice, and Samantha Power, with Barack Hussein Obama at the helm, deliberately and ruthlessly destabilized Libya as part of the “Arab Spring” realignment of power that included Egypt, the Middle East and across North Africa. Recall that Clinton was the primary architect behind the weapons running operation out of the Department of State CIA compound in Benghazi when it was attacked and overrun on September 11-12, 2012, causing the death of a US ambassador and at least three US citizens (US Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens; USFS officer Sean Smith; CIA contractors Tyrone S. Woods and Glen Doherty). Remember their names.

As Obama began to reshape the balance of power in the Middle East and North Africa, he signed Executive Order 13566 on February 25, 2011 – about 18 months before the Benghazi attack. That EO cited “[A] national emergency pursuant to the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701‑1706) to deal with the unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States constituted by the actions of Colonel Muammar Qadhafi…”

Today, Biden extended the “national emergency” by extending Executive Order 13726, which expanded the scope of the national emergency declared in Executive Order 13566.

“The situation in Libya continues to pose an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States, and measures are needed to protect against the diversion of assets or other abuses by members of Qadhafi’s family, their associates, and other persons hindering Libyan national reconciliation.

Link to White House Executive Order extension HERE.

It should be obvious who is running the White House, and it’s not Biden.

By Douglas J. Hagmann

The House Select Committee of Benghazi released its long awaited report this week, consisting of just over 800 pages separated into five sections (I-V) and 12 appendices1. Having combed through the entire report and related commentaries since its release on Tuesday, 28 June 2016, numerous confirmations of my initial investigative reports pertaining to this incident and published first on this website exist. This voluminous report further legitimizes the veracity of the information provided by my source within the intelligence community about this incident.

To my disappointment but not surprise, however, this final report lacks critical information about the activities of our intelligence agencies, under the direction of the Obama White House and Clinton State Department, that properly contextualizes the incident. If such information was included, it would likely provide a path for criminal indictments of high-ranking government officials on both sides of the political divide.

The stage is being set for World War III
Getting to the “Foggy Bottom” of Benghazi
Death race to Damascus continues
The Benghazi deception
The hidden real truth about Benghazi

As I have asserted since the attack on 11 September 2012, the CIA compound in Benghazi was the hub of one of the largest weapons running operations in existence, supplying arms and manpower to various staging areas for use and deployment against the Syrian government of Bashir al Assad.

Activities taking place in northern Libya, specifically Benghazi, Derna and ports across northeastern Libya, have always been about toppling Syria like a real-life version of the game of Risk. Once this supra-Constitutional function of the CIA compound is fully exposed and understood, the reason for governmental obfuscation becomes abundantly clear. It is really just that simple.

Unfortunately, you won’t be informed about this in any official government report or by the captured corporate media.

All of the Congressional committees formed and investigations conducted were never really about getting to the truth, for they would expose the machinations of the globalist power brokers intent on reshaping the power structure of the Middle East. It was all about diverting attention away from this nefarious plot, using a compliant media to conflate facts and assail the intentionally narrow investigative process.

Accusations of a Political Witch-Hunt

Many people, including and especially those politically left of center, have vociferously condemned the time and money spent in investigating the Benghazi attacks. They claim it was never more than a political witch-hunt, and a costly one at that. Citing numerous investigations, from the ARB to the latest House report, they claim that there is nothing new under the sun. And they are partially correct, but for all of the wrong reasons.

From the outset, roadblocks to the truth were erected while the people in positions of power claimed complete cooperation and unfettered access to everyone involved. No matter how many claims of cooperation and transparency were made, the general public found it difficult to see through the smokescreen of deception.

The first lie of the cover-up, perhaps birthed in a cramped office in the White House, was the most egregious and outrageous. That the attacks evolved from a spontaneous demonstration that turned violent against the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi caused by an obscure and amateurish internet video was never the case. The talking points given to then-UN Ambassador Susan Rice by White House political operatives Ben Rhodes and David Plouffe for media dissemination was a smokescreen used to buy time and deflect blame. The corporate media failed to question the ill-spun narrative, providing the necessary ground cover and confusion.

The digital fingerprints of those involved in the exploitation of the video left a trail back to front companies of our own intelligence apparatus, including one company under the control of John O. Brennan, who was subsequently and most conveniently selected to head the CIA almost six months to the day after the Benghazi attack. How serendipitous.

Despite the obvious and plentiful evidence of complicity available to government investigators, this evidence was never followed or considered beyond the most basic acknowledgment.

Hillary Rodham Clinton Lies at Coffin Ceremony

“I’m not the liar, YOU ARE!” -Patricia Smith, mother of Sean Smith, murdered in Benghazi attack

Worse, the now-proven fact that Hillary Rodham Clinton knew that she was perpetuating this lie to the loved ones of the victims of the Benghazi massacre while standing just a few feet from the coffins that contained their remains is perhaps the most unforgivable of her actions. She remains shamelessly unrepentant to the families of those who died. Yet, the outcry against her has been minimized by a compliant corporate media.

Meanwhile, Clinton, her aides and associates, and the members of Obama regime have publicly feigned cooperation with investigative bodies while actually throwing up roadblocks behind the scenes. As written in Part IV, page 2 of the House report is the truth about their cooperation:

“The administration’s frequently stated pledge to comply with ‚Äòall legitimate oversight requests’ is often a hollow prelude followed by delay or refusal to respond to legitimate inquiries. Other congressional committees have reported similar delay and obstruction.”

Therefore, the time and money spent, complained about by the supporters of this cabal, can and should be billed directly to those who have refused to cooperate. Outcries of money wasted on investigations ring hollow in the face of legal maneuverings by these most uncooperative participants. Like the video, the perception of a political witch hunt and the taxpayers’ money expended is a creation of their own doing.

The Magnitude of the Lie

The report released by the House Select Committee on Benghazi created nothing more than a dull thud as it landed atop the table of American jurisprudence. In all of its 800 pages of testimony, appendices, illustrations and findings, there is nothing that addresses the covert operations being conducted by the CIA and other Western intelligence agencies to funnel weapons and personnel for use in Syria and other locations to reshape the power structure of the Middle East.

Doing so would force the Obama-Clinton cabal to admit that our assets were being used by the Saudis and other select Muslim countries to do their dirty work. It would expose the foreknowledge and complicity of not just this regime, but of the top-tier leadership of those in the House and Senate, including Republicans, who quietly went along with the plans of destabilization.

Like experienced magicians who direct the audience’s attention away from where the real action takes place, all eyes have been directed to the lack of diplomatic security afforded to our official presence in this area of the world, made volatile by the Obama-Clinton doctrine of destabilization. The lack of security, while true, was never the real issue. The real action was not taking place at the diplomatic mission, but at the CIA annex where the logistics for the Libyan version of Fast & Furious on steroids was being directed.

Although you will not find it in this report or any of the other reports, it’s about Syria. It’s always been about Syria. It will continue to be about Syria, until the criminal cabal of globalists are successful in gaining control of that country in the proxy fight that is taking place with Russia, which increases the stakes in this real-life game of Risk being played by the globalists.

The game is far from over. The death race to Damascus continues, pushing us closer to global war. The truth continues to buried and the criminal cabal of globalists remain free to continue their agenda without abatement.

Prepare. Pray.

1. References


I. Terrorist Attacks on U.S. Facilities in Benghazi

II. Internal and Public Government Communications about the Terrorist Attacks in Benghazi

III. Events Leading to the Terrorist Attacks in Benghazi

IV. Compliance with Congressional Investigations

V. Recommendations

Appendix A: Resolution Establishing the Select Committee on the Events Surrounding the 2012 Terrorist Attack in Benghazi

Appendix B: Significant Persons and Organizations

Appendix C: Questions for the President

Appendix D: Significant Events in Libya Prior to the Attacks

Appendix E: Security Incidents in Libya

Appendix F: Deterioration of Benghazi Mission Compound Security

Appendix G: Timelines of the Attacks

Appendix H: The September 12 Situation Report and the President’s Daily Brief

Appendix I: Witness Interview Summaries

Appendix J: Requests and Subpoenas for Documents

Appendix K: Analysis of Accountability Review Board, House Armed Services Committee and House Permanent Select Intelligence Committee Reports

Appendix L: Glen A. Doherty, Sean P. Smith, J. Christopher Stevens and Tyrone S. Woods

By Douglas J. Hagmann

Under cover of the Newtown school shooting, an “independent” five-member investigative panel quietly released an unclassified, 39-page report Tuesday night, detailing their findings of the attack that led to the murder of four Americans in Benghazi on September 11, 2012. The report cites five main reasons for the loss of life, all primarily related to inadequate security for U.S. personnel. However, the independent panel found that “no U.S. Government employee engaged in misconduct or willfully ignored his or her responsibilities, and, therefore, did not find reasonable cause to believe that an individual breached his or her duty so as to be the subject of a recommendation for disciplinary action.” Stated another way, no one is to blame nor will be held accountable for the murders of Americans Sean Smith, Glen Dougherty, Tyrone Woods, and Ambassador Chris Stevens, so just continue with your business.

The report was released in advance of closed-door congressional testimony scheduled for today by two senior panel members, retired Ambassador Thomas Pickering and former Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman Admiral Mike Mullen. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was also scheduled to testify this week but has declined to do so as a result of her recent fainting spell. Others are unavailable to testify or have not been asked, which is a common tactic when the outcome of an investigation is fixed from the beginning, and this, based on an extensive review of all available evidence, most certainly was.

2012 Game show panel: To Tell The Truth

It is an interesting bit of trivia, perhaps, that the popular television game show, To Tell the Truth, premiered exactly 56 years to the day that the Benghazi report was released. The objective of the 2012 real-world panel appears to be the antithesis of the former game show, as ferreting out the truth did not appear to be the panel’s objective.

The panel report offers nothing more than obligatory eye candy in the form of a stinging rebuke of State Department management and leadership failures that led to the murder of four Americans. The panel deliberately convolutes the pertinent issues with unrelated historical accounts of security issues in Libya dating back to 1967, giving the reader a sense of thoroughness while leaving the main issues untouched by design.

Ironically, the report opens with a 1905 quote from George Santayanna: “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” Included perhaps to add legitimacy and a veneer of integrity to an investigative report unworthy of such a definition, it is an insult to those aware of the actual events leading up to the murderous attacks of 9/11.

To understand how the truth behind the murders and the events of the attack is being buried amid familiar terms and talking points suitable for both political parties and their spokespeople, it is vital to understand the origin and makeup of the “independent” panel. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton convened the Accountability Review Board (ARB) in the wake of the attacks, quietly appointing retired Ambassador Thomas Pickering to chair and direct the panel. His appointment unceremoniously appeared in the October 4, 2012, edition of the Federal Register.

As noted in a previous report by this author, Thomas Pickering is an obvious choice to direct an investigation that could have any negative implications for Iran or this administration’s associations with the Muslim Brotherhood. Pickering is an advisory board member of the pro-Iranian organization known as the National Iranian American Council (NIAC) and co-chairman of the board of directors of the International Crisis Group (ICG), whose executive committee includes the infamous George Soros. Pickering is also vice-chairman of Hills & Co., global consultants founded in 1993 by CFR and Trilateral Commission member Carla Anderson Hills.

The significance of Pickering’s appointment cannot be overstated or underestimated, considering that the trail of blood from four Americans leads directly to Ansar al Sharia, a terrorist group funded by Iran. Who better to redirect or cover up the operational conspiracy that exists between Barack Hussein Obama, Hillary Rodham Clinton, and the Muslim Brotherhood that exists at the core of the 9/11 attack? Pickering is the obvious choice.

From the untouched to the absurd

Left untouched by the Pickering panel are the intrinsically sinister machinations of Obama, Jarrett, and Clinton, as they are methodically taking us to the brink of a new war in Syria through their weapons-running operations in Benghazi. The report intentionally offered only a very narrow view of the events in Benghazi, limiting their scope to the already exposed security deficiencies that were secondary to the redefined Benghazi “consulate.” Using this tactic effectively diverts attention away from the real issue and, thus, the actual cause of the attack.

Beyond the narrow focus of the security issues and the subsequent inconsequential wrist slap, the investigative panel descends further into the abyss of absurdity and insult by incredibly asserting that everything possible had been done to rescue and save our Ambassador and Sean Smith, and further asserted that “the interagency response was timely and appropriate, but there was simply not enough time for armed U.S. military assets to have made a difference.”

That finding alone should alarm every thinking American based on open-source intelligence and what is known, as well as what has yet to be disclosed. Only if this report was written with the blood of the dead Americans could it be more insulting to the families of the dead and the intelligence of the American public.

Perhaps Pickering and his cadre of co-conspirators would like to disclose to the American people the strange odyssey of a certain C-130 aircraft that left Croatia for Libya to assist the Americans under siege at the onset of the attack. The portal-to-portal flight time is about four hours, yet it did not officially “appear” on-site for 23 hours. Perhaps it’s time to address the fact that the lie is different at every level, and for Pickering to stop being a firewall between his bosses and the truth owed to every American, particularly to the families of those who were murdered.

It’s time to ask whether the crew of that C-130 was ever identified and interviewed. It’s time to locate and ask the personnel on board that aircraft how long it was, after they changed from their military uniforms into their street clothes to enact a rescue, were they forced to wait while the embattled Americans endured the attack and met their deaths. Oh yes, there is information known and crying out to be made public despite the contempt for the truth and, equally important, the contempt for the American people by Barack Hussein Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Valerie Jarrett.

Four Americans were murdered in Benghazi. Over forty thousand are dead in Syria. Soon, it will be four million dead due to the hidden agenda of our elected leaders, the complicity of a corrupt media, and the complacency of a brainwashed public. Today we cry over the deaths in Newtown, but tomorrow, our sobs will be for the masses.

Added for clarification: The C-130 referenced in this article departed from Croatia but was officially reported to be present at Naval Air Station Sigonella 23 hours later, despite an average flight time for that trip of approximately four-(4) hours.

Additionally, it is reasonable to ask how the panel report could conclude that “there was simply not enough time for armed U.S. military assets to have made a difference,” given what we know and the specific information that has been officially confirmed. The firefight lasted approximately nine hours. Nine hours. Also, notice that the report is very specific in specifying armed U.S. military assets. One must ask whether any other non-U.S. assets were in the area that offered to assist, waiting for the call that never came. Anyone?

By Douglas J. Hagmann

There is much focus on the events following the deaths of four Americans in Benghazi, as there should be. Four Americans, including a U.S. Ambassador, are dead. Real Americans, real men do not leave other Americans to die mercilessly in the throes of battle, at their time of greatest need. That’s not who we are, individually as people or collectively as a nation. Yet the inquiries of late boil down to one simple but very revealing question that no one in a position of authority has answered: Is this what we’ve become?

This is a question that transcends politics, political parties, and agendas. It is much bigger than all of that and all of us and speaks to the very heart of who we are as a people, a nation, and a brotherhood and sisterhood of soldiers who have entrusted their lives to the men and women leading the greatest nation on earth. It is the very essence of who we are and everything for which we stand. It is about honor, and a man or a nation who has lost honor can lose nothing more.*

At the heart of the issue are four Americans whose names and faces we must never forget: Sean Smith, Glen Doherty, Tyrone Woods, and U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens. They were sons and fathers, friends and family, and fellow soldiers doing what other Americans were not, could not, or would not. They are the face of America’s integrity and honor, exhibits of courage, and members of a special group who have died in the name of our nation.

Have we abandoned not only our dead, but our nation’s honor? With regard to the events in Benghazi, there is one straightforward and expeditious way to put inquiring minds to rest and to assure every American serving their country that they will not be left behind in their time of greatest need. Through a simple stroke of a pen, one man can put an end to the growing undercurrent of speculation and fear of abandonment: Barack Hussein Obama.

The accounts of the September 11, 2012, meeting in the Oval Office are well documented and undisputed in open-source reports. Barack Hussein Obama, Joe Biden, and Leon Panetta were meeting in the Oval Office at the very moment in time when the frantic pleas for help were made by our men who were engaged in a battle for their lives. In Benghazi, it was their final battle, but I beseech every American that it must not be ours.

Barack Hussein Obama has publicly assured every American that he ordered assistance to be dispatched to save our people. Let there be no equivocation, no wordplay, and no doubt, as the stakes are too high, the grief too real, and the consequences too dire to our country for anything but complete and honest disclosure. Barack Obama has told us that he issued an order, in real-time, to save the lives of our men as the doors of hell opened before them.

That is his statement recorded in history. Three men know the truth. Four men are dead. A nation’s honor hangs in the balance.

Accordingly, it is a very simple matter to produce the “execute order,” or the written documentation of that one very narrow but very specific verbal command. Lest one opines that such disclosure would compromise our national security, I remind everyone of the massive disclosures that were so freely and willingly offered in the wake of the bin Laden operation.

Just as the bin Laden operation is over, so is the Benghazi attack. A nation given the inside view of a celebrated successful operation now demands accountability in another. It must be done not only for the honor of the dead but for the sake of our nation.

As an American, I say this to Barack Hussein Obama: Show us that you have the honor and integrity that you claim. “Own” this situation as you did the bin Laden operation. Put America first. Produce the order. Today.

*A Paraphrase of the first-century Syrian writer Publilius Syrus.

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