The single most dangerous question to Obama about Benghazi

Hagmann P.I.
May 23, 2014
The single most dangerous question to Obama about Benghazi

By Douglas J. Hagmann

Although numerous unanswered questions continue to plague the Obama White House about the criminal and murderous events of the Benghazi attacks on September 11, 2012, there is one single question that needs to be asked with absolute precision and answered with authenticated specificity.

It is the question that Obama and a very small contingent of his innermost circle fear the most, for it is my professional investigative assessment, based on insider information, that the answer to this question alone will cause the immediate demands for the impeachment and removal from office of Barack Hussein Obama. It is this precise question:

Where exactly within the White House was Barack Hussein Obama, from the time he left the Oval Office at approximately 7:30 p.m. ET, until the following day when he boarded Air Force One destined for Las Vegas, who was he with, and what were the exact nature of his activities during this period?

Doug Hagmann

Unfortunately, I have significant doubts that specific answers to this multi-part question, subject to verification by Secret Service logs, will be forthcoming or cross-referenced with other internal White House logs and other records that are known to be kept and maintained. I also have serious doubts that the Select Committee will press the issue beyond any vague, superficial and peripheral testimony offered by those called before the investigative body.

It is this one particular question—and a complete, truthful and verifiable answer—that has the ability to completely change the perception of events that have been carefully crafted like a cheap paint-by-numbers picture set suitable for children 8-12 years of age.

Just where was the Commander-in-Chief while Americans were fighting for their lives and awaiting assistance that would never arrive? We now know where he wasn’t, which was in the White House situation room. What activities could possibly take precedence over even a brief “pop-in” to the Situation Room for a strategic, election-year photo-op? Think about that and all that it implies for a moment.

Based on information supplied to me by two insider sources, the truthful answers to this multi-part question will never be disclosed—ever. Based on one DC insider who is legally muzzled by multiple national security secrecy oaths, “negotiations” are in progress (or perhaps complete) to make certain the committee will stay away from this question beyond a very narrow line of inquiry. This explains the ostensible partisan cooperation under the direction of Nancy Pelosi, according to my source. There is immense pressure being forced upon the committee chair and others to stay away from this line of questioning beyond the requisite superficiality designed for our entertainment.

Moreover, I have been informed that the Secret Service logs, White House visitor logs, and cross-referencing records “including and especially of those individuals present in the private presidential quarters that would identify the names, ages, and alleged purpose for their presence” will never be remitted, at least not in their original form, if at all. Furthermore, any answers relating to this question by witness testimony will not be properly reconciled with any documentation at the depth required.

Robert “Tosh” Plumlee, CIA whistle blower, posed 11 questions about Benghazi to elected officials from both political parties and received no responses in return. I pose one, publicly, for it is the truthful answer to this question that is, and forever will be, the “third rail” of the deepest recesses of insider knowledge.

Wait. Watch. And mark my words.

HAGMANN P.I. (Doug Hagmann)
Private Investigator for over 35 years. TV Host, Radio Host and Author.

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