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“Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.” — Barack Hussein Obama
By Douglas J. Hagmann
I type this knowing that it will appear in the last issue going to print before the November general election, and many situations are changing daily, if not hourly. If you thought things were uncertain on Monday, Friday has brought even more uncertainty. We can expect this process to repeat even beyond the election, especially if the Leftist insurgents who have infested our government agencies have their way.
Marine One just transported President Trump to Walter Reed Military Medical Center after he reportedly tested positive for COVID late yesterday, a fact he confirmed in an early morning message on Twitter. His wife also tested positive as did White House Communications Director and travel companion to the President, Hope Hicks. Although it is uncertain how this will impact the scheduled debates and the campaign in general, one can be sure that the Socialists and Communists of the Left will do everything they can to exploit this situation to advance their coup.
About three hours after the 1:00 am Friday tweet, I spoke with a federal officer employed by an alphabet agency and presently based inside the beltway. His position gives him a unique front-row view of certain events taking place around him. I met him on September 12, 2001, and know him well enough to appreciate that he does not alarm easily or often, which is why I was troubled by his early morning phone call.
This source told me what I already knew, or at least suspected: The Left intends to take control of the United States regardless of the election outcome. A “color revolution” is underway against the Republic, a premise recently discussed by Glen Beck in a series of videos he did under various titles, including “The Left’s Election Night War Game.” Consistent with Mr. Beck’s analysis, my source stated that the Deep State members are planning for two scenarios. The first scenario is that they regain power on election night using any means necessary, including not conceding defeat. The second is simply having their army “burn it all down,” meaning America and our way of life.
Before you dismiss either scenario as hyperbole, doom, or conspiracy nonsense, consider that members of the Deep State Left have already met and “war-gamed” election-night scenarios to accomplish their objectives. Members of the Obama administration and the US State Department wrote the playbook for what we’ve already seen over the last four years and are directing the election night chaos that is being currently planned.
Specifically, the tactics that resulted from these table-top exercises are outlined in a document titled Preventing a Disrupted Presidential Election and Transition, dated August 3, 2020, and produced by the Transition Integrity Project. This supposedly non-partisan (or bipartisan) organization was founded by Rosa Brooks, a Pentagon employee from 2009 to 2011, and an employee of George Soros. The list of participants includes journalists, social media and tech leaders, and members of numerous government agencies. The list of participants reads like a “whos-who” of Deep State denizens.
The tactics of the Left are also outlined in a 26-page document titled Indivisible: A Practical Guide For Resisting the Trump Agenda. This document was published on March 9, 2017, or just two months after President Trump assumed office and was produced by a similar list of Deep State operatives led by Barack Hussein Obama. The conclusion highlights the following quote: “Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.” — President Barack Obama.
The purpose of the early morning telephone call I received was to tell me to pay very close attention to the information contained in the two documents identified above, as many of the tactics outlined are being conducted by the Left right now. Also, expect chaos and confusion on election night, with the Left, led by Nancy Pelosi and others in the background, will attempt to nullify the electoral process. He asked me to warn everyone of the plots, plans, and schemes that are playing out behind the scenes to advance this “Constitutional usurpation” as detailed in those two documents and correctly identified by Glen Beck.
Lastly, he asked me to pray for him and others like him, who are doing everything they can to stop this “color revolution.”
The confines of space prohibit further analysis of the impact of the plans by the Socialists, Communists and other radical Leftists embedded within our government. Therefore, I urge you to read the documents identified above, watch Mr. Becks’ videos while you still can, and prepare for the chaos on and after election night 2020.
Prepare. Pray.
By Peter Barry Chowka
“The idea that (Trump) was in cahoots with Moscow, ridiculous.” — Vladimir Bukovsky 2019
Vladimir Bukovsky, the most famous surviving anti-communist Soviet dissident, has passed away. The sad news broke almost simultaneously early Sunday evening EDT in a tweet from journalist Diana West at 6:07 PM and in a news release emailed by Elizabeth Childs of the Bukovsky Center at 6:34 PM. This reporter was also one of the first to report the news on Twitter at 7:11 PM EDT on Sunday October 27th.
In poor health in recent years, Bukovsky, age 76, according to Childs had died of cardiac arrest at Addenbrookes Hospital near his home in Cambridge, England on Sunday evening at 9:30 PM local time in the UK.
In the 24 hours following Bukovsky’s death, his passing was taken note of in feature articles and obituaries by most of the world’s major media, including the BBC, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, and the Guardian.
Bukovsky had lived in the West since he was traded for a Chilean communist in a swap in Zurich in 1976. Before his release to freedom, he had spent a dozen years locked up in the old Soviet Union in prisons, gulags, and mental institutions.
The announcement of Bukovsky’s death emailed by Childs, and posted as an obituary at the Bukovsky Center’s Web site, summarized his life as a dissident in the Soviet Union and his achievements since his departure from the USSR in 1976:
A leading Russian human rights writer and activist, Bukovsky spent a total of 12 years imprisoned by the USSR. After his release to the West in 1976, he spent his last four decades writing and campaigning against successive regimes in his homeland.
Bukovsky first gained notoriety as a student writer and organizer in Moscow. In 1963, he was arrested for possessing forbidden literature. Rather than put him on trial, Soviet authorities had him declared mentally ill and locked him in a psychiatric hospital — a common tactic used in the USSR to discredit dissenters and confine them without appearing to be holding political prisoners. He was arrested again in 1967 and sent to a labor camp for three years.
After his release, Bukovsky created an international uproar when he had psychiatric hospital records for six well-known dissidents smuggled to the West in 1971. International psychiatrists’ organizations studied the records and charged Soviet doctors and the government with creating false diagnoses as a way to indefinitely detain possibly thousands of political opponents who showed no medically recognized symptoms of mental illness.
A gifted writer, Bukovsky was revered for his ability to document both the daily insults and grand oppression of Soviet prison life, and to convey with detail the soul-crushing effects of torture on both prisoner and jailer.
In 2019, one of Bukovsky’s most substantive works, Judgment in Moscow: Soviet Crimes and Western Complicity, was finally published in English in the United States for the first time by Ninth of November Press. It had been scheduled for publication in the U.S. in the 1990s, but never came out. Meanwhile, it was published in England and a number of European countries including, ironically, Russia. The book is based on internal Soviet era documents that Bukovsky got his hands on and managed to copy and smuggle out of Russia when he visited the former USSR under Boris Yelstsin’s post-communist regime in the early 1990s. The 2019 English language version of Judgment in Moscow brought renewed attention to Bukovsky, and he was interviewed at length earlier this year by several leading American journalists, including Celia Farber, who wrote two extensive articles for the Epoch Times, one of them a Q & A that she had on the phone with Bukovsky.
Farber’s articles (here and here), and three lengthy interviews with Bukovsky by Jay Nordlinger published in the National Review (here, here, and here), really need to be read in their entirety to get a full appreciation of the richness in experience and analysis of this man who never sold out his principles.
Asked about the left’s ongoing charges of collusion between the Russians and Donald Trump, Bukovsky told Farber:
Mind you, the idea that he was initially somehow in cahoots with Moscow, ridiculous. I mean he is doing his thing, with some limitations in his understanding of Russia. But calling him a Moscow agent is ridiculous. You might like or dislike him. He has strong character, not very critical of himself, and so forth, but to suggest that he is Moscow’s agent is absolutely ridiculous. . . The president is limited by legislation, by Congress, by whatever. It’s not in his power to change the course of the country as much as they suggest. The president is only an executive officer and that’s it.
Following the news of Bukovsky’s death, journalist Diana West immediately employed her prolific Twitter account to share her thoughts about Bukovsky in a series of incisive tweets and an appreciation of him posted at her Web site. West wrote:
How do we mark the consequence and courage of such an extraordinary man who chose to lead his life in outspoken opposition to evil, who chose to sacrifice years of his life in Soviet labor camps and psychiatric hospitals rather than submit to communist slavery?
In many ways, Diana West is a Western intellectual counterpart to Bukovsky. Her scholarship, especially in her 2013 book American Betrayal: The Secret Assault on Our Nation’s Character and more recently in The Red Thread: A Search for Ideological Drivers Inside the Anti-Trump Conspiracy, has shed considerable new light on the decades-long collusion between many influential political and cultural leaders of the United States and the old Soviet Union. As Farber concluded after speaking with Bukovsky:
Sen. Joseph McCarthy, it turns out, was correct, but was the wrong messenger, and wound up derailing the cause of anti-communist awareness for half a century.
For more information, the Bukovsky Center Web site, run by volunteers, has been updated with news of Bukovsky’s passing and will be an ongoing source of information.
A two-minute film clip of a clandestine 1970 video interview with Bukovsky in a park outside Moscow, with the caption “The man on camera [Bukovsky] risks his life by speaking,” has been posted as a memoriam to him at YouTube here. It is highly recommended viewing.
As I wrote in an email of condolence to my friend Elizabeth Childs of the Bukovsky Center:
The death of someone who I respect, even if I never met him, usually stops me in my tracks, occasions deep thoughts, and is ultimately rather depressing. . . When you think of what Bukovsky lived through, and survived, it really is astonishing. Re-reading his 2019 interviews Sunday, it was so clear that his perspective today was grounded in a life of truly amazing and unique experiences and was so valuable.
[An earlier version of this article was originally published at American Thinker on October 28, 2019.]
Peter Barry Chowka writes about politics, media, popular culture, and health care for American Thinker and other publications. Peter’s website is Follow him on Twitter at @pchowka.
By Douglas J. Hagmann
Robert Mueller was precisely the right person for the job of Special Counsel. Just as his appointment was not by accident, neither was his selection. It was necessary and calculated, but for all of the wrong reasons. His task was not to investigate but to obfuscate. His job was to deflect and divert American’s attention away from the actual criminals and criminality of not just the last eight years, but for the previous generation.
Moreover, he had the entire resources of the federal government at his disposal and used them with ruthless efficiency as he had done throughout his career.
A stroke of his pen could upend and potentially destroy the lives of anyone in his sights. Just ask my friend Dr. Jerome Corsi, or Roger Stone, with whom I’ve been acquainted and worked or General Michael Flynn. Their lives have been forever changed by his insidious and unnecessary tactics of Deep State sanctioned terrorism under the guise of a legitimate investigation.
It was never a legitimate investigation. It was political payback and harassment in spades ordered by the upper echelon of a rogue “permanent state.” Robert Mueller was just their errand boy.
I don’t recall exactly how I became acquainted with Louisiana State Senator John Milkovich, but the more I got to know him the more I liked him, despite us never meeting face to face. I found myself agreeing with his well-researched positions on numerous Constitutional issues, from the positions of our Founding Fathers to the creation of this massive surveillance state under which we now live. The fingerprints of Robert Mueller can be found all over the unconstitutional attacks on our personal freedoms if only people will do the research as John Milkovich has done.
Even more interesting is that John Milkovich is a registered Democrat holding the 38th Congressional seat in his home state of Louisiana. Meanwhile, I’m a registered Republican with a general disdain of all politicians of all stripes. As we’ve seen for some time now, however, the Republican-Democrat designation is itself a false and misleading paradigm.
It is at this juncture that I suspect I connected with John Milkovich, as he understands that truth is not necessarily subjective to political party affiliations or designations on political forms. We’ve seen countless examples of this by members of both political parties. Despite the opposing political labels, I suspect that my idea for America is much more aligned with Senator Milkovich than Paul Ryan, for example. So too is our quest to seek the truth of a matter.
There is an epic disconnect between the Robert Mueller described by the Mass Media and Officialdom as a model of public propriety, and the Robert Mueller documented by independent researchers; a chronic Collaborator, with a career characterized by cover-ups, corruption and unconscionable conduct – an ever-willing instrument of Deep State dissimulation.” – John Milkovich, Louisiana State Senator; Robert Mueller, Errand Boy For The New World Order
Although the final report by Special Counsel Robert Mueller has not been made publicly available, Attorney General William Barr provided a concise four-page summary of its contents to members of the House and Senate Judiciary Committees on March 24, 2019. On its face, this executive summary is sufficient to conclude that neither President Trump nor any member of his staff were compromised by any foreign powers before, during or after the 2016 US Presidential election.
It should be therefore a natural reaction, particularly for those who put their full faith and confidence in Robert Mueller’s credibility, integrity and investigative abilities to breathe a sigh of relief upon learning of his findings. Instead, we are witnessing the exact opposite reaction from the Democratic Socialists. In a convoluted twist of logic, they are actually upset by the results that our President is indeed loyal to the United States and our best interests.
Regardless of the report itself, there is something much deeper and far more profound that must be addressed. It exists at the very heart of a considerably greater issue that few are discussing, which is the impetus for the creation of the Special Counsel investigation and the selection of Robert Mueller. It is here where we will find the answers to questions that need to be asked and answers that must be provided and memorialized.
Understanding the role of Robert Mueller in his position as Special Counsel must be viewed through the investigative lens of John Milkovich. Senator Milkovich provides the vital background information necessary to understand why Robert Mueller was selected for this position.
For those reasons, it was an honor to have Senator John Milkovich join The Hagmann Report on Friday, March 29, 2019.
Watch/Listen to the interview HERE.
· His book is available through his website HERE or on Amazon.
By Peter Barry Chowka
Exclusive to The Hagmann Report. Peter Navarro, the White House trade advisor, has been prominently in the news lately. Navarro has had a long career in public life. He has a Ph.D. in economics and taught for several decades at the university level. As a Democrat, he ran unsuccessfully for elective office three times in San Diego in the 1990s. He emerged in 2016 as a policy advisor to the Trump campaign. On December 21, 2016, Navarro was selected by President-elect Trump to head a newly created position, as director of the White House National Trade Council.
Recently, in light of President Trump’s support for a tariff on imported steel and aluminum (a policy that Navarro strong supports), there is renewed attention on Navarro as a high-profile advisor and spokesperson for the Trump administration.
On Wednesday, March 7, Navarro was interviewed on the Fox Business Network on the program Making Money with Charles Payne (weeknights, 6-7PM ET). Shortly after the broadcast, a representative of the Fox Business Network provided a transcript and a video link.
CHARLES PAYNE, FBN HOST: White House officials telling Fox Business President Trump will impose tariffs tomorrow. I want to bring in Peter Navarro, White House National Trade Council Director. Peter, great seeing you.
PETER NAVARRO, WHITE HOUSE TRADE ADVISOR: Hey, Charles, it’s been too long. I remember the last time we were on set was during the campaign.
PAYNE: I remember too, and ironically, you and I debated — we had a heated debate over this very topic. I pushed back against you. But I’ve got to tell you something, the more and more the establishment says you are nuts, the more all these elites on both sides of the aisle think that this is a bad idea, I’ve been thinking maybe Peter is on to something.
Explain to the audience, because they’ve been watching the same TV, and every time they turn on the TV, somebody says Navarro and President Trump are going down the wrong road with tariffs.
NAVARRO: Look, this is pretty simple in this case. We’ve got an aluminum and steel industry. The president quite clearly and correctly, we can’t have a country without those two industries. Fact of the matter of it, both of them are on life support; the aluminum industry, in particular. Since 2013, we’ve lost six smelters, we’ve only have five left and only two of them are operating at full capacity. We only have one that makes the high purity aluminum we need for our defense applications.
In another year or two or three if we don’t do anything, that’s going to be gone and we’re not going to be gone and we’re not going have a country. So, what this, this is something we’ve looked at for months, debated for months, and it’s a very measured approach. We’re going to have 25 percent tariffs on steel, 10 percent on aluminum.
Our good friend north and south of the border in Canada and Mexico are going to be given an opportunity to negotiate a fair trade deal for NAFTA, which would be a great bonus for what President Trump’s doing. If we get that, they won’t receive the tariffs. And we’re going to open this up for our allies to just see if we can — we can work through this problem. But tomorrow bottom line, going to be a good day for America.
PAYNE: So let me — help me flesh it out. If signed tomorrow, when does it become effective, is there wiggle room? Is there some sort of a time period where Canada and Mexico can negotiate themselves out of this without it ever taking effect?
NAVARRO: Yes, that’s built right in. We’re going to be we’ll be 3:30 in the oval office with a bunch of men and women from steel country and aluminum country coming in to see the president. We’ll be honored by that. He’ll sign the proclamations, and within 15-30 days, the tariffs go into effect.
The proclamation will have a clause that does not impose these tariffs immediately on Canada and Mexico and it’s going to give us an opportunity and one of the best guys in this administration, Ambassador Robert Lighthizer the opportunity to negotiate a great deal for this country. And if we get that, then all is good with Canada and Mexico.
PAYNE: let’s talk about NAFTA then, because we saw the trade deficit today. In fact, month over month, it increased 65 percent with our neighbors to the north. Yesterday we heard that Mexico’s automobile shipments to America up almost 10 percent.
You know, they’re certainly enjoying the fruits of NAFTA, and we don’t begrudge them for that, but how do we get them to really understand — and you know, sort of admit and make some — some changes here?
NAVARRO: Well, one of the beautiful things about President Donald J. Trump is talking about getting tough has already slowed down investment in Mexico in things like auto factories. Companies want to be here, not there. But we need a solid NAFTA negotiating agreement.
And look, both Mexico and Canada know the president is not messing around in this. If we get a good deal, that’s going be great for all three — three countries. But we can’t keep doing what we are doing. It’s draining this country dry. That, and all the other bad trade deals we have, and this president is going after every one of them.
PAYNE: Peter, does this mean economic nationalism is back?
NAVARRO: So, what it means is make America Great Again is here. And the president — by the way, the first 14 months in office, he has had the best 14 months of any president in modern history in terms of the economy. And he just doesn’t get any love for that. But it’s really an amazing thing. And I think this whole philosophy of restructuring our economy to focus on manufacturing, making things with our hands, taking care of our workers for a change. That’s not nationalism, that’s Americanism.
PAYNE: And I’ve got to tell you, the goods producing data we saw from ADP this week, and Since President Trump has been in office, beyond remarkable. Before — I know you have to hop, but I want to ask you something, because you and I, you know, we’ve talked a lot in the past. “The Washington Post” wrote that you’re enjoying your 15 minutes of fame.
They said you were demoted by John Kelly but you didn’t have anywhere else to go so you hung around and now of course, you’re being mentioned by name by people like Orrin Hatch. How does that make you feel personally, because I’ve got to tell you something, you and Wilbur Ross did stick around, and now you’re getting your agenda pushed through, which is what — by the way — what President Trump ran on.
NAVARRO: Look, I come to work every day it’s an honor and privilege to serve this great president. And my job every day is to help the president put men and women to work in high-paid jobs. That’s all I have done. I keep my head down, I stay on task. And right now, tomorrow is going to be a good day for America.
But my office works on a lot of things. We — we housed the “Buy America” plan and we’re doing a great job across the bureaucracies. And I’m doing great stuff with the help of the president and vice president on the defense industrial base. And someday we’ll talk about that, too.
PAYNE: Peter, anytime you want. Peter Navarro, thank you very much. Congratulations. I appreciate it.
NAVARRO: Good to talk to you.
Peter Barry Chowka is a veteran reporter and analyst of news on national politics, media, and popular culture. He is a frequent contributor to American Thinker and The Hagmann Report. Follow Peter on Twitter at @pchowka.
By Peter Barry Chowka
On the eve of the New Year, it’s traditional to review the last year, take stock, celebrate, and maybe make some resolutions. Since I have a good memory, I often think back to many New Year’s Eves in the past, several decades ago in some cases – reflecting on what life was like then, what I was doing and thinking, who were the friends I was spending time with, etc.
It’s both sobering and troubling to think of how far we have come – or not – in recent years. America in the middle of the last century was a really special place – no question about it. In the wake of our hard-fought victories against powerful fascist regimes in World War II, America was the “shining city on a hill,” the unchallenged leader of the Free World. And then came the quiet triumph of the defeat of Soviet and Eastern Bloc Communism in 1989-’91. With our fears of another world war seemingly put to rest, and the promise of the Internet’s information superhighway looming large, the 1990 sseemed like “the end of [bad] history” was at hand.
But look at us today! After the reign of the Clintons (1993-2001), the Neocon empire building of George W. Bush (2001-2009), and the ascent to power of Obama (2009-2017) with our country now defined by corruption and “leading from behind,” we appear to be withering in the face of a rising Red China, an Islamist insurgency bent on world domination, and profoundly toxic societal, racial, class, and political divisions here at home.
Will we be able to weather the storms that we sense are coming in 2018 and make America great again?
I don’t have an easy answer to that question, other than to say that I honestly feel that there is considerable cause for optimism when assessing our immediate future. Little more than a year ago, almost everyone was predicting a Hillary Clinton victory in the 2016 presidential election. Somehow we were spared and that nightmare did not come to pass. It’s possible that the common sense conservatism that carried the day in 2016 could play a vital role again as new and even more daunting challenges emerge in 2018 and beyond.
One large unknowable that escaped the notice of the cognoscenti in 2016 is the rising tide of people in this country and around the world who are fed up with the sclerotic political status quo. Helping to accelerate this long overdue sea change in ordinary people’s opinions and attitudes are a wide variety of factors that didn’t exist until recently. These factors include the rise of independent alternative and citizen journalism made possible by new developments like social media whose viral influences can breach previous insurmountable boundaries, and the proliferation of smart handheld devices that have further democratized the flow of information. This entire emergent alternative information matrix did an end run around the mainstream media and helped to upend the political process and install insurgent candidate Donald Trump in the White House. A question now is, Can this tide of rising awareness defeat the forces of globalism in the ongoing infowar of attrition?
As a lifelong journalist, I have been trying to make sense of that and other related questions during the past year – writing for American Thinker and The Hagmann Report, and appearing regularly on The Hagmann Report prime time broadcast. In fact, my being welcomed into the Hagmann family of contributors and getting to work closely with Doug and Joe have been high points of the past year for me.
To shift these musings a bit more in a personal direction, I wanted to take this opportunity on the last day of 2017 to thank everyone who has followed me on Twitter, read my articles at American Thinker and The Hagmann Report, and watched or listened to my appearances on The Hagmann Report broadcasts.
As of today, 12/31/2017, I’ve been on Twitter for only 92 days, starting on the afternoon of the big solar eclipse last August. It was a tentative beginning, but it’s been an interesting and increasingly wild social media ride since then, and an inspiration for many new insights, as well.
I am humbled that almost 2,400 people have chosen to “follow” me on Twitter. I have tried to reach out by direct message to many of my new Twitter friends, and I always do my best to respond to messages that I receive. I am honored that Sean Hannity has retweeted me a number of times, and I have been retweeted as well by at least three other notable people who I also admire – Charles V. Payne, Mark Levin and – on two occasions – President Donald J. Trump.
My Twitter “followers” (I don’t really like that term but I don’t know of a better one) are a really interesting group of individuals. I always try to get a sense of who my new followers are by visiting their Twitter pages. It’s a diverse group of people representing many different backgrounds and walks of life, but mostly united by a love for our country and a hope that it can be cleansed of the corruption and decay that have taken root in the political and social fabric in recent decades.
Whatever our faith – and many of us are Christians – we all appear to be working hard to understand and come to grips with what exactly is going on in our upside down world – in the context of the unseen world where our Creator resides. It’s a life’s work to try to figure it all out in the midst of the disinformation and propaganda that are aimed at us in an unceasing full spectrum assault on our minds, bodies, and spirit.
The truth is out there but it can be hard to find. We’re frustrated by our country being sold out and apologized for during the 8+ years that preceded Donald Trump’s election. And wouldn’t it be nice if that frustration could be replaced by the joy of experiencing life in the USA as it once was, not that long ago, at the height of the American Century – great again, united again, populated by loyal un-hyphenated Americans and newcomers who really want to become Americans. Respecting our country’s traditions, history, heritage, laws, and Constitution – and our unique freedoms – without the bitter acrimony and toxic political polarization that currently divide us.
I hope to have the energy and stamina to continue into the new year doing what I have been doing for so many years – researching and writing as much as I can, as well as speaking out, about the important issues of the day. With a respect for accuracy, fairness, and balance – while trying to expose the truth in situations. I’ve had a lot of experience in this work but no one is perfect and I don’t claim to be infallible. I try to do my best, which is why researching, writing, and speaking are extremely time consuming, taking up almost every waking moment in the typical 7-day work week. Your prayers for all of us who are engaged in this work are much appreciated.
I truly hope that each one of you who is reading this is getting something worthwhile out of my efforts. And if you are, for those of you on Twitter I hope that you will consider retweeting some of my tweets that interest you to your followers so that my audience of readers can continue to grow. A writer like myself writes so that people will read him – and the more the merrier, especially since the subjects that I cover are so important. It’s not celebrities or other inane fluff that we’re talking about here but the present and future course – if not the very survival – of our beloved country.
On that note, my sincere thanks to each one of you for accompanying me in this journey. Best wishes for a happy, healthy, and productive New Year 2018! I hope to see you here on The Hagmann Report, at American Thinker, and at my Twitter page in the coming year.
Peter Barry Chowka is a veteran reporter and analyst of news on national politics, media, and popular culture. He writes most often these days for American Thinker and The Hagmann Report. A selection of Peter’s recent video Skype interviews on The Hagmann Report video broadcast is available at his new YouTube playlist “Between the Lines” here. For announcements and links to a wide selection of Peter’s published work, follow him on Twitter @pchowka.
By Douglas J. Hagmann
The resignation of Dr. Sebastian Gorka is neither a political “multi-dimensional chess” move nor tidy. The former gives too much credit where none is due, while the latter does not appropriately reflect the carnage of an internal political war for a controlling interest of the Executive branch.
It is the result of a street fight to control the direction of the Oval Office between those who stand for the “MAGA Doctrine” of American values and American exceptionalism and the those who detest it, instead wanting to implement a socially engineered, fake Socialist utopia while apologizing for the system and values that made our nation great.
It is a consequence of the war being waged against the true Conservatives by the Globalists and “policy people” frantic to chaotically push our nation further into a Socialist collective – a fake utopia embraced by the most delusional Progressive supporters of both Clinton and Sanders – who still cannot seem to accept that the people have rejexcted them and their flawed policies.
We must not listen to the “Fake News Industrial Complex,” a description first used publicly by Dr. Gorka and instead, pay attention to the carefully chosen words of Dr. Gorka himself:
“[G]iven recent events, it is clear to me that forces that do not support the MAGA promise are – for now – ascendant within the White House,” Gorka wrote in his resignation letter. “As a result, the best and most effective way I can support you, Mr. President, is from outside the People’s House.”
This is precisely what the Washington elitists and members of the “Fake News Industrial Complex” and “Destroy Trump Media” fear the most.
Consider the difference between President Donald Trump’s speeches regarding the U.S. policy on Afghanistan that he delivered on Monday, August 21, 2017 and the rousing speech he gave the next day to throngs of supporters in Phoenix, Arizona.
Conspicuously absent from the Afghanistan speech was the phrase “radical Islam,” “Islamic terrorism” or any other such variations in the context of the enemies we are fighting. The purposeful omission appeared to calm, albeit briefly, the “Fake News Industrial Complex” and the Deep State neocons like a dose of valium to a frenzied mental patient.
Perhaps this scripted text about policy solidified Dr. Gorka’s decision to step aside, which was anticipated following the mutually agreed departure of Steve Bannon from the roster of internal West Wing influence.
The next day, President Trump used Phoenix to reconnect with and re-energize his base. Outside of the Washington swamp, President Trump invoked the spirit of Ronald Reagan in a stirring speech that advanced the tenets of his MAGA platform: rebuild the economy, defend our country, defeat ISIS and build the wall.
Once again, the “Fake News Industrial Complex” became seriously apoplectic, traumatized by the very thought of the unapologetic presentation of American exceptionalism, the embodiment of Judeo-Christian values and a true Jacksonian policy agenda over a failed Eurocentric Globalist nightmare.
Choking on their own legacy of losses, they were unable to admit the gains already made in a mere 200 days of Donald Trump as President. The revitalization of NATO, the actual victories against ISIS, the unwavering alliance with Israel, and slowing illegal immigration by 73% since Donald Trump became President are like daylight to the vampires of the “Destroy Trump Media.”
Dr. Sebastian Gorka, alone or concurrent with Steve Bannon and other such influencers of policy and direction will undoubtedly serve a great purpose for America and all true Conservatives, even outside of the West Wing. Perhaps even more effectively.