The Total Cuckery of U.S. Citizenry

Hagmann P.I.
December 19, 2023
The Total Cuckery of U.S. Citizenry

I’m done. I’ve had a bellyful of this insanity. IT’S GOING TO GET BLOODY. That’s an observation, not a threat. I’m done with bleeding heart liberal, Communist, progressive cucks who cannot or refuse to see what’s happening right in front of them. If you are in support of the cognitively impaired criminal in the White House and his cabal of criminals, including and especially that Cuban national, Communist-advocate cueball Alejandro “Ali” Mayorkas, YOU are a BIG part of the problem.

I have NO desire to be your friend. I have NO desire to coexist with you. It is because of you and those like you who have sentenced my children and their children to a life of servitude, perversity, poverty, and slavery. You are my enemy. You are a traitor to our nation. I don’t give a tinker’s damn if you have a “D” or “R” after your name; you’ve pushed true, patriotic Americans to their limits for your personal gain. Worse, we let you. But I suspect that’s all about to change. “Beware the wrath of a patient man.”

Elections have consequences. To paraphrase Steve Bannon, stolen elections have catastrophic consequences. If you think the 2020 election was fair and Biden really did win, you’re an imbecile. If you believe that there was no fraud in the 2022 election, you’re a moron. If you think the upcoming 2024 election will be fair, you’re a lost cause.

If your steady diet of information consists of cable TV news and the corporate print media, you are not merely uninformed but willingly misinformed. If you choose not to research current and historical events using reliable alternative sources, you deserve your upcoming servitude. If you choose to comply with yet another round of unconstitutional and nonsensical mandates such as mask-wearing, social distancing, and stay-at-home orders, then you are a brainwashed cuckhold. Resistance and non-compliance is the only answer. We must no longer tolerate the intolerable.

Consider the invasion of America. It’s the modern-day equivalent of the 1984 movie Red Dawn, without the parachutes, but at the invitation of an illegitimate, unelected regime facilitated by Communist organizations operating as charitable NGOs. EVERY such person and entity involved in the intake process of the criminal border crossers MUST be identified and prosecuted. EVERY federal official, state governor, state official, county official – everyone down to the drivers of the busses must be held to account by “WE, THE PEOPLE.”

I’m with Owen, who spent 47 days in federal prison as a political prisoner of Joseph Robinette Biden and the cuckold RINOs who are destroying our nation. We all owe Owen a debt of gratitude for having the balls to stand up and speak out. We ALL need to do this so we can avert bloodshed. WATCH:

HAGMANN P.I. (Doug Hagmann)
Private Investigator for over 35 years. TV Host, Radio Host and Author.

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