The Benghazi Deception Continues

Hagmann P.I.
July 1, 2016
The Benghazi Deception Continues

By Douglas J. Hagmann

The House Select Committee of Benghazi released its long awaited report this week, consisting of just over 800 pages separated into five sections (I-V) and 12 appendices1. Having combed through the entire report and related commentaries since its release on Tuesday, 28 June 2016, numerous confirmations of my initial investigative reports pertaining to this incident and published first on this website exist. This voluminous report further legitimizes the veracity of the information provided by my source within the intelligence community about this incident.

To my disappointment but not surprise, however, this final report lacks critical information about the activities of our intelligence agencies, under the direction of the Obama White House and Clinton State Department, that properly contextualizes the incident. If such information was included, it would likely provide a path for criminal indictments of high-ranking government officials on both sides of the political divide.

The stage is being set for World War III
Getting to the “Foggy Bottom” of Benghazi
Death race to Damascus continues
The Benghazi deception
The hidden real truth about Benghazi

As I have asserted since the attack on 11 September 2012, the CIA compound in Benghazi was the hub of one of the largest weapons running operations in existence, supplying arms and manpower to various staging areas for use and deployment against the Syrian government of Bashir al Assad.

Activities taking place in northern Libya, specifically Benghazi, Derna and ports across northeastern Libya, have always been about toppling Syria like a real-life version of the game of Risk. Once this supra-Constitutional function of the CIA compound is fully exposed and understood, the reason for governmental obfuscation becomes abundantly clear. It is really just that simple.

Unfortunately, you won’t be informed about this in any official government report or by the captured corporate media.

All of the Congressional committees formed and investigations conducted were never really about getting to the truth, for they would expose the machinations of the globalist power brokers intent on reshaping the power structure of the Middle East. It was all about diverting attention away from this nefarious plot, using a compliant media to conflate facts and assail the intentionally narrow investigative process.

Accusations of a Political Witch-Hunt

Many people, including and especially those politically left of center, have vociferously condemned the time and money spent in investigating the Benghazi attacks. They claim it was never more than a political witch-hunt, and a costly one at that. Citing numerous investigations, from the ARB to the latest House report, they claim that there is nothing new under the sun. And they are partially correct, but for all of the wrong reasons.

From the outset, roadblocks to the truth were erected while the people in positions of power claimed complete cooperation and unfettered access to everyone involved. No matter how many claims of cooperation and transparency were made, the general public found it difficult to see through the smokescreen of deception.

The first lie of the cover-up, perhaps birthed in a cramped office in the White House, was the most egregious and outrageous. That the attacks evolved from a spontaneous demonstration that turned violent against the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi caused by an obscure and amateurish internet video was never the case. The talking points given to then-UN Ambassador Susan Rice by White House political operatives Ben Rhodes and David Plouffe for media dissemination was a smokescreen used to buy time and deflect blame. The corporate media failed to question the ill-spun narrative, providing the necessary ground cover and confusion.

The digital fingerprints of those involved in the exploitation of the video left a trail back to front companies of our own intelligence apparatus, including one company under the control of John O. Brennan, who was subsequently and most conveniently selected to head the CIA almost six months to the day after the Benghazi attack. How serendipitous.

Despite the obvious and plentiful evidence of complicity available to government investigators, this evidence was never followed or considered beyond the most basic acknowledgment.

Hillary Rodham Clinton Lies at Coffin Ceremony

“I’m not the liar, YOU ARE!” -Patricia Smith, mother of Sean Smith, murdered in Benghazi attack

Worse, the now-proven fact that Hillary Rodham Clinton knew that she was perpetuating this lie to the loved ones of the victims of the Benghazi massacre while standing just a few feet from the coffins that contained their remains is perhaps the most unforgivable of her actions. She remains shamelessly unrepentant to the families of those who died. Yet, the outcry against her has been minimized by a compliant corporate media.

Meanwhile, Clinton, her aides and associates, and the members of Obama regime have publicly feigned cooperation with investigative bodies while actually throwing up roadblocks behind the scenes. As written in Part IV, page 2 of the House report is the truth about their cooperation:

“The administration’s frequently stated pledge to comply with ‚Äòall legitimate oversight requests’ is often a hollow prelude followed by delay or refusal to respond to legitimate inquiries. Other congressional committees have reported similar delay and obstruction.”

Therefore, the time and money spent, complained about by the supporters of this cabal, can and should be billed directly to those who have refused to cooperate. Outcries of money wasted on investigations ring hollow in the face of legal maneuverings by these most uncooperative participants. Like the video, the perception of a political witch hunt and the taxpayers’ money expended is a creation of their own doing.

The Magnitude of the Lie

The report released by the House Select Committee on Benghazi created nothing more than a dull thud as it landed atop the table of American jurisprudence. In all of its 800 pages of testimony, appendices, illustrations and findings, there is nothing that addresses the covert operations being conducted by the CIA and other Western intelligence agencies to funnel weapons and personnel for use in Syria and other locations to reshape the power structure of the Middle East.

Doing so would force the Obama-Clinton cabal to admit that our assets were being used by the Saudis and other select Muslim countries to do their dirty work. It would expose the foreknowledge and complicity of not just this regime, but of the top-tier leadership of those in the House and Senate, including Republicans, who quietly went along with the plans of destabilization.

Like experienced magicians who direct the audience’s attention away from where the real action takes place, all eyes have been directed to the lack of diplomatic security afforded to our official presence in this area of the world, made volatile by the Obama-Clinton doctrine of destabilization. The lack of security, while true, was never the real issue. The real action was not taking place at the diplomatic mission, but at the CIA annex where the logistics for the Libyan version of Fast & Furious on steroids was being directed.

Although you will not find it in this report or any of the other reports, it’s about Syria. It’s always been about Syria. It will continue to be about Syria, until the criminal cabal of globalists are successful in gaining control of that country in the proxy fight that is taking place with Russia, which increases the stakes in this real-life game of Risk being played by the globalists.

The game is far from over. The death race to Damascus continues, pushing us closer to global war. The truth continues to buried and the criminal cabal of globalists remain free to continue their agenda without abatement.

Prepare. Pray.

1. References


I. Terrorist Attacks on U.S. Facilities in Benghazi

II. Internal and Public Government Communications about the Terrorist Attacks in Benghazi

III. Events Leading to the Terrorist Attacks in Benghazi

IV. Compliance with Congressional Investigations

V. Recommendations

Appendix A: Resolution Establishing the Select Committee on the Events Surrounding the 2012 Terrorist Attack in Benghazi

Appendix B: Significant Persons and Organizations

Appendix C: Questions for the President

Appendix D: Significant Events in Libya Prior to the Attacks

Appendix E: Security Incidents in Libya

Appendix F: Deterioration of Benghazi Mission Compound Security

Appendix G: Timelines of the Attacks

Appendix H: The September 12 Situation Report and the President’s Daily Brief

Appendix I: Witness Interview Summaries

Appendix J: Requests and Subpoenas for Documents

Appendix K: Analysis of Accountability Review Board, House Armed Services Committee and House Permanent Select Intelligence Committee Reports

Appendix L: Glen A. Doherty, Sean P. Smith, J. Christopher Stevens and Tyrone S. Woods

HAGMANN P.I. (Doug Hagmann)
Private Investigator for over 35 years. TV Host, Radio Host and Author.

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