Guest: Craig Sawyer, Vets For Child Rescue (, joins Doug Hagmann to discuss a very disturbing issue regarding his entity’s operation in Millersville, TN. It is alleged that 71 arrest warrants issued by that police jurisdiction (as a result of a cooperative operation between V4CR and the local police) have been delayed due to a complaint filed by a television reporter from Channel 5 out of Nashville. Phil Williams, Chief Investigative Reporter for WTVF-TV, NewsChannel 5, allegedly filed a complaint with the TN Bureau of Investigation against the Millersville Police Department and is now demanding that Craig Sawyer answer a series of questions posed by Williams by the end of business today.
Craig Sawyer appeared today to answer Phil Williams’ questions, but also ask several of his own. First, we present the complete list of questions submitted by Craig Sawyer by Williams, which are embedded in an e-mail from Williams. We are presenting the entire email communication from Williams so readers have the full context of the communication, copied verbatim, minus any personal identifying information of V4CR staff:
If Mr. Sawyer interprets my request for an interview and opportunity for him to comment as a request for me to be interviewed by him or his allies, he is greatly mistaken. I am not interested in being interviewed by Mr. Sawyer nor any of his allies, nor am I interested in any sort of debate. Mr. Sawyer has falsely characterized my journalistic interest in Shawn Taylor and Millersville police as an “intent to obstruct justice” – not to mention his other numerous falsehoods about me – and I will not participate in his continuing effort to wage a propaganda war against me.
As noted in my communications with your organization, I am preparing a story and, in keeping with my responsibility to exercise due diligence, I am offering Mr. Sawyer an opportunity to answer MY questions before that story airs.
Below are the specific questions that I previously submitted to Mr. Sawyer and Mr. [REDACTED] in a separate email:
For the sake of transparency and to ensure that no one misconstrues the other, I would appreciate it if Mr. Sawyer or Mr. Sealey would answer these questions in writing by the end of business on Monday, August 19, 2024.
After V4CR has answered in writing, I would propose that we have a follow-up conversation about giving Mr. Sawyer an opportunity to provide the same answers via an on-camera Zoom interview.
I look forward to his response by the requested date/time.
Phil Williams, Chief Investigative Reporter
WTVF-TV, NewsChannel 5
474 James Robertson Pkwy, Nashville TN 37219
Voice: 615.248.5390
Below are the questions Mr. Sawyer is posing to Phil Williams:
Questions For Phil
What is your REAL motive for attacking Asst Police Chief Shawn Taylor?
Your initial claim was it was over a political podcast he did years ago, so why now? Why all the urgency all the sudden? Why didn’t you attack him way back then?
So now, you attacked Shawn, then you began attacking the Chief, then the Lead Detective. If your real target was Shawn. Why all the changes, unless the pending arrests were your problem?
Why did you try to take legal action to literally take Asst Chief Taylor’s badge – his livelihood – TWICE??
What business is it of yours whether law enforcement have any internal procedural discussions? How did that even come up on your radar?
You boasted that your reporting prompted TBI to investigate MPD. Did you think your contacts at TBI would shut down the 70 Millersville child predator arrests?
Why do you show no compassion for the child victims, who, according to the indicators in the warrants and NCMEC estimates, represent 4,970 children??
Are you coming after me now because it’s an election cycle & you’re out of legit material?
Are you coming after me now because your smear campaign and legal attacks on Shawn Taylor, the Chief and the Detective all failed to stop the 70 warrants?
How much reporting have you done on organized crime in the Nashville region in recent years?
Will you denounce & condemn the sexualization of children?
Will you denounce & condemn child rape?
Will you vow to support law enforcement who protect children and arrest their predators?
What would you say right now to the wicked souls who harm and traumatize children with sexual assault?
Are you worried about the names who will be caught in the 70 warrants? Have you been told to get rid of the “problem”?
Why are you so adverse to addressing the pedophile and child trafficking issue?
Why do you call everyone who genuinely works to protect children “conspiracy theorists”?
Haven’t you trapped yourself in your own agenda by highlighting the fact that 71 child predators were caught in Millersville, YOUR region?
And since the 71 arrest & warrants agitated you into such a frenzy, don’t you think the families of Nashville deserve to be alerted as to the level of child predation in their area?
The Governor & Attorney General both call Grant Solomon’s death a “homicide”. What is the nature of your relationship with Aaron Solomon and why haven’t you covered the highly-suspicious death of his son, Grant?
Do you vet your sources, Phil?
Because we know your 2 sources on this entire story, both felons & con artists. One has 36 arrests, both currently have criminal investigations and warrants by multiple agencies for felony theft, extortion, fraud and more.
This is an election cycle, Phil. Shouldn’t you be covering election integrity and other important issues, rather than child trafficking, which you claim is just a “conspiracy theory”?
FBI & TBI – Investigate Phil & Chan 5 to get to the bottom of this apparent organized crime coverup campaign.
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